########################################################################### # Notice on the use of Antarctic Meteorological Research Center data sets # ########################################################################### # The Antarctic Meteorological Research Center (AMRC) collects, archives # # and provides Antarctic meteorological observational data to the # # community and public for research, logistic, and educational activities.# # The AMRC requests acknowledgement for use of the data in any published # # work. See http://amrc.ssec.wisc.edu/acknowledgement.html for details on # # how to acknowledge AMRC data, displays or information. # # If the AMRC data are critical to the work, co-authorship may be # # appropriate. Please contact the AMRC in such a case. # # # # AMRC Contact Information: # # Address: 947 Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences Building # # 1225 West Dayton Street # # Madison, Wisconsin, USA 53706 # # Telephone: +1 (608) 262-0436 # # Fax: +1 (608) 263-6738 # # E-mail: amrc@ssec.wisc.edu # # Web: http://amrc.ssec.wisc.edu/ # # FTP: ftp://amrc.ssec.wisc.edu/ # # McIDAS ADDE: Group AMRC and ARCHIVE on aws.ssec.wisc.edu # # RAMADDA: https://amrc.ssec.wisc.edu/repository/ # # Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AMRCAWS # # Twitter: http://twitter.com/antmet # # YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/AMRCantmet # # Wikipedia: # # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antarctic_Meteorological_Research_Center # # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antarctic_Automatic_Weather_Stations_Project # # # Updated: 15 July 2013 # # # ########################################################################### For information on updates made during the calendar year 1996, consult the file 'readme.updates.old'. For updates during the calendar years 1994-95, consult 'readme.updates.oldest'. The updates listed here and in those files mentioned above apply only to the ten-minute interval data and may refer to files or directories which have since been moved, removed, or replaced. Any questions you may have can be directed to amrc@ssec.wisc.edu. 10/01/15 -- Duplicate files have been named in order to avoid using an 'x'. Now all duplicate files are written starting with a 7 instead 8. 07/15/13 -- All available Antarctic data updated to June, 2013 have been added. 08/17/11 -- All available Antarctic data for July, 2011 have been added. 07/20/11 -- All available Antarctic data for June, 2011 have been added. 06/10/11 -- All available Antarctic data for May, 2011 have been added. 05/11/11 -- All available Antarctic data for April, 2011 have been added. 05/09/11 -- Data for Gill (08911) and Thurston Island (08930) were updated for March, 2011 to correct the wind direction. Data for Lorne (21356) were updated for March, 2011 to correct a problem with the temperature. 04/28/11 -- Data for Hugo Island (08935) were reprocessed for March, 2011. 04/25/11 -- Wind direction was corrected for Cape Denison for March, 2011. 04/13/11 -- All available Antarctic data for March, 2011 have been added. 03/21/11 -- Data for new/repaired stations for January and February, 2011 have been added. 03/15/11 -- All available Antarctic data for February, 2011 have been added. 02/14/11 -- All available Antarctic data for January, 2011 have been added. 01/19/11 -- All available Antarctic data for December, 2010 have been added. 12/15/10 -- All available Antarctic data for November, 2010 have been added. 12/07/10 -- Pressure data for Bonaparte Point (8912) have been removed for 1996. Pressure data will be replaced if a correction is found. 11/12/10 -- All available Antarctic data for October, 2010 have been added. 10/11/10 -- All available Antarctic data for September, 2010 have been added. 10/08/10 -- Data for Byrd (08903) have been replaced for February, 2004 through December, 2008 and January, 2010 through July, 2010 to correct a problem with the wind direction. Data for 2009 were replaced earlier. 10/01/10 -- Data for Byrd (08903) have been replaced for 2009 to correct a problem with the wind direction. 09/15/10 -- All available Antarctic data for August, 2010 have been added. 08/31/10 -- Data for Willie Field (30477) for 2009 have been replaced to add wind values for January through May and just wind speed for June through December due to a loose shaft on the aerovane. 08/12/10 -- All available Antarctic data for July, 2010 have been added. 07/13/10 -- All available Antarctic data for June, 2010 have been added. 06/11/10 -- All available Antarctic data for May, 2010 have been added. 05/28/10 -- All available Antarctic data for April, 2010 have been added. 05/26/10 -- All data for April, May, and June 2004 have been replaced to fix wind directions that read 0 instead of 360. 04/26/10 -- Data for Swithinbank (08927) for November, 2009 through March, 2010 have been replaced to remove erroneous pressure values. 04/19/10 -- All available Antarctic data for February and March, 2010 have been added. Data for D-47 (08916) have been replaced for February, 2010. 03/30/10 -- Data for Dome Fuji (08904) and Relay Station (08918) have been replaced to correct the wind speed. 03/19/10 -- Data for Pegasus North (08923) have been added for February through September, 2009. Only the temperature data is available. 03/17/10 -- All available Antarctic data for February, 2010 have been added. Dome Fuji (08904), Elaine (21357), Relay Station (08918), E-66, and D-47 (08947) have been added and/or replaced for January, 2010. 03/11/10 -- Willie Field (30477) data have been removed for all of 2009 and January 2010 due to an instrumention problem with the pressure and a possible problem with the wind direction. 02/22/10 -- All available Antarctic data for January, 2010 have been added. 01/13/10 -- All available Antarctic data for December, 2009 have been added. 12/15/09 -- All available Antarctic data for November, 2009 have been added. 11/19/09 -- Data for Bonaparte Point (08921) have been replaced for March, 2008 through October, 2009 to correct the wind direction. Data for Swithinbank (08927) and Willie Field (30477) for July through October, 2009 have been replace to remove erroneous pressure values. Data for Pegasus North (08937) have been replaced for September and October, 2009 to remove erroneous wind speed and direction. 11/13/09 -- All available Antarctic data for October, 2009 have been added. 10/15/09 -- All available Antarctic data for September, 2009 have been added. 09/28/09 -- All available Antarctic data for July, 2009 have been replaced because 2 days were missing from the original data. 09/15/09 -- All available Antarctic data for August, 2009 have been added. 09/03/09 -- Test data were removed from Baldrick (09116) for January, 2008. 09/01/09 -- Data for Baldrick (09116) have been replaced for January, 2008 through February, 2009 to add some missing data. 08/11/09 -- All available Antarctic data for July, 2009 have been added. 07/17/09 -- Data for Margaret (08910) for November, 2008 through February, 2009 have been replaced to add some missing data. 07/10/09 -- All available Antarctic data for June, 2009 have been added. 06/12/09 -- All available Antarctic data for May, 2009 have been added. 06/11/09 -- All data for Relay Station (08918) for December, 2007 through April, 2009 have been removed. The station was damaged in transit and is not transmitting properly. 05/14/09 -- All available Antarctic data for April, 2009 have been added. 04/15/09 -- All available Antarctic data for March, 2009 have been added. 04/13/09 -- Data for 21357 and 21364 have been replaced and x1364 has been added for January to separate stations which were replaced with active number. 21357 moved from Pegasus North to Elaine, 21364 is Willie Field and x1364 is Kominko-Slade. 03/30/09 -- Data for Fossil Bluff (08920) have been replaced for January, 2006 through February, 2009. Data for Butler Island (08902), Limbert (08925), Sky Blu (08917), and Larsen Ice Shelf (08926) have been replaced for January, 2007 through February, 2009. A change in processing has added many new observations. 03/17/09 -- Data for Bonaparte Point (08921) have been replaced for March through December, 2008 and January and February, 2009 to fix a problem with the wind speed. 03/12/09 -- All available Antarctic data for February, 2009 have been added. 03/10/09 -- Data for Sky-Blu (08917) have been replaced for January, March, April, September, October, and December, 2007 and March, May, June, July, and August, 2008 to fix a problem with the pressure. 02/18/09 -- All available Antarctic data for January, 2009 have been added. 01/20/09 -- Data for Lorne (21356) have been replaced for January, February, November, and December for 2007 and 2008 due to a calibration problem. 01/13/09 -- All available Antarctic data for December, 2008 have been added. 12/16/08 -- All available Antarctic data for November, 2008 have been added. 11/26/08 -- All available Antarctic data for October, 2008 have been added. Station name for 08912 has been changed from D-66A to E-66. 10/17/08 -- Data for Mary (08983) have been replaced for January through August, 2008. Data for Windless Bight (08982) have been replaced for November 2006 through August 2008. There was a time issue with the observations. 10/14/08 -- All available Antarctic data for September, 2008 have been added. 09/09/08 -- All available Antarctic data for August, 2008 have been added. 08/13/08 -- All available Antarctic data for July, 2008 have been added. 07/16/08 -- All available Antarctic data for May and June, 2008 have been added. May is a replacement because the last day of the month was missing. 06/19/08 -- All available Antarctic data for May, 2008 have been added. 05/16/08 -- Data for Bonaparte Point (8923) for 2001 through January, 2008 and 8921 for March and April, 2008 have been replaced to correct a processing error with the water temperature. 05/13/08 -- All available Antarctic data for April, 2008 have been added. 04/21/08 -- Data for Mt. Fleming (30393) have been added for 2008. 04/16/08 -- Data for October, 2007 have been replaced due to updated data from CLS America. 04/15/08 -- All available Antarctic data for March, 2008 have been added. 03/14/08 -- All available Antarctic data for February, 2008 have been added. 03/07/08 -- Data for November, 2007 have been replaced due to updated data from CLS America. 02/15/08 -- All available Antarctic data for January, 2008 have been added. 01/23/08 -- All available Antarctic data for December, 2007 have been added. 12/12/07 -- All available Antarctic data for November, 2007 have been added. 11/14/07 -- All available Antarctic data for October, 2007 have been added. 10/11/07 -- All available Antarctic data for September, 2007 have been added. 09/14/07 -- All available Antarctic data for August, 2007 have been added. 08/10/07 -- All available Antarctic data for July, 2007 have been added. 07/16/07 -- All available Antarctic data for June, 2007 have been added. 07/13/07 -- Data for Mary (8983) for Jan. 2005 through Oct. 2006 have been replaced to correct the pressure. 06/18/07 -- All available Antarctic data for May, 2007 have been added. 05/14/07 -- All available Antarctic data for April, 2007 have been added. 04/30/07 -- Data for Lettau (8908/8928) have been replaced for January, February, and March of 2007 to correct the pressure. 04/11/07 -- All available Antarctic data for March, 2007 have been added. 03/19/07 -- Data for Emilia (8980) have been added for 2007. 03/16/07 -- Namelist07 has been updated. 03/15/07 -- All available Antarctic data for February, 2007 have been added. The namelist07 file will be updated on a future date. 02/13/07 -- All available Antarctic data for January, 2007 have been added. 01/26/07 -- Kominko-Slade (8936) has been updated for all of 2006 to fix a processing error with the winds. 01/16/07 -- All available Antarctic data for December, 2006 have been added. 12/12/06 -- All available Antarctic data for November, 2006 have been added. 11/13/06 -- All available Antarctic data for October, 2006 have been added. 10/17/06 -- All available Antarctic data for September, 2006 have been added. 09/18/06 -- All available Antarctic data for August, 2006 have been added. 08/16/06 -- All available Antarctic data for July, 2006 have been added. 07/20/06 -- All available Antarctic data for June, 2006 have been added. 06/15/06 -- All available Antarctic data for May, 2006 have been added. 05/17/06 -- All available Antarctic data for April, 2006 have been added. 04/18/06 -- All available Antarctic data for March, 2006 have been added. 03/10/06 -- All available Antarctic data for February, 2006 have been 02/14/06 -- All available Antarctic data for January, 2006 have been added. 01/17/05 -- All available Antarctic data for December, 2005 have been added. 12/20/05 -- All available Antarctic data for November, 2005 have been added. 11/15/05 -- All available Antarctic data for October, 2005 have been added. 10/13/05 -- All available Antarctic data for September, 2005 have been added. 09/19/05 -- All available Antarctic data for August, 2005 have been added. 08/09/05 -- All available Antarctic data for July, 2005 have been added. 07/13/05 -- Several station files have been replaced or added to fix problems with the headers: for 2001, Kirkwood Is. (08930) and Dismal Is. (08932) were added for May, and the header for Marilyn (08934) for January was fixed; for 2002, Swithinbank (21355) and Brianna (08931) were added for January; for 2004, Minna Bluff (08939) was added for January and the header for Emilia (08928) was fixed for February; for 2005, D-47 (08947) was added for January, and 08986 was split for January so that D-10 was (x8986) and D-47 was (08986). Also the header was fixed for Vito (08695) and 08927 was removed. 07/11/05 -- All available Antarctic data for June, 2005 have been added. 06/14/05 -- All available Antarctic data for May, 2005 have been added. 05/11/05 -- The data for Carolyn (08722) have been replaced for February, 2005 through April, 2005 to fix a problem with the wind speed and direction. 05/09/05 -- All available Antarctic data for April, 2005 have been added. 05/06/05 -- The elevation for Butler Island (08902) for 2004 and 2005 has been corrected. 04/20/05 -- The data for February, 2001 through December, 2001 have been replaced to fix some incorrect information in some of the headers, better screen for bad data, and fix the wind speed and direction for Cape Spencer (08722). The corrections must be performed for 2002 through 2004 for Cape Spencer and will be posted as soon as they are completed. 04/12/05 -- All available Antarctic data for March, 2005 have been added. 03/15/05 -- All available Antarctic data for January and February, 2005 have been added. 02/28/05 -- The data for February, 2000 through December, 2000 have been replaced for 8909 (Port Martin) to correct the wind direction. 02/04/04 -- The header was replaced for 089340101.r. This station is Marilyn. 01/11/04 -- All available Antarctic data for December, 2004 have been added. 12/13/04 -- All available Antarctic data for November, 2004 have been added. 11/11/04 -- All available Antarctic data for October, 2004 have been added. 10/18/04 -- All available Antarctic data for September, 2004 have been added. 09/13/04 -- All available Antarctic data for August, 2004 have been added. 08/13/04 -- The data for December, 2003 through March, 2004 have been reprocessed to be sure calibration changes were incorporated. All available Antarctic data for July, 2004 have been added. 08/09/04 -- The data for 2001 through 2004 have been corrected. A wind direction of 0 with a non-zero wind speed should be a direction of 360. 07/23/04 -- The file for 8913 (Schwerdtfeger) for October, 2000 actually contained data for 8915 (Elaine). The file has been properly labeled and data for 8913 have been added. 07/13/04 -- All available Antarctic data for June, 2004 have been added. 06/09/04 -- All available Antarctic data for May, 2004 have been added. 05/18/04 -- All available Antarctic data for April, 2004 have been added. 05/03/04 -- Data for Vito (08722) and Emilia (08928) have been added for February, 2004. 04/12/04 -- All available Antarctic data for March, 2004 have been added. 03/12/04 -- All available Antarctic data for February, 2004 have been added. 02/19/04 -- Data for Harry (8900) have been added for July, 2000. The file for July actually contained August data. 02/10/04 -- All available Antarctic data for January, 2004 have been added. 01/12/04 -- All available Antarctic data for December, 2003 have been added. 12/05/03 -- All available Antarctic data for November, 2003 have been added. 11/12/03 -- All available Antarctic data for October, 2003 have been added. 10/09/03 -- All available Antarctic data for September, 2003 have been added. 10/03/03 -- Data for 8939 (Sutton) have been replaced for February, 2000 to add missing data. 09/25/03 -- Data for 8918 (Relay Station) for 2001, 2002, and 2003 have been replaced. A processing error resulted in incorrect wind directions. Station numbers for January through July, 2001 have been converted to 5 digit numbers so that all of 2001 has the same format. 09/09/03 -- All available Antarctic data for August, 2003 have been added. 09/05/03 -- Data for 8917 (Sky Blu) for all of 1996, 1997, and 1998 have been replaced. A processing error resulted in the original set of data having many missing values. 08/18/03 -- Data for 8919 (Linda) for February, 2000 have been replaced due to missing observations. 08/14/03 -- All available Antarctic data for July, 2003 have been added. 08/12/03 -- Data for 8917 (Sky Blu) for all of 2000 have been replaced. A processing error resulted in the original set of data having many missing values. Data for 1996-1998 will be replaced in the future. Also 8913 (Schwerdtfeger) for February, 2000 has been replace due to some missing observations. 07/09/03 -- All available Antarctic data for June, 2003 have been added. 06/13/03 -- Data for 8722 and 8697 for all of 2000 have been replaced to correct the headers. 06/13/03 -- Data for Limbert (8925) for January 2000 have been removed because this station was undergoing testing at Rothera at this time. 06/11/03 -- Data for Lettau (8908) and Uranus Glacier (8920) for January, 2000 have been replaced because of errors in the original processing. 06/10/03 -- All available Antarctic data for May, 2003 have been added. 05/16/03 -- All available Antarctic data for April, 2003 have been added. 04/29/03 -- Santa Claus Island (1364) for May, 1999 was removed. 04/08/03 -- All available Antarctic data for March, 2003 have been added. 04/02/03 -- Data for Byrd (8903) were replaced for March, April, November and December, 2002. The wind direction was corrected. 03/28/03 -- Data for Byrd (8903) were replaced for November and December, 1999 and January - September, 2000. The wind speed and direction were not correct and were eliminated. 03/11/03 -- All available Antarctic data for February, 2003 have been added. 02/27/03 -- All available Antarctic data for January, 2003 have been added. 02/04/03 -- Data for 8917 (Sky Blu) for all of 1999 have been replaced. A processing error resulted in the original set of data having many missing values. Data for 1995-1998 will be replaced in the future. 01/16/03 -- All available Antarctic data for December, 2002 have been added. 12/12/02 -- All available Antarctic data for November, 2002 have been added. 12/05/02 -- Data for 8927 (Windless Bight) for September, 1999 were mislabeled. The data were really for 8928 (Pegasus North). Data for 8927 have been added. 11/14/02 -- All available Antarctic data for October, 2002 have been added. 10/09/02 -- All available Antarctic data for September, 2002 have been added. 10/01/02 -- The data labelled 89110799.r (Gill) is actually for 89120799.r (D-57). The labels have been corrected and Gill for July will be added. 09/17/02 -- All available Antarctic data for August, 2002 have been added. 08/21/02 -- All available Antarctic data for July, 2002 have been added. 07/19/02 -- All available Antarctic data for June, 2002 have been added. 06/25/02 -- All available Antarctic data for April and May 2002 have been added. Data for August, 2001 through March, 2002 are being replaced to correct some problems with the header information. 04/09/02 -- All available Antarctic data for March, 2002 have been added. 03/15/02 -- All available Antarctic data for January and February, 2002 have been added. 01/25/02 -- All available Antarctic data for December, 2001 have been added. 01/23/02 -- Data for Cape Denison (8907) for April and May of 1998 have been added. 12/14/01 -- All available Antarctic data for October through November, 2001 were added. 11/06/01 -- All available Antarctic data for August and September 2001 were added. 09/06/01 -- All Mizuho (21359) site data for 2000 and 2001 were updated with correct versions (prior versions had problem with the pressure calibration) 09/05/01 -- All available Antarctic data for July 2001 were added. 08/14/01 -- All available Antarctic data for June 2001 were added. 06/25/01 -- All available Antarctic data for May 2001 were added. 06/05/01 -- All available Antarctic data for April 2001 were added. 05/03/01 -- All available Antarctic data for February and March 2001 were added. 03/05/01 -- All available Antarctic data for January 2001 were added. 03/09/01 -- All available Antarctic data for June through December 2000 were added. 01/31/01 -- Partial file for Siple Dome May 2000 has been fixed. 01/31/01 -- All available Antarctic data for May 2000 were added (exception are Bonaparte Point and a partial file for Siple Dome) 11/16/00 -- All available Antarctic data for April 2000 were added. 11/06/00 -- All available Antarctic data for March 2000 were added. 09/07/00 -- All available Antarctic data for December 1999 and January and February 2000 were added. 02/15/99 -- All available Antarctic data for November 1999 were added. 11/05/99 -- All available Antarctic data for October 1999 were added. 10/20/99 -- All available Antarctic data for September 1999 were added. 10/12/99 -- All available Antarctic data for August 1999 were added. 09/20/99 -- All available Antarctic data for July 1999 were added. 07/13/99 -- All available Antarctic data for June 1999 were added. 06/14/99 -- All available Antarctic data for May 1999 were added. 06/03/99 -- Marilyn (8931) for January 1996 through April 1999 have been replaced with updated versions. 06/02/99 -- Gill (8911) for January 1996 through April 1999 have been replaced with updated versions. 05/11/99 -- Pegasus North (8928) for January - March 1999 and Cape Bird (8901) for March 1999 were replaced with updated versions. Pegasus North (8928) and Cape Bird (8901) for April 1999 were added. 05/07/99 -- Most available Antarctic data for April 1999 were added. 04/20/98 -- Linda (8919) for January 1998 - March 1999 have been replaced with updated versions. 04/13/98 -- All available Antarctic data for March 1999 were added. 04/12/98 -- Sutton (8939) for March 1998 was added. 03/16/98 -- Siple Dome (8938) for January - February 1999, along with White Out (8697) and White Island (8722) for December 1998 - February 1999, were added. 03/10/99 -- Siple Dome (8900) for 1997 - 1998 have been replaced with updated versions. 03/09/99 -- Bonaparte Point (8923) for 1997 and 1998 have been replaced with updated versions. Kenton (8922) for June 1989 through December 1990, GRIP (8937) for August 1989, Barber (8939) and Klinck (8938) for 1990, have been replaced with updated versions to update some header information. 03/05/99 -- Elizabeth (21361) for February 1996 - December 1998, and Bonaparte Point (8923) for December 1996, were replaced with updated versions. 03/04/99 -- Sutton (8939) for February 1998 added. 03/03/99 -- Most available Antarctic data for February 1999, added. 02/26/99 -- Data for stations 21360 - 21364 for January 1999, added. 02/25/99 -- Most available Antarctic data for January 1999, added. 02/23/99 -- Penguin Point (8910) for December 1998, added. 02/16/99 -- Manning (8905) for January 1984 - January 1986, and Windless Bight (8918) for January 1985 - January 1986, have been replaced with updated versions to update header information. 02/11/99 -- Cape Denison (8933) for 1990-1994, (8907) for 1995-1996, Jimmy (8927) for Jan 87-Jan 88, (8901) for Jan 88-Jan 89, (8915) for Jan 89-Jan 90, were replaced with updated versions to update the header information. 02/10/99 -- Willie Field (8901) and Windless Bight (marked as x901) for December 1998 have been added. 02/08/99 -- Sutton (8939) for January 1998 added. 02/04/99 -- Sushila (8921) for 1989-1991 and Minna Bluff (8935) for 1991, (8915) for 1992-1993, and (8988) for 1994-1995, were replaced with updated versions to correct header errors. 02/03/99 -- Willie Field (8901) for all of 1992-1994 and 1996-1998, Martha I (8923) for 1985-1987, Sushila (8921) for 1988, were replaced with updated versions to correct header errors. 02/02/99 -- Santa Claus Island (8910) for December 1995 and Pegasus (8911) for January - October 1989 were replaced with updated versions to correct header errors. 01/14/99 -- All available December 1998 Antarctic data (except for 8901 and 8910) were added. 01/12/99 -- Sutton (8939) for December 1997 added. 12/08/98 -- All available November 1998 Antarctic data added. 12/04/98 -- Port Martin (8930) and Sutton (8939) for November 1997 were added. 11/06/98 -- All available October 1998 Antarctic data added. 10/12/98 -- All available September 1998 Antarctic data added. 09/10/98 -- All available August 1998 Antarctic data added. 09/09/98 -- Cape Denison (8907) and Sutton (8939) for August 1997 were added. 08/18/98 -- Cape Denison (8907) and Sutton (8939) for July 1997 were added. 08/06/98 -- Limbert (8925) for November 1995 has been added. 08/04/98 -- All available July 1998 Antarctic data added. Bonaparte Point (8923) for April 1998 was replaced with an updated version. 07/09/98 -- All available June 1998 Antarctic data added. 07/02/98 -- Kenton (8928) for June 1998 was added. 06/12/98 -- All available May 1998 Antarctic data added. 06/11/98 -- Kenton (8928) for May 1998 was added. Cape Denison (8907) and Sutton (8939) for April and May of 1997, as well as Port Martin (8930) for April 1997, were added. 05/05/98 -- All available April 1998 Antarctic data were added. 05/04/98 -- Kenton (8928) for April 1998 was added. 04/14/98 -- D-47 (8986) for February - March 1998 was added. 04/08/98 -- Cape Denison (8907), Port Martin (8930), Cape Webb (8933), and Sutton (8939) for March 1997 were added. All available March 1998 Antarctic data were also added. D-10 (8914) for January - February 1998 were also added. 04/07/98 -- Kenton (8928) for March 1998 was added. 04/06/98 -- Cape Denison (8907), Port Martin (8930), Cape Webb (8933), and Sutton (8939) for January - February 1997 were added. 03/03/98 -- Kenton (8928) for February 1998 was added. All available February 1998 Antarctic data were also added. 02/05/98 -- All available January 1998 Antarctic data were added. 02/03/98 -- Kenton (8928) for January 1998 was added. 01/28/98 -- Pegasus North (8927) for May 1992 was replaced with an updated version due to inaccurate header information. 01/27/98 -- Linda (8909) for April of 1993 was replaced with an updated version due to inaccurate header information. 01/23/98 -- Cape Denison (8907), Port Martin (8930), Cape Webb (8933), and Sutton (8939) for December 1996 were added. 01/09/98 -- All available December 1997 Antarctic data were added. 01/08/98 -- Kenton (8928) for December 1997 was added. 12/08/97 -- Cape Denison (8907), Port Martin (8930), Cape Webb (8933), and Sutton (8939) for November 1996 were added. 12/04/97 -- All available November 1997 Antarctic data were added. 12/03/97 -- Kenton (8928) for November 1997 was added. 11/21/97 -- Kenton (8922) for April-December 1995 were removed. 11/19/97 -- Relay Point (8918) was re-renamed Relay Station. The data now reflects the change. 11/18/97 -- Butler Island (8902) for December 1995 - March 1996 were replaced with updated versions. 11/13/97 -- Cape Denison (8907), Port Martin (8930), Cape Webb (8933), and Sutton (8939) for October 1996 were added. 11/11/97 -- Cape Denison (8907), Port Martin (8930), Cape Webb (8933), and Sutton (8939) for September 1996 were added. 11/06/97 -- All available October 1997 Antarctic data were added. 11/05/97 -- Kenton (8928) for October 1997 was added. 10/31/97 -- Clean Air (8987) for January 1994-August 1997 have been replaced with updated versions, adding more vertical temperature difference data. 10/30/97 -- Pegasus South (8937) for January 1991-August 1997 have been replaced with updated versions, adding more vertical temperature difference data. 10/10/97 -- Kenton (8922) for March-July 1996 was removed as the data was essentially all bad/useless. 10/06/97 -- All available September 1997 Antarctic and Greenland data were added. 09/30/97 -- GISP2 (8936) for all of 1989-1990, January-August 1991, June-December 1992, and all of 1993-1997 have been replaced with updated versions, adding more vertical temperature difference data. 09/25/97 -- Whitlock for all of 1993 (8925) and 1994 through August of 1997 (8921) were replaced with updated versions. 09/24/97 -- Bonaparte Point (8912) for January 1992 - July 1996 have been replaced with updated versions, adding more water temperature data. The header information on Bonaparte Point for all of 1992 and 1993 was fixed. D-10 (21364) for December 1995 and January 1996 were replaced with updated versions. Limbert (8925) for December 1995 through August 1997 were also replaced with updated versions. 09/12/97 -- Santa Claus Island and Bonaparte Point for December 1996 - August 1997 were replaced again with updated versions. Cape Denison (8907), Port Martin (8930), Cape Webb (8933), and Sutton (8939) for August 1996 were added. 09/11/97 -- Santa Claus Island (21364) and Bonaparte Point (8923) data for December 1996 through August 1997 have been replaced with updated versions. 09/10/97 -- Clean Air (8987) for September 1996 through July 1997 were replaced with updated versions. Clean Air for August 1997 was added to the site. 09/04/97 -- All available Antarctic and Greenland data for August 1997 have been added. 08/14/97 -- Cape Denison (8907), Port Martin (8930), Cape Webb (8933), and Sutton (8939) for July 1996 were added. 08/13/97 -- All available Antarctic data for July 1997 have been added. 08/12/97 -- Cape Denison (8907), Port Martin (8930), Cape Webb (8933), and Sutton (8939) for June 1996 were added. 08/06/97 -- All available Greenland data for July 1997 have been added. Data for Kenton (8922) for January-February 1996 have been removed. 07/22/97 -- Data file '13610196.r' was removed. 07/09/97 -- All available Antarctic data for June 1997 have been added. 07/08/97 -- All available Greenland data for June 1997 have been added. 07/01/97 -- Cape Denison (8907) and Sutton (8939) for May 1996 were added. 06/25/97 -- Cape Denison (8907), Port Martin (8930), Cape Webb (8933), and Sutton (8939) for April 1996 were added. 06/20/97 -- Cape Denison (8907), Port Martin (8930), Cape Webb (8933), and Sutton (8939) for March 1996 were added. 06/06/97 -- Cape Denison (8907), Port Martin (8930), Cape Webb (8933), and Sutton (8939) for February 1996 were added. 06/03/97 -- All available Antarctic data for May 1997 have been added. 06/02/97 -- All available Greenland data for May 1997 have been added. 05/28/97 -- Cape Denison (8907), Port Martin (8930), Cape Webb (8933), and Sutton (8939) for January 1996 were added. 05/22/97 -- Cape Denison (8907), Port Martin (8930), and Cape Webb (8933) for December 1995 were added. 05/14/97 -- All available Antarctic data for April 1997 have been added. 05/12/97 -- Relay Point (8918) data for February 1995 through March 1997 were replaced with updated versions. All available Greenland data for April 1997 have been added. 04/23/97 -- D-10 (21364) for December 1995 and January 1996 were added. 04/11/97 -- Bonaparte Point (8912) and Butler Island (8902) for November 1995 have been replaced with updated versions. 04/10/97 -- Pegasus North (8927) for September 1996 has been replaced with a corrected version. 04/08/97 -- All available Antarctic data for March 1997 have been added. 04/07/97 -- All available Greenland data for March 1997 have been added. 03/20/97 -- All available February 1997 Antarctic data have been added. 03/17/97 -- All available January 1997 Antarctic data have been added. 03/12/97 -- December 1996 data for Bonaparte Point (8923) and Santa Claus Island (21364) have been added to the site. 03/06/97 -- Data for all available Greenland stations for February 1997 have been added to the site. Bonaparte Point (8912) data for February through July of 1996 have been added. 02/06/97 -- Data for all available Greenland stations for January 1997 have been added to the site. 01/10/97 -- All data presently available for Antarctica for December 1996 is now on the site. 01/08/97 -- Data for Kenton (8928) for December 1996 was added. 01/07/97 -- Data for seven selected Antarctic stations for December 1996 added.