########################################################################### # Notice on the use of Antarctic Meteorological Research Center data sets # ########################################################################### # The Antarctic Meteorological Research Center (AMRC) collects, archives # # and provides Antarctic meteorological observational data to the # # community and public for research, logistic, and educational activities.# # The AMRC requests acknowledgement for use of the data in any published # # work. See http://amrc.ssec.wisc.edu/acknowledgement.html for details on # # how to acknowledge AMRC data, displays or information. # # If the AMRC data are critical to the work, co-authorship may be # # appropriate. Please contact the AMRC in such a case. # # # # AMRC Contact Information: # # Address: 947 Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences Building # # 1225 West Dayton Street # # Madison, Wisconsin, USA 53706 # # Telephone: +1 (608) 262-0436 # # Fax: +1 (608) 263-6738 # # E-mail: amrc@ssec.wisc.edu # # Web: http://amrc.ssec.wisc.edu/ # # FTP: ftp://amrc.ssec.wisc.edu/ # # McIDAS ADDE: Group AMRC and ARCHIVE on aws.ssec.wisc.edu # # RAMADDA: https://amrc.ssec.wisc.edu/repository/ # # Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AMRCAWS # # Twitter: http://twitter.com/antmet # # YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/AMRCantmet # # Wikipedia: # # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antarctic_Meteorological_Research_Center # # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antarctic_Automatic_Weather_Stations_Project # # # Updated: 15 July 2013 # # # ########################################################################### For site updates during the 1994-95 calendar years, please consult the file "readme.updates.oldest" in pub/10min/rdr on this site. For updates made during the calendar year 1997, consult 'readme.updates'. This file contains the list of changes/updates made to our ten minute interval data during the calendar year 1996 and may refer to files or directories that have since been moved, removed, or replaced. Questions can be directed to amrc@ssec.wisc.edu. 12/26/96 -- Data for Cape Denison (8907), Port Martin (8930), and Sutton (8939) for November 1995 added. 12/06/96 -- All available Antarctic data for November 1996 have been added to the site. 12/05/96 -- All available Greenland data for November 1996 have been added to the site. Cape Denison (8907), Port Martin (8930), and Sutton (8939) data added for October 1995. 11/15/96 -- GRIP (8937) for August of 1989 was replaced; the header info was adjusted. 11/13/96 -- All available Antarctic data for October 1996 have been added to the site. 11/12/96 -- Pegasus South (8937) for 1992-1993 has been replaced with updated versions. All available October 1996 Greenland data was added to the site. 11/08/96 -- Pegasus South (8937) for 1994-1995 has been replaced with updated versions. Pegasus South (8937) for January-September 1996 was added to the site. 11/06/96 -- Pegasus North (8927) for 1990-1995 has been replaced with updated versions. There is an intermittent calibration error with the air pressure and we are working to correct it. In the interim, we've replaced the pressure data with missing data fillers (444.0). Data for Pegasus North (8927) has been added, minus air pressure of course, for December 1995 through September 1996. 10/16/96 -- Relay Point (8918) for September 1996 replaced with an updated version. 10/08/96 -- All available September 1996 Greenland data was added to the site. 10/07/96 -- Cape Denison (8907), Port Martin (8930), Cape Webb (8933), and Sutton (8939) ten-minute data was added for August 1995. 09/13/96 -- Relay Point (8918) for August '96 was replaced with an updated version. 09/12/96 -- All but two sites in Antarctica for August 1996 were added to the site. 09/11/96 -- All available August 1996 Greenland data was added to the site. All Cape Denison (8933/8907), Port Martin (8930), and Cape Webb (8933) data added for 1994. All Cape Denison (8907), Port Martin, Cape Webb, and Sutton (8939) data for January-July 1995 was also added to the site. 08/23/96 -- Relay Point data replaced for 1995-1996 due to wind direction calibration error. 08/14/96 -- All but three sites in Antarctica for July 1996 were added to the site. 08/09/96 -- All available July 1996 Greenland data was added to the site. 08/08/96 -- All but three sites in Antarctica for June 1996 were added to the site. 08/07/96 -- All available June 1996 Greenland data was added to the site. 08/02/96 -- Marble Point (8906) for June and July of 1996 was added to this site. 07/19/96 -- Kenton (8922) for March of 1995 removed as it was determined that the data was all essentially bad/useless. 06/26/96 -- All but three sites in Antarctica for May 1996 added to the site. 06/24/96 -- All but three sites in Antarctica for April 1996 added to the site. All available May 1996 Greenland data added to the site. 06/21/96 -- All available April 1996 Greenland data added to the site. 06/20/96 -- All but three sites in Antarctica for March 1996 added to the site. D-47 (8986) added for February 1996. Relay Station (8918) has been renamed Relay Point. All data (February 1995-on) for the site now reflects the change. 06/19/96 -- All available March 1996 Greenland data added to the site. 06/11/96 -- March-May 1996 for Marble Point (8906) and Minna Bluff (8988) added to the site. 06/06/96 -- All available Greenland data, and all but four sites in Antarctica, were added to the site for February 1996. 05/28/96 -- Most of the remaining data for January 1996 was added to the site. 05/23/96 -- Three stations (Elaine (8900), Gill (8911), Schwerdtfeger (8913)) were added for January 1996. 05/22/96 -- Most of the remaining December 1995 data is now on the site. Due to space limitations, all .tar.Z and .zip archives have been removed indefinitely. 05/21/96 -- 1984 data for D-80 (8900, September and October), Meeley (8915, May), and Marilyn (8921, December) added to the ftp site. Compressed archives removed pending upgrade. 1995 data for Linda site (8909) added for November 1995. 05/16/96 -- Clean Air (8987) replaced for January 1994 through January 1996, due to a calibration error involving the vertical temperature difference data. Monthly .tar.Z and .zip archives for that time period removed pending their upgrade. 05/13/96 -- Header information updated for Antarctic data for January 1996, and for Marble Point of 1995. 05/10/96 -- Dome Fuji (8982) replaced for March 1995 through January 1996. Racer Rock (8947) replaced for August 1995 through January 1996. 05/09/96 -- Monthly .tar.Z and .zip archives replaced for December 1992. Dome Fuji (8982) was replaced for February 1995. Monthly .tar.Z and .zip archives replaced for all of 1993. 05/08/96 -- Monthly .tar.Z and .zip archives replaced for June-November 1992. GISP2 (8936) data replaced for December 1992 through December 1993. Monthly .tar.Z and .zip archives replaced for all of 1994. 05/07/96 -- Clean Air (8987) data replaced for January 1994 through January 1996; humidity and vertical temperature difference data was added. 05/02/96 -- GISP2 (8936) data replaced for January 1994 through January 1996. Monthly .tar.Z and .zip archives for that time period removed pending their upgrade. 04/29/96 -- GISP2 (8936) data replaced for June-December 1992. Monthly .tar.Z and .zip archives for that time period removed pending their upgrade. Hugo Island AWS renamed Santa Claus Island (8910); files for the affected time periods (December 1994 -November 1995) renamed as appropriate. Monthly .tar.Z and .zip archives for the time period removed pending their upgrade. 04/26/96 -- GISP2 (8936) data added for July-August 1991. Monthly .tar.Z and .zip archives replaced for all of 1991. 04/25/96 -- GISP2 (8936) data added for January-June 1991. 04/24/96 -- Monthly .zip archives replaced for June-December 1989. Monthly .tar.Z and .zip archives replaced for all of 1990. Pegasus South (8937) data added for all of 1991. Monthly .tar.Z and .zip archives removed for 1991 to facilitate their upgrade. 04/23/96 -- GISP2 (8936) data added for all of 1990. Monthly .tar.Z and .zip archives removed to facilitate their upgrade. Monthly .tar.Z archives replaced for June-December 1989. GRIP (8937) data added for March-July 1990. 04/22/96 -- GRIP (8937) data added for August-November 1989. Data for GISP2 (8936) for June, September, and December 1989 was replaced with updated versions. 04/18/96 -- GISP2 (8936) data added for June-December 1989. Monthly .tar.Z and .zip archives pulled to facilitate their upgrading. 04/12/96 -- Kenton (8922) for February 1995 removed as the data was essentially all bad/useless. Selected stations added for January 1996. 04/09/96 -- All available Greenland data for January 1996 added. 04/08/96 -- Barber (8928) and GISP2 (8936) for November 1995 replaced with corrected versions. 04/05/96 -- Kenton (8922) for November 1995 replaced with a corrected version. 04/04/96 -- Selected stations added for December 1995. 04/02/96 -- Monthly .tar.Z and .zip archives replaced for February 1995. Butler Island (8902) data replaced for January 1995 again. Monthly .tar.Z and .zip archives for January 1995 replaced again. 04/01/96 -- Butler Island (8902) data for February 1995 was replaced. 03/29/96 -- Monthly .tar.Z and .zip archives replaced for January 1995. 03/28/96 -- Monthly .tar.Z and .zip archives for June - December 1994 have been replaced. 03/25/96 -- Butler Island (8902) data for January 1995 was replaced. GISP2 (8936), Pegasus South (8937), and Clean Air (8987) data replaced for February-November of 1995, and GISP2 for December 1995. Monthly .tar.Z and .zip archives pulled for the affected time period as appropriate. 03/22/96 -- Butler Island (8902) data for November - December 1994 has been replaced with updated versions. The pressure was fixed after it was discovered the station had an incorrectly functioning oscillator. 03/21/96 -- Julie data (8986) for June 1994 - May 1995 replaced due to a calibration error with regard to wind direction. Monthly .tar.Z and .zip archives pulled for the above time period. 03/11/96 -- GISP2 (8936), Pegasus South (8937), and Clean Air (8987) data replaced for January 1995 with updated versions. 02/14/96 -- Clean Air (8987) data for January 1994 replaced with an updated version; previously missing pressure data restored. Monthly .zip files replaced for Jan-Oct 1995. January 1994 .tar.Z and .zip files replaced with updated versions. 02/13/96 -- Monthly .zip files replaced for 1993 and 1994. 02/09/96 -- Cape Denison (8933) and Port Martin (8930) data added for all of 1993. Willie Field (8901) data for 1994 and 1995 replaced with an adjustment to the elevation in the header made. Monthly .tar.Z files replaced for January 1993 through October 1995 with updated versions. 02/08/96 -- File 89860694.r (Julie) replaced with a corrected version. Whitlock for January 1995 replaced with a corrected version. 02/07/96 -- File 89860694.r (Julie) removed due to a problem with the pressure. 02/06/96 -- March-December 1984 10-minute data replaced. Monthly .tar.Z and .zip files replaced for those months as well. 02/01/96 -- Monthly .tar.Z and .zip archives replaced for June-December 1992. 01/31/96 -- March-December 1984 10-minute data pulled as it was discovered that the leap year was incorrectly accounted for. This includes .tar.Z and .zip archives found in the months directory for the aforementioned months. GISP2 (8936) site data added for June-December 1992 to 10min/rdr/1992. Monthly .tar.Z and .zip archives for those months temporarily removed to facilitate their updating. 01/08/96 -- Ten-minute data for the Greenland stations added for December 1995 to pub/10min/rdr/1995.