Automatic Weather Stations - 2013

Regions:Years: Ross Ice Shelf
Stations (2013):


Owner: UW AWS UW
Site Code: TOM
Initial Start Date: 2011-01-13
Info from Service Visit: 2011-11-15
Latitude: -84.428898917 S
Longitude: -171.477452861 W
Elevation: 79 meters

AWS Model:
ARGOS ID: 8919
2013 Archive (FTP): 3-hourly | 10-minute

Station Records:
Max. Temp. (C) 2.1   2011-12-24
Min. Temp. (C) -54.9   2012-08-11
Max Wind (m/s) 29.7   2011-12-24
Max. Press. (mb) 1013.1   2012-06-08
Min. Press. (mb) 951.5   2011-04-10

Notes: Installed on 1-13-11 (approximate ground time 1.5 hours)
Coordinates: -84.43, -171.46

Team: Melissa and Jonathan
Pilots: Randy and Travis

This was about a 20-30 minute flight from Priority #1. The ground is smooth. No crevasses in the immediate area (satellite imagery shows a crevasse area approximately 8.5 km to the south, southwest). The snow is more wind blown, with a crust layer in this area.

UNAVCO GPS was set out. Approximate times were 4:30-6:30 (very rough estimate).

A new station was installed with a 5' base and two 7' tower sections. The tower and guides have been installed approximately 2' into the snow. 2 sets of battery boxes were installed at this site. All instruments are the new style AWS. The enclosure number is 14633 and the Argos ID is 8919.

The final instrument heights are:

Lower temp: 145 cm
J-box: 217 cm
Enclosure: 260 cm
HMP: 307 cm
Boom (ADG and pyronometer): 372 cm
Upper temp: 527 cm
Aerovane: 560 cm