On the Ice

I launched a weather balloon!

On 31 December 2014 I launched a weather balloon! The weather observers do weather balloon (radiosonde) launches twice a day during the summer and once a day during winter here. I went with Carol and Elin to the Mac Weather … Continue reading

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Helo Flights to Ferrell, Laurie II, and Minna Bluff

Hello Everyone! It has been a busy week here in Antarctica, which started with Christmas Dinner last Thursday. Here on base, we had the 25th and 26th off so we were able to enjoy Christmas dinner together on Christmas day. … Continue reading

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Making Power Boxes and Hauling Heavy Things

Hello Again! Dave, Elin, and I have now been in Antarctica for a week! Unfortunately we haven’t been able to take any flights out to our sites in the past week due to cloudy skies and crowded scheduling for the … Continue reading

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CDC, LC_130 flight, and training

Hi everyone! Dave has already introduced me, but I’m Carol Costanza and I’m a research intern at the Antarctic Meteorological Research Center. This is my first time to Antarctica, so this past week has been a whirlwind of new and … Continue reading

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Back on the ice!

Hello again! I’m back on the ice for another fun-filled, busy, and cold Antarctic field season. I arrived here late in the evening yesterday, 17 December, at 8:45 pm. I came with a couple new helpers to the Automatic Weather … Continue reading

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The End of the Field Season

So, the last week of this field season went and got itself in a big hurry, so much so that I’m no longer on the ice as I write this last post for our 2013-2014 field season. There was a … Continue reading

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The Storm

At the end of my last blog post, I was updating you all on conditions from the storm as it was happening. It was very cool to be able to experience some intense Condition 2 weather in McMurdo. It’s amazing … Continue reading

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Ferrell AWS and Weather Cancellations

Back on 6 February, Lee and I finished our helo work for the season with our visit to Ferrell AWS. Earlier, we thought we had finished the helo work at Ferrell, but we’ve had difficulty with the freewave transmissions there. … Continue reading

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We got to Margaret AWS!

Lee and I took the Otter to Margaret AWS today, Monday 3 February. This station was installed in 2008 and had never been visited since. We knew that it was due to be raised, for two reasons: One, with stations … Continue reading

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An interesting way to reach Sabrina AWS

The Twin Otter work continued on Wednesday 29 January, as Lee and I were scheduled to reinstall Tom AWS, the one we had removed on 24 January. This AWS was to be moved to a new location. In our communication … Continue reading

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