Mean % of % of Mean % of Max Min Wind Resultant Resultant Max Mean Air Max Air Min Air Month Temp Temp Temp Temp Speed Wind Wind Wind Constancy Max Wind Wind Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure (C) Data (C) (C) (ms-1) Data Direction Speed Direction Speed (mb) Data (mb) (mb) Missing Missing Missing Lynn (8935) Lat : 74.21S Long : 160.39E Elev : 1772 M Jan -18.8 02 -8.8 -31.0 781.5 02 795.0 771.4 Feb -28.9 00 -15.9 -39.8 8.7 22 275 8.4 0.96 272 17 779.8 00 793.7 769.2 Mar -40.4 02 -26.6 -49.5 10.1 02 278 9.9 0.98 274 20 775.8 02 790.1 755.1 Apr -38.8 00 -24.2 -52.6 9.0 02 279 8.3 0.93 288 20 782.7 00 799.4 769.7 May -46.0 00 -30.9 -57.1 9.9 00 282 8.5 0.86 274 27 779.6 00 805.3 757.5 Jun -43.8 00 -29.8 -55.4 10.7 03 275 10.4 0.98 264 22 792.7 00 806.4 769.9 Jul -41.2 00 -19.6 -54.1 11.2 11 278 10.2 0.91 278 22 785.8 00 805.6 772.6 Aug -49.3 00 -35.1 -56.9 12.2 06 277 11.9 0.98 267 20 772.3 00 791.2 760.4 Sep -40.9 00 -30.2 -55.0 10.9 03 276 10.6 0.97 257 26 784.9 00 804.6 765.8 Oct -35.4 00 -20.4 -47.5 9.6 11 274 8.6 0.89 199 29 775.5 00 793.6 758.2 Nov -25.3 00 -14.8 -39.2 6.4 00 262 5.0 0.78 360 14 779.2 00 789.8 767.1 Dec -18.6 00 -9.8 -27.0 4.8 00 249 3.0 0.62 130 15 776.6 00 788.3 764.3 MEAN -35.6 780.5