8913 - Whitlock Location: 76 degrees 05 minutes S, 168 degrees 20 minutes E on Franklin Island. Elevation approximately 300 meters. Hex id: 8B44A Power: 12 VDC supplied by 9 PS-12360 gel cell batteries in parallel. One 10 watt solar panel used for charging batteries. Shunt regulator used to prevent overcharging. Aerovane: 3-78-012 used for testing. 00-00-00 deployed. Deployed: 23 January 82 by Lt. John Whitlock, NSFA. Transportation to the island was via the Coast Guard icebreaker Glacier and shipboard helicopter. Calibration: 27 November 1981 at McMurdo lab. Parameter Input Test Set Output Difference temperature 17 C 17.1 C ----- pressure 978.9 mb 978.7 mb - 0.2 mb inst wind speed 38.9 m/s * 45.7 m/s + 17% 19.5 m/s * 22.8 m/s + 17% inst wind direction 60 deg 58 deg ----- 360 deg 359 deg ----- mean wind speed 38.9 m/s 45.4 m/s + 17% mean wind direction 60 deg 45 deg - 15 deg anemometer .50 volts (1800 rpm) 141 bits .25 volts (900 rpm) 68 bits * Wind speed simulated by calibration voltage Modifications: 1. Reflective temperature probe shroud and insulating bushing installed. 2. Low output generator anemometer installed. Voltage appears in frame 7 word 1. 3. Minimum thermometer installed. Comments: 1. Power consumption 12 mA at idle; about 1 A at transmit.