2. Manning Station ID#: 8905 Date: 25 Nov. 80 Julian day 330 Time: Departed McMurdo 2330 Z 24 Nov. Arrived old site 0000 Z. Arrived new site 0115 Z. Arrived McMurdo 0500 Z. Background: Old AWS site established in Nov 79 eleven km north of Minna Bluff, but has never been operational due to lack of electronics package. Tower had been damaged by torque resulting from wind-loading on tower-mounted box, and was replaced last season. Decision had been made to relocate site to an area south of Minna Bluff so that it would be situated in an undisturbed airflow for the prevailing southerly winds. RTG already in place at old site had to be moved to new site. RTG weighs 2,000 pounds. Equipment: See Section VI. for 4-man new RTG installation equipment and weights Weather: Scattered cirrus 20,000 feet. Trip: Smith, Evans, Paschal, and Savage departed in 2 helos piloted by Manning and Meeley. Set down at old site and Evans conducted RTG survey. Spent 45 minutes digging out RTG which was partially buried and severely iced up. Heavy ice picks and wrecking bars required. Snow surface here was sufficiently hard to allow helos to shut off engines and conserve fuel. Proceeded to new site with 3 passengers and all gear in one helo and 1 passenger and RTG as external load in second helo. Pilot reported that it took 100% power to lift RTG off the ground. This should be noted for future RTG moves. Also note that pilot must have special rating to transport the RTG's. Arrived at new site and made survey. Erected tower and made station operational without difficulty. Used hand held receiver that station was transmitting. Time to complete station installation about 3 hours. In order to prevent damage to tower from wind stress, a wooden frame was constructed around the electronics box and then anchored in the snow. Observations: The two thermometers used had been calibrated the previous day using ice water. Thermometer #1 is a -30 C to +50 C mercury-in-glass, and read 0.0 C in ice water. Thermometer #2 is a -80 C to +20 C alcohol-in-glass, and read 0.6 C in ice water. Both thermometers were taped to the tower at a height of 2 meters. The American Paulin System microbarometer PMB-1 was calibrated on 20 November 1980 against the aneroid barometer located in the McMurdo Weather Office. The aneroid had been calibrated by the Navy only one week earlier. time thermometer 1 thermometer 2 pressure 0322 Z -8.9 C -11.0 C 990.5 mb 0329 Z -8.8 C -10.9 C 990.1 mb 0355 Z -8.5 C -10.2 C 989.9 mb 0419 Z -9.1 C -11.1 C 989.9 mb 0432 Z -8.8 C -10.5 C 989.7 mb 0442 Z -8.8 C -10.9 C 989.7 mb 0456 Z -9.1 C -11.1 C 989.6 mb estimated wind speed: 5-8 knots estimated wind direction: West-northwest AWS Output: time temperature pressure wind 0530 Z -7.8 C 983.1 mb 309 deg at 6.9 kt 0520 Z -8.0 C 983.3 mb 0510 Z -5.9 C 982.9 mb 0500 Z -5.8 C 982.6 mb 0450 Z -5.9 C 982.7 mb mean wind speed: 6.3 knots mean wind direction: 309 degrees true signal strength: -116 dbm Notes: 1. The AWS output temperature is 3 to 5 degrees C warmer than the observed temperature. 2. The AWS output pressure is 7 mb lower than the observed pressure. Recommendations: 1. Careful calibration checks of all parameters should be conducted next season to verify accuracy of sensors. 2. Procedures for adjusting and/or replacing inaccurate sensors should be studied so that field changes may be made next season. How to Find: The site is located 11.8 kilometers (54.4 nautical miles) from McMurdo on a bearing of 178 degrees true. As you fly over Minna Bluff, the site is 11 nautical miles south of the highest part of the Bluff, and on a line connecting Observation Hill and the easternmost edge of Black Island.