#################################################################################################### Present - 2014 The Mean Sea Level was offset in the data on July 11, 2016, from 0.960m to 0.958606m Installed a new gauge on March 9, 2015 A new sensor was was put online January 31, 2014 2014 is missing several months of data. PALMOS AUTOMATED TIDE DATA SYSTEM PALMER STATION, ANTARCTICA Geographic Position 64 46’28.74” S / 64 03’18.86” W A description of the archived data files. Filename: YYMMDDTHHMMSS.txt where YY = Year MM = Month DD = Day T = Tide HH = Hour (UTC) MM = Minute SS = Second Column Label Units Example ------ ----- ----- ----------- 1 Date (MM/DD/YYYY) 12/31/2016 2 UTC Time (HH:MM:SS) 00:03:00 3 Input Voltage (V) 12.8996 4 Input Voltage Avg (V) 13.3387 5 Voltage Min (V) 12.8996 6 Input Voltage Max (V) 13.427 7 CPU Core Active (%) 100 8 Memory Used (Bytes) 14974976 9 Internal Temperature (DegC) 6 From Conductivity Sensor: 10 Conductivity (mS/cm) 26.0655 11 Temperature (Deg.C) 2.52705 12 Conductance (mS) 5.63943 13 RawCond0 (LSB) 20630 14 RawCond1 (LSB) 20630 15 ZAmp (mV) -3066.23 16 RawTemp (mV) 2371.17 From Tide Sensor 17 Pressure (kPa) 114.473 18 Temperature (DegC) 2.57856 19 Tide Pressure (kPa) 114.379 20 Tide Level (m) 0.338454 ################################################################################################### 2013 - 1993 2013 is incomplete with missing MM and RAW data files. From February 2007 -July 2007 each month is missing the MM and RAW files. They all have Dat files. DATA before 2001 is incomplete. In the .DAT files generated by the tide gauge, the columns: Date GMT Time YearHr MonthHr SST1 SST2 Conductivity Salinity Height 01-13-2004 17:40:00, 305.667, 305.667, 2.05, 1.98, 24.610, 27.365, -0.278 Heights are in meters. "YearHour" is the elapsed time in hours for the year starting on Jan 1st at 0000Hrs GMT. The next column is "MonthHour" starting at the first day of each month at 000Hrs GMT (in January of course, they're the same.) The SST2 data is erroneous and should not be used, and since it is used to calculate Conductivity and Salinity, these should not be used either. There are two pressure measurements listed, both of which are from the Tide Sensor: "Pressure (kPa)" and "Tide Pressure (kPa)" The "Pressure" measurement is just absolute pressure at the installation depth and is the instantaneous pressure measurement at the given interval. The "Tide Pressure" is an average of the pressure time series over the tidal average period, which is user configured, with the default most likely being 40 seconds.