Snowstake Data From 2006 -2016 All Snowstake measurements were made from a single Snowstake located between the Aquariums and the Pump House. A measurement was made once a day. Due to the location near the decking, snow may have been shoveled onto the Snowstake. A had rail on the deck was used to determine New Snow for the day at the same time. Month: Year: Date New Snow (cm) Snow Stake (cm) Sea Ice (WMO) Comments In 2016 five new Snowstakes were installed in the backyard above TerraLab. These five Snowstakes are measured daily and averaged. The Average depth of the five stakes is now used for the Snow Stake "Accumulation" and the difference between the day before and the day of average is recorded as the New Snow. On January 2017 this new method replaced the previous method as it is much more repetitive. Month: Year: Date New Snow (cm) Snow Stake (cm) Sea Ice (WMO) Comments 1 30 135 21853 2 0 128 21853 3 0 124 21853 4 0 110 21853 5 5 115 21853 6 0 115 21853 7 0 115 21853 8 0 100 21853 9 0 97 21853 10 0 96 21853 11 0 96 21853 12 4 100 21853 13 0 97 21853 14 0 97 21853 15 0 97 41853 16 1 98 41853 17 0 97 41853 18 0 97 41853 19 8 105 41853 20 5 110 41853 21 6 116 41853 22 0 111 41853 23 0 109 41853 24 4 113 41853 25 0 110 41853 26 0 109 41853 27 3 112 41853 28 0 110 41853 29 0 105 41853 30 0 95 31850 31 0 82 31850