UW Automatic Weather Stations - 2025

Regions:Years: Ross Island Vicinity
Stations (2025):

Ferrell AWS

Owner: UW AWS UW
Site Code: FER
Initial Start Date: 1980-12-10
Info from Service Visit: 2022-12-03
Latitude: -77.756 S
Longitude: 170.812 E
Elevation: 43 meters
WMO ID: 89872

AWS Model: AWSCR1000
ARGOS ID: 8947
Past 48hr: Text Data | Meteorogram
2025 Archive (FTP): 3-hourly | 10-minute

Station Records:
Max. Temp. (C) 5.6   2010-01-22
Min. Temp. (C) -58.3   1990-08-03
Max Wind (m/s) 36.6   2010-01-22
Max. Press. (mb) 1025.6   1981-08-15
Min. Press. (mb) 933   1993-07-19

Notes: Station was named for an Antarctic helicopter pilot.

Installation of a duplicate tower at Ferrell on 2-10-11 (approximate ground time 2.5 hours)

Team: Jonathan, Lee and Melissa
Pilot: Dean
Helo Tech: Roger

UNAVCO GPS was set out. Approximate times were 8:00 pm - 10:30 pm.

It was about a 45 minute 212 helo flight from McMurdo.

The instrument heights on the original tower are as follows:

Lower temp: 62 cm
ADG: 60 cm
Electronics box: 127 cm
ADG electronics box: 53 cm
ADG solar panel: 57 cm
Junction box: 27 cm
Solar panel: 201 cm
Boom: 277 cm

Boom oriented at 6 deg

The ADG, ADG electronics box, lower temperature and ADG solar panel were removed from this station. Otherwise this station remains as is.

We installed a full new station about "21 Jonathan paces" to the east of the original station. This station will be used to test the difference in measurements between the old style AWS station and the new style AWS station. A 5' and two 7' tower sections were installed. The tower and guides have been installed approximately 2-3 feet into the snow. Two sets of batteries and a full set of instruments were installed at this site.

The final instrument heights were:

Lower temp: 102 cm
J-box: 207 cm
Electronics box: 240 cm
ADG and pyronometer: 432 cm
Solar panel: 365 cm
Upper temp and HMP: 524 cm
Aerovane: 568 cm