On the Ice

First week in Antarctica

So it is that time of year again when we deploy to the Ice. It involves a long flight from Wisconsin to New Zealand, through Australia this year, to get our gear before heading to the ice. The flight was … Continue reading

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First days at McMurdo

Hello! This marks my first post to the On the Ice Blog for the 2012-2013 field season. It feels great to finally be down here, after some long, but relatively smooth, flights from the US to Sydney, Australia to Christchurch, … Continue reading

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South Pole’s Record Breaking Week…(Corrected!)

Here’s more on South Pole Stations record breaking week of weather (Courtesy of South Pole Meteorology Office): December 24th: The peak wind speed of 29 kts/33 mph broke the previous record of 28 kts/32 mph set in 1996. December 24th: … Continue reading

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Update on record high temperatures at South Pole and AWS sites…

Here is an update on the South Pole and nearby Nico and Henry Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) record high temperatures recorded on 25 December 2011: The prior record high temperature at South Pole was recorded on 27 December 1978, not … Continue reading

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Preliminary Report: Record Temperatures at South Pole (and nearby AWS sites…)

South Pole (and nearby AWS sites) have recorded record warm temperatures on December 25, 2011. South Pole Meteorology Office notes the following: “The temperature topped out at -12.3C/9.9F yesterday at 0250 UTC/1550 NZDT 12/25, not quite to 10F” University of Wisconsin Automatic Weather … Continue reading

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Visiting Stations

So it has been a while since I’ve updated, things have gotten quite busy here. In the past 2 weeks we’ve visited 5 stations,  I’m going to talk about the first 4 in this post and will have a separate … Continue reading

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On ice again

So we’ve made it down to the ice again. This year is a bit more involved than last year, which is why I will be down until mid to late January. So far the plan, which will inevitably change, is … Continue reading

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Byrd station

Sorry it has taken me so long to update.  Things have been a bit hectic here, and for a bit I was sick, but now I am back and ready to let everyone know about my first experience at a … Continue reading

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Sorry for the long time between updates, it has been rather hectic here, so this one will be a bit more comprehensive, unfortunately no pictures just yet(they’ll be put up in my next update which probably won’t be for a … Continue reading

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Hey everyone, so as it turns out comments aren’t notifying me properly so it makes it difficult to approve the comments I get.  They are notifying someone else  So in the interest of his email and peoples comments getting attention … Continue reading

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