UW Automatic Weather Stations - 2025

Regions:Years: Ross Ice Shelf
Stations (2025):

Marilyn AWS

Former Name: Byrd Glacier
Owner: UW AWS UW
Site Code: MLN
Initial Start Date: 1984-01-16
Info from Service Visit: 2022-01-15
Latitude: -79.897 S
Longitude: 165.856 E
Elevation: 62 meters
WMO ID: 89869

AWS Model: AWSCR1000
ARGOS ID: 8934
Past 48hr: Text Data | Meteorogram
2025 Archive (FTP): 3-hourly | 10-minute

Station Records:
Max. Temp. (C) 4.9   2011-12-31
Min. Temp. (C) -58.5   2009-09-02
Max Wind (m/s) 33.8   2011-12-31
Max. Press. (mb) 1025.1   1999-06-17
Min. Press. (mb) 928.6   2016-09-14

Notes: Marilyn was formerly known as Byrd Glacier.

Aerovane (Belfort) replacement on 2-3-11 (approximate ground time 25 minutes)

Team: Jonathan and Melissa
UNAVCO: Marianne
Rigger: Erin and Dan
Pilots: Brian and Jason

UNAVCO GPS was set out. Approximate times were 11:40-12:00.

We flew by the Tall Tower site on the way out of McMurdo (about 35 minutes flight). The site was covered by fog. Erin was able to see the very top of the tower through the fog, but we were not able to land. We flew on to the Marilyn AWS site (about a 30 minute flight from Tall Tower).

The Belfort aerovane was replaced.

Instrument heights are:

J-box: 57"
Electronics box: 72"
Boom: 133"

The boom is oriented facing 316 deg.

Note: the tower is leaning quite a bit. A new tower should probably be installed at the next visit.



Marilyn site was visited on 1/23/09 by John Cassano and 3 RPSC personnel on a morale trip (Kris, Marty, and Joel).
The Twin Otter had difficulty locating this site. After circling for approximately 15 minutes we landed at the given lat/long and scanned the horizon for the AWS. We were unable to spot the AWS and then taxied approximately due east until we spotted the AWS. The Twin Otter GPS coordinates at the site were 79 deg 55.551 min S and 165 deg 29.511 min E.
UNAVCO GPS (#16414) deployed at site from 2:30 to 5:00PM

Upon arrival the height to bottom of:
Lower T boom: buried
Junction box: buried
Solar panel: 38"
AWS enclosure: mostly buried (top 7" exposed)
Upper boom: 58"

A new 7' tower section was added to this site.

New height to bottom of:
Lower T boom: Not retrieved (had not been connected when we arrived)
Junction box: 76"
Solar panel: 128"
AWS enclosure: 92"
Upper boom: 150"

After reinstalling all equipment transmission from the station was confirmed with Telonics.