UW Automatic Weather Stations - 2024

Regions:Years: West Antarctica
Stations (2024):

Byrd AWS

Former Name: Byrd Station
Owner: UW AWS UW
Site Code: BYD
Initial Start Date: 1980-02-05
Info from Service Visit: 2018-12-30
Latitude: -80.011 S
Longitude: -119.438 W
Elevation: 1,539 meters
WMO ID: 89324

AWS Model: AWS2B
ARGOS ID: 8903
2024 Archive (FTP): 3-hourly | 10-minute

Station Records:
Max. Temp. (C) 1.6   2005-01-06
Min. Temp. (C) -64.4   1985-07-18
Max Wind (m/s) 33.2   2005-01-06
Max. Press. (mb) 844.1   1995-06-08
Min. Press. (mb) 762.6   1993-09-24

Notes: This station was named for Richard Byrd, who was the first to fly over the South Pole.

Field Team: Lee Welhouse, Galit Sorokin, Andrew Lloyd, Katie Koster

Old instrumentation removed, new instrumentation installed.

Finished 1-18-2011

Multiple trips were taken to the station to ensure correct installation. On 1-14 a new prop was installed. Then the station was replaced with a new enclosure and instrumentation. 2 Batteries, the boom, the solar panel, enclosure, and junction box were recovered. One of the plugs was locked in place so the cable was cut. The old Boom height was at approximately 162 in. The new station was installed on 1-16, and an adjustment to the direction of the aerovane was performed on 1-19 to ensure prevailing wind did not occur in a dead spot in the potentiometer. Site was turned 180 degrees normal southern alignment.

Old heights:
Boom: 162 in
Solar Panel: 133 in
Junction: 105 in
Enclosure: 65 in

New instrument measurements.

Aerovane: 192 in
Upper temp: 144 in
RH: 144 in
Pyronometer:110 in
Lower Temp: 106 in
ADG:104 in