8905 - Manning Location: 78 degrees 46 minutes S, 161 degrees 04 minutes E. 11 nm south of Minna Bluff on the Ross Ice Shelf at an elevation 60 meters. Hex id: 8B25B Power: 6 VDC supplied by RTG Aerovane: Old was 00-00-01. Wind direction polarity verified before removal. Aerovane was missing the top washer which lowered the slip ring contacts and this may be significant since this station produced erratic wind speed data last year. New aerovane is 3-78-10, which was reworked after being removed from Marble Point the previous week. Deployed: 25 November 80 0400 Z by Savage, Pachal, Lt. Evans, and Lt. Cmmdr. Smith Field Calibration: 1 December 1981 0400 Z by Stearns, Savage, Thompson and Lt. Whitlock. Parameter Input Test Set Output Difference temperature -4.4 C -3.8 C +0.6 C pressure 977.2 mb 977.7 mb +0.5 mb inst wind speed 38.5 m/s * 43.5 m/s +13% inst wind direction WNW 314 deg ------- mean wind speed 1-3 m/s 3.0 m/s ? mean wind direction WNW 309 deg ------- RTG voltage 6.3 VDC 5.1 VDC -1.2 VDC * Wind speed simulated by calibration voltage Modifications: 1. Minimum thermometer installed. 2. Reflective temperature probe shroud and insulating bushing installed. 3. Aerovane replaced. Comments: 1. Orientation of aerovane verified using theodolite to take sun sight and determine true north.