The file names for the 3-hourly data are constructed using the station's ARGOS identifier, the month, and the year. A file name such as 9061291h.dat would be read as station 8906 (906), December (12), 1991 (91), contains a two-line header (h), extension indicating ASCII format data (.dat). Note that the leading '8' is dropped from the ARGOS ID to allow for an 8 character file name. The data are arranged in columns of temperature (degrees C), pressure (mb), wind speed (m/s), wind direction, relative humidity, and vertical temperature difference. The vertical temperature difference is measured from 3.0m to 0.5m minus the zero calibration. Missing data are represented as 444.0. All months have 31 days. Note that the four column datasets are arranged as above, minus relative humidity and vertical temperature difference. Wind directions listed are the direction the wind is blowing from, from 0 to 360 clockwise (thus 90 degrees is east, 180 is south, and 270 is west). The data set is composed of the nearest valid instantaneous observation within 40 minutes of the synoptic reporting times (i.e., 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, and 21). Please note the following special cases: Starting in 1992, station 8912 became Bonaparte Point, and the vertical temperature difference column was replaced with a column indicating water temperature. The water temperature column stayed with the station when it became 8923. Similarly, Santa Claus Island (8910 & 21364) also shows water temperature instead of vertical temperature difference as appropriate. At times, a couple of stations had the same ARGOS ID #, so to differentiate between them, the leading 9 was dropped off the file name for one station. Files for from 1980-1983 have no columns for relative humidity or vertical temperature difference. Starting with November 1994, there are a set of stations located on the Siple Coast, with five digit ID numbers beginning with 213. Names for these have been shortened to "13xx" where xx are the last two digits of the site's ID. Whereas with the 89xx series of stations the leading 8 is dropped, the leading 1 is dropped here, so that, for example, November of 1994 for station 21355 is 3551194h.dat.