8903 - Byrd Location: 80 degrees S, 120 degrees W. Elevation 1530 meters. Hex id: 8B1DC Power: 6 VDC supplied by RTG Aerovane: Old was 3-78-014. Wind direction polarity verified before removal. New is 00-00-01. Deployed: 8 December 81 0400 Z by Savage and Lt. Whitlock Parameter Input Test Set Output Difference temperature -12.8 C -12.9 C +0.1 C pressure 814.5 mb (Paulin) 811.4 mb -4.1 mb 812.4 mb (Byrd obs) 811.4 mb -1.0 mb inst wind speed 36.1 m/s * 43.2 m/s +19% inst wind direction N 0 deg ------- mean wind speed 1-2 m/s 1.1 m/s ? mean wind direction N 0 deg ------- voltage 6.4 volts 5.9 volts -0.5 volts * wind speed simulated by calibration voltage Modifications: 1. Minimum thermometer installed 2. Reflective temperature probe shroud and insulating bushing installed 3. Aerovane replaced Comments: 1. Pressure of 815.5 mb was obtained from the Paulin microbarometer carried with us from McMurdo. Pressure value of 812.4 mb was obtained from the Byrd Surface Camp microbarograph, and this should be a less accurate reading.