SCAR Open Science Conference 03-07 August, 2020 — Hobart, Tasmania

General Information

Please consider submitting an abstract to the following session that is of interest to the Antarctic meteorology and climate community.

Session 4 Polar meteorology: short term climate variability

Conveners: David Bromwich, Steve Colwell, and Adriana Gulisano.


Studies of Antarctic and Southern Ocean atmospheric processes using observations and/or numerical models are encouraged, including dynamics, physics, and chemistry aspects, and extending from the surface to the stratosphere. Timescales are from diurnal to several years. Coupling of the atmosphere with the ocean, sea ice, and ice sheet is also of interest. The impact of large-scale modes of variability such as the Southern Annular Mode and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation are welcome topics. Examples of envisaged investigations include katabatic and barrier winds, cyclones and fronts, numerical weather prediction, drifting snow occurrence and impacts, etc. Presentations based on tools (observational, statistical, numerical, etc.) are welcome if they are applied to investigate particular atmospheric phenomena.

Abstracts are DUE Friday, March 6, 2020. 5pm AEST.

In the U.S. submission should be completed before the end of Thursday March 5, 2020, EST. Coming up next week.

We invite you to explore this website, and feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Background image provided by Josh Landis / NSF