Automatic Weather Stations - 2008

Regions:Years: Ross Ice Shelf
Stations (2008):

Gill AWS

Owner: UW AWS UW
Site Code: GIL
Initial Start Date: 1985-01-24
Info from Service Visit: 2005-02-02
Latitude: -79.922 S
Longitude: -178.586 W
Elevation: 54 meters
WMO ID: 89376

AWS Model: AWS2B
ARGOS ID: 8911
2008 Archive (FTP): 3-hourly | 10-minute

Station Records:
Max. Temp. (C) 3.9   2005-12-25
Min. Temp. (C) -65.4   2001-08-14
Max Wind (m/s) 25   2005-12-25
Max. Press. (mb) 1024.4   1999-06-17
Min. Press. (mb) 922   2007-08-15

Notes: Station was named for an Antarctic LC-130 pilot.

Tower raise and full new set of instruments on 2-2-11 (approximate ground time 2.25 hours)

Team: Jonathan and Melissa
Moral: Matthew and Jeffrey
Pilots: Brian and Jason

UNAVCO GPS was set out. Approximate times were 11:00-2:15.

It was about a 1.5 hour Twin Otter flight from Pegasus.

The lower temperature sensor and junction box were below the snow level. We removed all of the instruments from the station. The original heights were as follows:

Electronics box 24"
Solar panel: 68"
Boom: 99"
J-box: at the surface
Lower temp: below the surface

We added a 7' tower section and installed all new instruments. Two additional batteries were placed at the site. The telonics received a good transmission.

Final instrument heights:

Lower temp: 60"
RH: 85"
Electronics box: 87"
ADG: 138"
Upper temp: 190:
Aerovane: 204"