Elaine site was visited on 1/28/09 by John Cassano, 3 RPSC personnel on a morale trip (Scott, Tanya, and Kat), and 2 Twin Otter pilots (Josh and Randy). The Twin Otter had difficulty locating this site. The Twin Otter GPS coordinates at the site were 83 deg 05.84 min S and 174 deg 17.38 min E. UNAVCO GPS (#16414) deployed at site from 14:35 to 16:50 local time Upon arrival the height to bottom of: Lower delta T boom: buried Junction box: buried Solar panel: 28" AWS enclosure: buried to top of enclosure Upper boom: 61" Work completed: A new 7' tower section was added to this site AWS 8987 was replaced with AWS 21357 Belfort aerovane was replaced with RM Young aerovane New height to bottom of: Lower delta T boom: 34" Junction box: 55" Solar panel: 117" AWS enclosure: 89" Upper boom: 148" Voltage at AWS power plug: 14.0V (without solar panel) The next time this site is raised we will need two battery extension cables as there is no more slack left in the existing battery cables. After reinstalling all equipment transmission from the station was confirmed with Telonics.