8906 - Marble Point Location: 77 degrees 26 minutes S, 163 degrees 45 minutes E at an elevation of 120 meters (not 40 meters as previously believed). Hex id: 8B2AE Power: 6 VDC supplied by RTG Aerovane: Old was 3-78-10. Wind direction polarity verified before removal. Wind speed generator had failed due to broken wires. New aerovane is 11-80-07, which is one of the 2 new aerovanes purchased in 1981. Note that this aerovane has not had slip ring joint reworked (we only discovered the problem with the slip ring after our return from Marble Point and Asgard). Deployed: 5 February 1980 by Stanford University Field Calibration: 27 November 81 2330Z by Stearns, Savage, Thompson and Lt. Whitlock. Parameter Input Test Set Output Difference temperature -2.5 C -3.0 C -0.5 C pressure 968.1 mb 967.6 mb -0.5 mb inst wind speed 2-4 m/s 3.5 m/s ? inst wind direction S 167 deg ------- mean wind speed 2-4 m/s 3.0 m/s ? mean wind direction S 180 deg ------- RTG voltage 5.0 VDC 4.8 VDC -0.2 VDC Modifications: 1. Reflective temperature probe shroud and insulating bushing installed. 2. Minimum thermometer installed. 3. Aerovane replaced. Comments: 1. ARGOS Test Set did not function due to low battery power and lack of external power source. As a result it was not possible to determine the wind speed accuracy as was done at other stations. We suspect that this station reports winds 10 - 20% too high as is the case with all other stations that have been checked with ARGOS Test Set.