IDENTIFICATION: CDS header Length:0 USAF: Identification FIXED-WEATHER-STATION USAF MASTER STATION CATALOG identifier The identifier that represents a FIXED-WEATHER-STATION. Length:6 NCDC: Identification FIXED-WEATHER-STATION NCDC WBAN identifier The identifier that represents a FIXED-WEATHER-STATION. Length:5 DATE: Identification GEOPHYSICAL-POINT-OBSERVATION date The date of a GEOPHYSICAL-POINT-OBSERVATION. Length:8 HRMN: Identification GEOPHYSICAL-POINT-OBSERVATION time The time of a GEOPHYSICAL-POINT-OBSERVATION based on Coordinated Universal Time Code (UTC). Length:4 I: Identification GEOPHYSICAL-POINT-OBSERVATION data source flag The flag of a GEOPHYSICAL-POINT-OBSERVATION showing the source or combination of sources used in creating the observation. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: USAF hourly observation, candidate for merge with NCDC Surface Hourly (not yet merged, failed element cross-checks) 2: NCDC hourly observation, candidate for merge with USAF Surface Hourly (not yet merged, failed element cross-checks) 3: USAF hourly/NCDC hourly merged observation 4: USAF Surface Hourly observation 5: NCDC hourly observation 6: ASOS/AWOS observation from NCDC* 7: ASOS/AWOS observation merged with USAF Surface Hourly observation* 8: MAPSO observation (NCDC)* A: USAF hourly/NCDC hourly precipitation merged observation, candidate for merge with NCDC Surface Hourly (not yet merged, failed element cross-checks) B: NCDC hourly/NCDC hourly precipitation merged observation, candidate for merge with USAF Surface Hourly (not yet merged, failed element cross-checks) C: USAF hourly/NCDC hourly/NCDC hourly precipitation merged observation D: USAF hourly/NCDC hourly precipitation merged observation E: NCDC hourly/NCDC hourly precipitation merged observation F: Form OMR/1001 - Weather Bureau city office (keyed data)* G: SAO surface airways observation, pre-1949 (keyed data)* H: SAO surface airways observation, 1965-1981 format/period (keyed data)* I: Climate Reference Network observation* J: Cooperative Network observation* K: Radiation Network observation* L: Data from Climate Data Modernization Program (CDMP) data source* M: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)* N: NCAR / NCDC cooperative effort (various national datasets)* TYPE: Identification GEOPHYSICAL-REPORT-TYPE code The code that denotes the type of geophysical surface observation. Length:5 Default Value:99999 Table of Values: AERO: Aerological report AUST: Dataset from Australia* AUTO: Report from an automatic station BOGUS: Bogus report BRAZ: Dataset from Brazil* COOPD: US Cooperative Network summary of day report* COOPS: US Cooperative Network soil temperature report* CRB: Climate Reference Book data from CDMP* CRN05: Climate Reference Network report, with 5-minute reporting interval* CRN15: Climate Reference Network report, with 15-minute reporting interval* FM-12: SYNOP Report of surface observation form a fixed land station FM-13: SHIP Report of surface observation from a sea station FM-14: SYNOP MOBIL Report of surface observation from a mobile land station FM-15: METAR Aviation routine weather report FM-16: SPECI Aviation selected special weather report FM-18: BUOY Report of a buoy observation GREEN: Dataset from Greenland* MESOS: MESONET operated civilian or government agency MEXIC: Dataset from Mexico* NSRDB: National Solar Radiation Data Base PCP15: US 15-minute precipitation network report* PCP60: US 60-minute precipitation network report* S-S-A: Synoptic, airways, and auto merged report SA-AU: Airways and auto merged report SAO: Airways report (includes record specials) SAOSP: Airways special report (excluding record specials) SHEF: Standard Hydrologic Exchange Format SMARS: Supplementary airways station report SOD: Summary of day report from U.S. ASOS or AWOS station* SOM: Summary of month report from U.S. ASOS or AWOS station* SURF: Surface Radiation Network report* SY-AE: Synoptic and aero merged report SY-AU: Synoptic and auto merged report SY-MT: Synoptic and METAR merged report SY-SA: Synoptic and airways merged report WBO: Weather Bureau Office* WNO: Washington Naval Observatory WIND: WIND-OBSERVATION header Length:0 DIR: WIND-OBSERVATION direction angle The angle, measured in a clockwise direction, between true north and the direction from which the wind is blowing. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Angular Degrees Default Value:999 Table of Values: 999: Missing. If type code (below) = V, then 999 indicates variable wind direction. Q: WIND-OBSERVATION direction quality code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported WIND-OBSERVATION direction angle. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present I: WIND-OBSERVATION type code The code that denotes the character of the WIND-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: A: Abridged Beaufort B: Beaufort C: Calm H: 5-Minute Average Speed N: Normal Q: Squall R: 60-Minute Average Speed T: 180 Minute Average Speed V: Variable SPD: WIND-OBSERVATION speed rate The rate of horizontal travel of air past a fixed point. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Meters per Second Default Value:9999 Q: WIND-OBSERVATION speed quality code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported WIND-OBSERVATION speed rate. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present CEILING: SKY-CONDITION-OBSERVATION header Length:0 HGT: SKY-CONDITION-OBSERVATION ceiling height dimension The height above ground level (AGL) of the lowest cloud or obscuring phenomena layer aloft with 5/8 or more summation total sky cover, which may be predominantly opaque, or the vertical visibility into a surface-based obstruction. Length:5 Scale:1 Unit:Meters Default Value:99999 Table of Values: 22000: Unlimited Q: SKY-CONDITION-OBSERVATION ceiling quality code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported ceiling height dimension. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present I: SKY-CONDITION-OBSERVATION ceiling determination code The code that denotes the method used to determine the ceiling. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: A: Aircraft B: Balloon C: Statistically derived D: Persistent cirriform ceiling (pre-1950 data) E: Estimated M: Measured P: Precipitation ceiling (pre-1950 data) R: Radar S: ASOS augmented U: Unknown ceiling (pre-1950 data) V: Variable ceiling (pre-1950 data) W: Obscured I: SKY-CONDITION-OBSERVATION CAVOK code The code that represents whether the 'Ceiling And Visibility Okay' (CAVOK) condition has been reported. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: N: No Y: Yes VISIBILITY: VISIBILITY-OBSERVATION header Length:0 VISBY: VISIBILITY-OBSERVATION distance dimension The horizontal distance at which an object can be seen and identified. Length:6 Scale:1 Unit:Meters Table of Values: Missing: 999999 NOTE: Values greater than 160000 are entered as 160000 Q: VISIBILITY-OBSERVATION distance quality code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported distance of a visibility observation. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present I: VISIBILITY-OBSERVATION variability code The code that denotes whether or not the reported visibility is variable. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: N: Not variable V: Variable Q: VISIBILITY-OBSERVATION quality variability code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported VISIBILITY-OBSERVATION variability code. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present TEMP: AIR-TEMPERATURE-OBSERVATION header Length:0 TEMP: AIR-TEMPERATURE-OBSERVATION air temperature The temperature of the air. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: AIR-TEMPERATURE-OBSERVATION air temperature quality code The code that denotes a quality status of an AIR-TEMPERATURE-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present A: Data value flagged as suspect, but accepted as good value C: Temperature and dewpoint received from Automated Weather Observing Systems (AWOS) are reported in whole degrees Celsius. Automated QC flags these values, but they are accepted as valid. I: Data value not originally in data, but inserted by validator M: Manual changes made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA P: Data value not originally flagged as suspect, but replaced by validator R: Data value replaced with value computed by NCDC software U: Data value replaced with edited value DEWPT: AIR-TEMPERATURE-OBSERVATION-DEWPOINT header Length:0 DEWPT: AIR-TEMPERATURE-OBSERVATION-DEWPOINT temperature The temperature to which a given parcel of air must be cooled at constant pressure and water vapor content in order for saturation to occur. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: AIR-TEMPERATURE-OBSERVATION-DEWPOINT quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported dew point temperature. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present A: Data value flagged as suspect, but accepted as good value C: Temperature and dewpoint received from Automated Weather Observing Systems (AWOS) are reported in whole degrees Celsius. Automated QC flags these values, but they are accepted as valid. I: Data value not originally in data, but inserted by validator M: Manual changes made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA P: Data value not originally flagged as suspect, but replaced by validator R: Data value replaced with value computed by NCDC software U: Data value replaced with edited value SLP: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION header Length:0 SLP: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION sea level pressure The air pressure relative to Mean Sea Level (MSL). Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Hectopascals Default Value:99999 Q: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION sea level pressure quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the sea level pressure of an ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PRECIP: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (Hourly) header Length:3 PR: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (Hourly) period quantity in hours The quantity of time over which the LIQUID-PRECIPITATION was measured. Length:2 Scale:1 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 AMT: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (Hourly) depth dimension The depth of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION that is measured at the time of an observation. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (Hourly) condition code The code that denotes whether a LIQUID-PRECIPITATION depth dimension was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace 3: Begin accumulated period (precipitation amount missing until end of accumulated period) 4: End accumulated period 5: Begin deleted period (precipitation amount missing due to data problem) 6: End deleted period 7: Begin missing period 8: End missing period E: Estimated data value (e.g., from nearby station) I: Incomplete precipitation amount, excludes one or more missing reports, such as one or more 15-minute reports not included in the 1-hour precipitation total J: Incomplete precipitation amount, excludes one or more erroneous reports, such as one or more 1-hour precipitation amounts excluded from the 24-hour total Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (Hourly) quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0 = Passed gross limits check 1 = Passed all quality control checks 2 = Suspect 3 = Erroneous 4 = Passed gross limits check, data originates from an NCDC data source 5 = Passed all quality control checks, data originates from an NCDC data source 6 = Suspect, data originates from an NCDC data source 7 = Erroneous, data originates from an NCDC data source 9 = Passed gross limits check if element is present A = Data value flagged as suspect, but accepted as good value U = Data value replaced with edited value P = Data value not originally flagged as suspect, but replaced by validator I = Data value not originally in data, but inserted by validator M = Manual changes made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA R = Data value replaced with value computed by NCDC software PRECIP: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (Hourly) header #2 Length:3 PR: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (Hourly) #2 period quantity in hours The quantity of time over which the LIQUID-PRECIPITATION was measured. Length:2 Scale:1 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 AMT: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (Hourly) #2 depth dimension The depth of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION that is measured at the time of an observation. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (Hourly) #2 condition code The code that denotes whether a LIQUID-PRECIPITATION depth dimension was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace 3: Begin accumulated period (precipitation amount missing until end of accumulated period) 4: End accumulated period 5: Begin deleted period (precip amount missing due to data problem) 6: End deleted period 7: Begin missing period 8: End missing period E: Estimated data value (e.g., from nearby station) I: Incomplete precipitation amount, excludes one or more missing reports, such as one or more 15-minute reports not included in the 1-hour precipitation total J: Incomplete precipitation amount, excludes one or more erroneous reports, such as one or more 1-hour precipitation amounts excluded from the 24-hour total Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (Hourly) #2 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, data originates from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present A: Data value flagged as suspect, but accepted as good value I: Data value not originally in data, but inserted by validator M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA P: Data value not originally flagged as suspect, but replaced by validator R: Data value replaced with value computed by NCDC software U: Data value replaced with edited value PRECIP: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (Hourly) header #3 Length:3 PR: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (Hourly) #3 period quantity in hours The quantity of time over which the LIQUID-PRECIPITATION was measured. Length:2 Scale:1 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 AMT: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (Hourly) #3 depth dimension The depth of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION that is measured at the time of an observation. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (Hourly) #3 condition code The code that denotes whether a LIQUID-PRECIPITATION depth dimension was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace 3: Begin accumulated period (precipitation amount missing until end of accumulated period) 4: End accumulated period 5: Begin deleted period (precipitation amount missing due to data problem) 6: End deleted period 7: Begin missing period 8: End missing period E: Estimated data value (e.g., from nearby station) I: Incomplete precipitation amount, excludes one or more missing reports, such as one or more 15-minute reports not included in the 1-hour precipitation total J: Incomplete precipitation amount, excludes one or more erroneous reports, such as one or more 1-hour precipitation amounts excluded from the 24-hour total Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (Hourly) #3 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, data originates from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present A: Data value flagged as suspect, but accepted as good value I: Data value not originally in data, but inserted by validator M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA P: Data value not originally flagged as suspect, but replaced by validator R: Data value replaced with value computed by NCDC software U: Data value replaced with edited value PRECIP: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (Hourly) header #4 Length:3 PR: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (Hourly) #4 period quantity in hours The quantity of time over which the LIQUID-PRECIPITATION was measured. Length:2 Scale:1 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 AMT: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (Hourly) #4 depth dimension The depth of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION that is measured at the time of an observation. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (Hourly) #4 condition code The code that denotes whether a LIQUID-PRECIPITATION depth dimension was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace 3: Begin accumulated period (precipitation amount missing until end of accumulated period) 4: End accumulated period 5: Begin deleted period (precip amount missing due to data problem) 6: End deleted period 7: Begin missing period 8: End missing period E: Estimated data value (e.g., from nearby station) I: Incomplete precipitation amount, excludes one or more missing reports, such as one or more 15-minute reports not included in the 1-hour precipitation total J: Incomplete precipitation amount, excludes one or more erroneous reports, such as one or more 1-hour precipitation amounts excluded from the 24-hour total Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (Hourly) #4 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, data originates from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present A: Data value flagged as suspect, but accepted as good value I: Data value not originally in data, but inserted by validator M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA P: Data value not originally flagged as suspect, but replaced by validator R: Data value replaced with value computed by NCDC software U: Data value replaced with edited value PRECIP: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MONTHLY TOTAL header Length:3 AMT: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MONTHLY TOTAL depth dimension The depth of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION for the previous month (typically reported on the first day of the following month). Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:99999 I: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MONTHLY TOTAL condition code The code that denotes whether a LIQUID-PRECIPITATION depth dimension was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MONTHLY TOTAL quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Length:1 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present A: Data value flagged as suspect, but accepted as good value I: Data value not originally in data, but inserted by validator M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA P: Data value not originally flagged as suspect, but replaced by validator R: Data value replaced with value computed by NCDC software U: Data value replaced with edited value PCPHST: PRECIPITATION-OBSERVATION-HISTORY header Length:3 D: PRECIPITATION-OBSERVATION-HISTORY duration code The code that denotes the duration of precipitation. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Lasted less than 1 hour 1: Lasted 1 - 3 hours 2: Lasted 3 - 6 hours 3: Lasted more than 6 hours C: PRECIPITATION-OBSERVATION-HISTORY characteristic code The code that denotes whether precipitation is continuous or intermittent. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: C: Continuous I: Intermittent Q: PRECIPITATION-OBSERVATION-HISTORY PRECIPITATION duration/characteristic quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported PRECIPITATION duration/characteristic. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present A: Data value flagged as suspect, but accepted as good value I: Data value not originally in data, but inserted by validator M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA P: Data value not originally flagged as suspect, but replaced by validator R: Data value replaced with value computed by NCDC software U: Data value replaced with edited value PRECIP: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION GREATEST AMOUNT IN 24 HOURS, FOR THE MONTH header Length:3 AMT: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION GREATEST AMOUNT IN 24 HOURS, FOR THE MONTH depth dimension The greatest depth of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION for a 24-hour period during the previous month (typically reported on the first day of the following month). Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:99999 I: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION GREATEST AMOUNT IN 24 HOURS, FOR THE MONTH condition code The code that denotes whether a LIQUID-PRECIPITATION depth dimension was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace 3: The amount occurred on other dates in addition to those listed 4: Trace amount occurred on other dates in addition to those listed DTS: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION GREATEST AMOUNT IN 24 HOURS, FOR THE MONTH dates of occurrence The dates of occurrence of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION, given as the begin-end date for the 24-hour period, for up to 3 occurrences; e.g., 0405 indicates 24-hour period on days 04-05. Length:4 Default Value:9999 DTS: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION GREATEST AMOUNT IN 24 HOURS, FOR THE MONTH dates of occurrence #2 The dates of occurrence of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION, given as the begin-end date for the 24-hour period, for up to 3 occurrences; e.g., 0405 indicates 24-hour period on days 04-05. Length:4 Default Value:9999 DTS: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION GREATEST AMOUNT IN 24 HOURS, FOR THE MONTH dates of occurrence #3 The dates of occurrence of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION, given as the begin-end date for the 24-hour period, for up to 3 occurrences; e.g., 0405 indicates 24-hour period on days 04-05. Length:4 Default Value:9999 Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION GREATEST AMOUNT IN 24 HOURS, FOR THE MONTH quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present A: Data value flagged as suspect, but accepted as good value I: Data value not originally in data, but inserted by validator M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA P: Data value not originally flagged as suspect, but replaced by validator R: Data value replaced with value computed by NCDC software U: Data value replaced with edited value PRECIP: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION, NUMBER OF DAYS WITH SPECIFIC AMOUNTS, FOR THE MONTH header Length:3 Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION, NUMBER OF DAYS WITH SPECIFIC AMOUNTS, FOR THE MONTH Number of days with .01 inch (.25 mm) or more quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported days with .01 or more. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION, NUMBER OF DAYS WITH SPECIFIC AMOUNTS, FOR THE MONTH Number of days with .10 inch (2.5 mm) or more quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported days with .10 or more. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION, NUMBER OF DAYS WITH SPECIFIC AMOUNTS, FOR THE MONTH Number of days with .50 inch (12.7 mm) or more quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported days with .50 or more. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present A: Data value flagged as suspect, but accepted as good value I: Data value not originally in data, but inserted by validator M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA P: Data value not originally flagged as suspect, but replaced by validator R: Data value replaced with value computed by NCDC software U: Data value replaced with edited value Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION, NUMBER OF DAYS WITH SPECIFIC AMOUNTS, FOR THE MONTH Number of days with 1.00 inch (25 mm) or more quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported days with 1.00 or more. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present A: Data value flagged as suspect, but accepted as good value I: Data value not originally in data, but inserted by validator M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA P: Data value not originally flagged as suspect, but replaced by validator R: Data value replaced with value computed by NCDC software U: Data value replaced with edited value PRECIP: PRECIPITATION-ESTIMATED-OBSERVATION header Length:3 I: PRECIPITATION-ESTIMATED-OBSERVATION discrepancy code The code that denotes the type of discrepancy between a PRECIPITATION-OBSERVATION and other related observations at the same location. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Reported amount of precipitation and reported weather agree 1: Precipitation missing or not reported and none inferred by weather 2: Precipitation missing, but precipitation inferred by weather 3: Precipitation reported, but none inferred by weather 4: Zero precipitation reported, but precipitation inferred by weather 5: Zero precipitation reported, no precipitation inferred and precipitation not occurring at the reporting station AMT: PRECIPITATION-ESTIMATED-OBSERVATION estimated water depth dimension The estimated depth of precipitation in water depth for a 3-hour synoptic period. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:999 PRECIP: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH header Length:3 PR: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH period quantity The quantity of time over which the LIQUID-PRECIPITATION was measured. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Minutes Default Value:999 AMT: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH depth dimension The depth of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION for the defined time period. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH condition code The code that denotes whether a LIQUID-PRECIPITATION depth dimension was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace DATE: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH ending date-time The ending date of occurrence of the event , given as the date-time in GMT; e.g., 051010 indicates 1010 Z-time on day 05 of the month. Length:6 Default Value:999999 Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PRECIP: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH header #2 Length:3 PR: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH #2 period quantity The quantity of time over which the LIQUID-PRECIPITATION was measured. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Minutes Default Value:999 AMT: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH #2 depth dimension The depth of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION for the defined time period. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH #2 condition code The code that denotes whether a LIQUID-PRECIPITATION depth dimension was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace DATE: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH #2 ending date-time The ending date of occurrence of the event , given as the date-time in GMT; e.g., 051010 indicates 1010 Z-time on day 05 of the month. Length:6 Default Value:999999 Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH #2 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PRECIP: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH header #3 Length:3 PR: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH #3 period quantity The quantity of time over which the LIQUID-PRECIPITATION was measured. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Minutes Default Value:999 AMT: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH #3 depth dimension The depth of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION for the defined time period. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH #3 condition code The code that denotes whether a LIQUID-PRECIPITATION depth dimension was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace DATE: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH #3 ending date-time The ending date of occurrence of the event , given as the date-time in GMT; e.g., 051010 indicates 1010 Z-time on day 05 of the month. Length:6 Default Value:999999 Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH #3 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PRECIP: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH header #4 Length:3 PR: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH #4 period quantity The quantity of time over which the LIQUID-PRECIPITATION was measured. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Minutes Default Value:999 AMT: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH #4 depth dimension The depth of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION for the defined time period. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH #4 condition code The code that denotes whether a LIQUID-PRECIPITATION depth dimension was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace DATE: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH #4 ending date-time The ending date of occurrence of the event , given as the date-time in GMT; e.g., 051010 indicates 1010 Z-time on day 05 of the month. Length:6 Default Value:999999 Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH #4 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PRECIP: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH header #5 Length:3 PR: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH #5 period quantity The quantity of time over which the LIQUID-PRECIPITATION was measured. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Minutes Default Value:999 AMT: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH #5 depth dimension The depth of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION for the defined time period. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH #5 condition code The code that denotes whether a LIQUID-PRECIPITATION depth dimension was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace DATE: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH #5 ending date-time The ending date of occurrence of the event , given as the date-time in GMT; e.g., 051010 indicates 1010 Z-time on day 05 of the month. Length:6 Default Value:999999 Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH #5 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PRECIP: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH header #6 Length:3 PR: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH #6 period quantity The quantity of time over which the LIQUID-PRECIPITATION was measured. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Minutes Default Value:999 AMT: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH #6 depth dimension The depth of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION for the defined time period. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH #6 condition code The code that denotes whether a LIQUID-PRECIPITATION depth dimension was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace DATE: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH #6 ending date-time The ending date of occurrence of the event , given as the date-time in GMT; e.g., 051010 indicates 1010 Z-time on day 05 of the month. Length:6 Default Value:999999 Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH #6 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PRECIP: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) header Length:3 PR: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) period quantity The quantity of time over which the LIQUID-PRECIPITATION was measured. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Minutes Default Value:999 AMT: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) depth dimension The depth of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION for the defined time period. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) condition code The code that denotes whether a LIQUID-PRECIPITATION depth dimension was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace DATE: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) ending date-time The ending date of occurrence of the event , given as the date-time in GMT; e.g., 051010 indicates 1010 Z-time on day 05 of the month. Length:6 Default Value:999999 Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PRECIP: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) header #2 Length:3 PR: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) #2 period quantity The quantity of time over which the LIQUID-PRECIPITATION was measured. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Minutes Default Value:999 AMT: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) #2 depth dimension The depth of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION for the defined time period. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) #2 condition code The code that denotes whether a LIQUID-PRECIPITATION depth dimension was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace DATE: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) #2 ending date-time The ending date of occurrence of the event , given as the date-time in GMT; e.g., 051010 indicates 1010 Z-time on day 05 of the month. Length:6 Default Value:999999 Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) #2 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PRECIP: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) header #3 Length:3 PR: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) #3 period quantity The quantity of time over which the LIQUID-PRECIPITATION was measured. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Minutes Default Value:999 AMT: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) #3 depth dimension The depth of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION for the defined time period. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) #3 condition code The code that denotes whether a LIQUID-PRECIPITATION depth dimension was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace DATE: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) #3 ending date-time The ending date of occurrence of the event , given as the date-time in GMT; e.g., 051010 indicates 1010 Z-time on day 05 of the month. Length:6 Default Value:999999 Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) #3 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PRECIP: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) header #4 Length:3 PR: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) #4 period quantity The quantity of time over which the LIQUID-PRECIPITATION was measured. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Minutes Default Value:999 AMT: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) #4 depth dimension The depth of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION for the defined time period. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) #4 condition code The code that denotes whether a LIQUID-PRECIPITATION depth dimension was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace DATE: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) #4 ending date-time The ending date of occurrence of the event , given as the date-time in GMT; e.g., 051010 indicates 1010 Z-time on day 05 of the month. Length:6 Default Value:999999 Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) #4 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PRECIP: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) header #5 Length:3 PR: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) #5 period quantity The quantity of time over which the LIQUID-PRECIPITATION was measured. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Minutes Default Value:999 AMT: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) #5 depth dimension The depth of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION for the defined time period. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) #5 condition code The code that denotes whether a LIQUID-PRECIPITATION depth dimension was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace DATE: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) #5 ending date-time The ending date of occurrence of the event , given as the date-time in GMT; e.g., 051010 indicates 1010 Z-time on day 05 of the month. Length:6 Default Value:999999 Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) #5 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PRECIP: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) header #6 Length:3 PR: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) #6 period quantity The quantity of time over which the LIQUID-PRECIPITATION was measured. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Minutes Default Value:999 AMT: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) #6 depth dimension The depth of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION for the defined time period. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) #6 condition code The code that denotes whether a LIQUID-PRECIPITATION depth dimension was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace DATE: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) #6 ending date-time The ending date of occurrence of the event , given as the date-time in GMT; e.g., 051010 indicates 1010 Z-time on day 05 of the month. Length:6 Default Value:999999 Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION MAXIMUM SHORT DURATION, FOR THE MONTH (continued) #6 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present SNOW: SNOW-DEPTH header Length:3 DPTH: SNOW-DEPTH dimension The depth of snow and ice on the ground. Length:4 Scale:1 Unit:Centimeters Default Value:9999 I: SNOW-DEPTH condition code The code that denotes specific conditions associated with the measurement of snow in a PRECIPITATION-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Snow cover not continuous 3: Trace 4: End accumulated period (data include more than one day) 5: End deleted period (data eliminated due to quality problems) 6: End missing period E: Estimated data value (eg, from nearby station) Q: SNOW-DEPTH quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SNOW-DEPTH data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA WTEQ: SNOW-DEPTH equivalent water depth dimension The depth of the liquid content of solid precipitation that has accumulated on the ground. Length:6 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:999999 I: SNOW-DEPTH equivalent water condition code The code that denotes specific conditions associated with the measurement of the SNOW-DEPTH. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace 9: Missing (no special code to report) Q: SNOW-DEPTH equivalent water condition quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SNOW-DEPTH equivalent water condition. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA SNOW: SNOW-DEPTH GREATEST DEPTH ON THE GROUND, FOR THE MONTH header Length:3 DPTH: SNOW-DEPTH GREATEST DEPTH ON THE GROUND, FOR THE MONTH depth dimension The depth of GREATEST SNOW DEPTH FOR THE MONTH. Length:4 Scale:1 Unit:Centimeters Default Value:9999 I: SNOW-DEPTH GREATEST DEPTH ON THE GROUND, FOR THE MONTH condition code The code that denotes whether a SNOW-DEPTH dimension was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace 3: The amount occurred on other dates in addition to those listed 4: Trace amount occurred on other dates in addition to those listed DS: SNOW-DEPTH GREATEST DEPTH ON THE GROUND, FOR THE MONTH dates of occurrence The dates of occurrence of SNOW-DEPTH, given as the date for each occurrence, for up to 3 occurrences; e.g., 041016 indicates days 04, 10, and 16. Length:6 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 99: missing for each of the 3 sub-fields. Q: SNOW-DEPTH GREATEST DEPTH ON THE GROUND, FOR THE MONTH quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SNOW-DEPTH data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present SNOWFALL: SNOW-ACCUMULATION header Length:3 PR: SNOW-ACCUMULATION period quantity The quantity of time over which the SNOW-ACCUMULATION occurred. Length:2 Scale:1 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 AMT: SNOW-ACCUMULATION depth dimension The depth of a SNOW-ACCUMULATION. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Centimeters Default Value:999 I: SNOW-ACCUMULATION condition code The code that denotes specific conditions associated with the measurement of the depth of a SNOW-ACCUMULATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Snow cover not continuous 3: Trace 4: End accumulated period (data include more than one day) 5: End deleted period (data eliminated due to quality problems) 6: End missing period E: Estimated data value (eg, from nearby station) Q: SNOW-ACCUMULATION quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SNOW-ACCUMULATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA SNOWFALL: SNOW-ACCUMULATION header #2 Length:3 PR: SNOW-ACCUMULATION #2 period quantity The quantity of time over which the SNOW-ACCUMULATION occurred. Length:2 Scale:1 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 AMT: SNOW-ACCUMULATION #2 depth dimension The depth of a SNOW-ACCUMULATION. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Centimeters Default Value:999 I: SNOW-ACCUMULATION #2 condition code The code that denotes specific conditions associated with the measurement of the depth of a SNOW-ACCUMULATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Snow cover not continuous 3: Trace 4: End accumulated period (data include more than one day) 5: End deleted period (data eliminated due to quality problems) 6: End missing period E: Estimated data value (eg, from nearby station) Q: SNOW-ACCUMULATION #2 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SNOW-ACCUMULATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA SNOWFALL: SNOW-ACCUMULATION header #3 Length:3 PR: SNOW-ACCUMULATION #3 period quantity The quantity of time over which the SNOW-ACCUMULATION occurred. Length:2 Scale:1 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 AMT: SNOW-ACCUMULATION #3 depth dimension The depth of a SNOW-ACCUMULATION. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Centimeters Default Value:999 I: SNOW-ACCUMULATION #3 condition code The code that denotes specific conditions associated with the measurement of the depth of a SNOW-ACCUMULATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Snow cover not continuous 3: Trace 4: End accumulated period (data include more than one day) 5: End deleted period (data eliminated due to quality problems) 6: End missing period E: Estimated data value (eg, from nearby station) Q: SNOW-ACCUMULATION #3 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SNOW-ACCUMULATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA SNOWFALL: SNOW-ACCUMULATION header #4 Length:3 PR: SNOW-ACCUMULATION #4 period quantity The quantity of time over which the SNOW-ACCUMULATION occurred. Length:2 Scale:1 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 AMT: SNOW-ACCUMULATION #4 depth dimension The depth of a SNOW-ACCUMULATION. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Centimeters Default Value:999 I: SNOW-ACCUMULATION #4 condition code The code that denotes specific conditions associated with the measurement of the depth of a SNOW-ACCUMULATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Snow cover not continuous 3: Trace 4: End accumulated period (data include more than one day) 5: End deleted period (data eliminated due to quality problems) 6: End missing period E: Estimated data value (eg, from nearby station) Q: SNOW-ACCUMULATION #4 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SNOW-ACCUMULATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA SNOWFALL: SNOW-ACCUMULATION GREATEST AMOUNT IN 24 HOURS, FOR THE MONTH header Length:3 AMT: SNOW-ACCUMULATION GREATEST AMOUNT IN 24 HOURS, FOR THE MONTH depth dimension The depth of SNOW-ACCUMULATION for the 24-hour period. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Centimeters Default Value:9999 I: SNOW-ACCUMULATION GREATEST AMOUNT IN 24 HOURS, FOR THE MONTH condition code The code that denotes whether a SNOW-ACCUMULATION depth dimension was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace 3: The amount occurred on other dates in addition to those listed 4: Trace amount occurred on other dates in addition to those listed DTS: SNOW-ACCUMULATION GREATEST AMOUNT IN 24 HOURS, FOR THE MONTH dates of occurrence The dates of occurrence of SNOW-ACCUMULATION, given as the begin-end date for the 24-hour period, for up to 3 occurrences; e.g., 0405 indicates 24-hour period on days 04-05. Length:4 Default Value:9999 DTS: SNOW-ACCUMULATION GREATEST AMOUNT IN 24 HOURS, FOR THE MONTH dates of occurrence #2 The dates of occurrence of SNOW-ACCUMULATION, given as the begin-end date for the 24-hour period, for up to 3 occurrences; e.g., 0405 indicates 24-hour period on days 04-05. Length:4 Default Value:9999 DTS: SNOW-ACCUMULATION GREATEST AMOUNT IN 24 HOURS, FOR THE MONTH dates of occurrence #3 The dates of occurrence of SNOW-ACCUMULATION, given as the begin-end date for the 24-hour period, for up to 3 occurrences; e.g., 0405 indicates 24-hour period on days 04-05. Length:4 Default Value:9999 Q: SNOW-ACCUMULATION GREATEST AMOUNT IN 24 HOURS, FOR THE MONTH quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SNOW-ACCUMULATION data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present SNOWFALL: SNOW-ACCUMULATION FOR THE MONTH header Length:3 PR: SNOW-ACCUMULATION FOR THE MONTH SNOW-ACCUMULATION period quantity The quantity of time over which the SNOW-ACCUMULATION occurred. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Hours Default Value:999 AMT: SNOW-ACCUMULATION FOR THE MONTH SNOW ACCUMULATION FOR THE MONTH depth dimension The depth of a SNOW-ACCUMULATION. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Centimeters Default Value:9999 I: SNOW-ACCUMULATION FOR THE MONTH condition code The code that denotes specific conditions associated with the measurement of the depth of a SNOW-ACCUMULATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Snow cover not continuous 3: Trace 4: End accumulated period (data may include more than one month) 5: End deleted period (data eliminated due to quality problems) 6: End missing period 7: Data will be included in subsequent observation E: Estimated data value (eg, from nearby station) Q: SNOW-ACCUMULATION FOR THE MONTH quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SNOW-ACCUMULATION FOR THE MONTH. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA PRECIP: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (By Minute) header Length:3 PR: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (By Minute) period quantity in minutes The quantity of time over which the LIQUID-PRECIPITATION was measured. Length:2 Scale:1 Unit:Minutes Default Value:99 AMT: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (By Minute) depth dimension The depth of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION that is measured at the time of an observation. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (By Minute) condition code The code that denotes whether a LIQUID-PRECIPITATION depth dimension was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace 3: Begin accumulated period (precip amount missing until end of accumulated period) 4: End accumulated period 5: Begin deleted period (precip amount missing due to data problem) 6: End deleted period 7: Begin missing period 8: End missing period E: Estimated data value (eg, from nearby station) I: Incomplete precipitation amount, excludes one or more missing reports, such as one or more 15-minute reports not included in the 1-hour precip total J: Incomplete precipitation amount, excludes one or more erroneous reports, such as one or more 1-hour precip amounts excluded from the 24-hour total Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (By Minute) quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, from DSI-3260 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5: Passed all quality control checks, from DSI-3260 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6: Suspect, from DSI-3260 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7: Erroneous, from DSI-3260 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PRECIP: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (By Minute) header #2 Length:3 PR: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (By Minute) #2 period quantity in minutes The quantity of time over which the LIQUID-PRECIPITATION was measured. Length:2 Scale:1 Unit:Minutes Default Value:99 AMT: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (By Minute) #2 depth dimension The depth of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION that is measured at the time of an observation. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (By Minute) #2 condition code The code that denotes whether a LIQUID-PRECIPITATION depth dimension was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace 3: Begin accumulated period (precip amount missing until end of accumulated period) 4: End accumulated period 5: Begin deleted period (precip amount missing due to data problem) 6: End deleted period 7: Begin missing period 8: End missing period E: Estimated data value (eg, from nearby station) I: Incomplete precipitation amount, excludes one or more missing reports, such as one or more 15-minute reports not included in the 1-hour precip total J: Incomplete precipitation amount, excludes one or more erroneous reports, such as one or more 1-hour precip amounts excluded from the 24-hour total Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (By Minute) #2 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, from DSI-3260 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5: Passed all quality control checks, from DSI-3260 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6: Suspect, from DSI-3260 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7: Erroneous, from DSI-3260 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PRECIP: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (By Minute) header #3 Length:3 PR: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (By Minute) #3 period quantity in minutes The quantity of time over which the LIQUID-PRECIPITATION was measured. Length:2 Scale:1 Unit:Minutes Default Value:99 AMT: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (By Minute) #3 depth dimension The depth of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION that is measured at the time of an observation. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (By Minute) #3 condition code The code that denotes whether a LIQUID-PRECIPITATION depth dimension was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace 3: Begin accumulated period (precip amount missing until end of accumulated period) 4: End accumulated period 5: Begin deleted period (precip amount missing due to data problem) 6: End deleted period 7: Begin missing period 8: End missing period E: Estimated data value (eg, from nearby station) I: Incomplete precipitation amount, excludes one or more missing reports, such as one or more 15-minute reports not included in the 1-hour precip total J: Incomplete precipitation amount, excludes one or more erroneous reports, such as one or more 1-hour precip amounts excluded from the 24-hour total Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (By Minute) #3 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, from DSI-3260 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5: Passed all quality control checks, from DSI-3260 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6: Suspect, from DSI-3260 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7: Erroneous, from DSI-3260 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PRECIP: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (By Minute) header #4 Length:3 PR: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (By Minute) #4 period quantity in minutes The quantity of time over which the LIQUID-PRECIPITATION was measured. Length:2 Scale:1 Unit:Minutes Default Value:99 AMT: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (By Minute) #4 depth dimension The depth of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION that is measured at the time of an observation. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (By Minute) #4 condition code The code that denotes whether a LIQUID-PRECIPITATION depth dimension was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace 3: Begin accumulated period (precip amount missing until end of accumulated period) 4: End accumulated period 5: Begin deleted period (precip amount missing due to data problem) 6: End deleted period 7: Begin missing period 8: End missing period E: Estimated data value (eg, from nearby station) I: Incomplete precipitation amount, excludes one or more missing reports, such as one or more 15-minute reports not included in the 1-hour precip total J: Incomplete precipitation amount, excludes one or more erroneous reports, such as one or more 1-hour precip amounts excluded from the 24-hour total Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION (By Minute) #4 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, from DSI-3260 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5: Passed all quality control checks, from DSI-3260 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6: Suspect, from DSI-3260 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7: Erroneous, from DSI-3260 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PRECIP: 15 Minute LIQUID-PRECIPITATION header Length:3 AMT: 15 Minute LIQUID-PRECIPITATION HPD (Hourly Precipitation Data network) gauge value The HPD Gauge value that is measured at the time indicated. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: 15 Minute LIQUID-PRECIPITATION HPD gauge value condition code Not used at this time. Value set to missing. Length:1 Default Value:9 Q: 15 Minute LIQUID-PRECIPITATION HPD gauge value quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported gauge value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PRECIP: 15 Minute LIQUID-PRECIPITATION header #2 Length:3 AMT: 15 Minute LIQUID-PRECIPITATION #2 HPD (Hourly Precipitation Data network) gauge value The HPD Gauge value that is measured at the time indicated. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: 15 Minute LIQUID-PRECIPITATION #2 HPD gauge value condition code Not used at this time. Value set to missing. Length:1 Default Value:9 Q: 15 Minute LIQUID-PRECIPITATION #2 HPD gauge value quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported gauge value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PRECIP: 15 Minute LIQUID-PRECIPITATION header #3 Length:3 AMT: 15 Minute LIQUID-PRECIPITATION #3 HPD (Hourly Precipitation Data network) gauge value The HPD Gauge value that is measured at the time indicated. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: 15 Minute LIQUID-PRECIPITATION #3 HPD gauge value condition code Not used at this time. Value set to missing. Length:1 Default Value:9 Q: 15 Minute LIQUID-PRECIPITATION #3 HPD gauge value quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported gauge value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PRECIP: 15 Minute LIQUID-PRECIPITATION header #4 Length:3 AMT: 15 Minute LIQUID-PRECIPITATION #4 HPD (Hourly Precipitation Data network) gauge value The HPD Gauge value that is measured at the time indicated. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: 15 Minute LIQUID-PRECIPITATION #4 HPD gauge value condition code Not used at this time. Value set to missing. Length:1 Default Value:9 Q: 15 Minute LIQUID-PRECIPITATION #4 HPD gauge value quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported gauge value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present WX-A: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION automated header Length:3 WX: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION automated atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of weather reported by an automated device. Length:2 Table of Values: 00: No significant weather observed 01: Clouds generally dissolving or becoming less developed 02: State of sky on the whole unchanged during the past hour 03: Clouds generally forming or developing during the past hour 04: Haze, smoke, or dust in suspension in the air, visibility equal to or greater than 1km 05: Smoke 07: Dust or sand raised by wind at or near the station at the time of observation, but no well-developed dust whirl(s) or sand whirl(s), and no duststorm or sandstorm seen or, in the case of ships, blowing spray at the station 10: Mist 11: Diamond dust 12: Distant lightning 18: Squalls 20: Fog 21: Precipitation 22: Drizzle (not freezing) or snow grains 23: Rain (not freezing) 24: Snow 25: Freezing drizzle or freezing rain 26: Thunderstorm (with or without precipitation) 27: Blowing or drifting snow or sand 28: Blowing or drifting snow or sand, visibility equal to or greater than 1 km 29: Blowing or drifting snow or sand, visibility less than 1 km 30: Fog 31: Fog or ice fog in patches 32: Fog or ice fog, has become thinner during the past hour 33: Fog or ice fog, no appreciable change during the past hour 34: Fog or ice fog, has begun or become thicker during the past hour 35: Fog, depositing rime 40: Precipitation 41: Precipitation, slight or moderate 42: Precipitation, heavy 43: Liquid precipitation, slight or moderate 44: Liquid precipitation, heavy 45: Solid precipitation, slight or moderate 46: Solid precipitation, heavy 47: Freezing precipitation, slight or moderate 48: Freezing precipitation, heavy 50: Drizzle 51: Drizzle, not freezing, slight 52: Drizzle, not freezing, moderate 53: Drizzle, not freezing, heavy 54: Drizzle, freezing, slight 55: Drizzle, freezing, moderate 56: Drizzle, freezing, heavy 57: Drizzle and rain, slight 58: Drizzle and rain, moderate or heavy 60: Rain 61: Rain, not freezing, slight 62: Rain, not freezing, moderate 63: Rain, not freezing, heavy 64: Rain, freezing, slight 65: Rain, freezing, moderate 66: Rain, freezing, heavy 67: Rain or drizzle and snow, slight 68: Rain or drizzle and snow, moderate or heavy 70: Snow 71: Snow, slight 72: Snow, moderate 73: Snow, heavy 74: Ice pellets, slight 75: Ice pellets, moderate 76: Ice pellets, heavy 77: Snow Grains 78: Ice Crystals 80: Showers or intermittent precipitation 81: Rain showers or intermittent rain, slight 82: Rain showers or intermittent rain, moderate 83: Rain showers or intermittent rain, heavy 84: Rain showers or intermittent rain, violent 85: Snow showers or intermittent rain, slight 86: Snow showers or intermittent rain, moderate 87: Snow showers or intermittent rain, heavy 89: Hail 90: Thunderstorm 91: Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with no precipitation 92: Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with rain showers and/or snow showers 93: Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with hail 94: Thunderstorm, heavy, with no precipitation 95: Thunderstorm, heavy, with rain showers and/or snow 96: Thunderstorm, heavy, with hail 99: Tornado Q: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION automated quality automated atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported present weather observation from an automated station. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA PSWX: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day header Length:3 WX: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day Atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of past weather observed. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: none to report 01: fog 02: fog reducing visibility to 1/4 mile or less 03: thunder 04: ice pellets 05: hail 06: glaze or rime 07: blowing dust or sand, visibility mile or less 08: smoke or haze 09: blowing snow 10: tornado 11: high or damaging winds Q: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day Quality manual atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported past weather observation from a manual station. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PR: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day Period quantity The quantity of time over which a PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION occurred. Length:2 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 Q: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day Period quality code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported past weather period. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PSWX: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day header #2 Length:3 WX: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day #2 Atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of past weather observed. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: none to report 01: fog 02: fog reducing visibility to 1/4 mile or less 03: thunder 04: ice pellets 05: hail 06: glaze or rime 07: blowing dust or sand, visibility mile or less 08: smoke or haze 09: blowing snow 10: tornado 11: high or damaging winds Q: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day #2 Quality manual atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported past weather observation from a manual station. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PR: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day #2 Period quantity The quantity of time over which a PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION occurred. Length:2 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 Q: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day #2 Period quality code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported past weather period. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PSWX: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day header #3 Length:3 WX: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day #3 Atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of past weather observed. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: none to report 01: fog 02: fog reducing visibility to 1/4 mile or less 03: thunder 04: ice pellets 05: hail 06: glaze or rime 07: blowing dust or sand, visibility mile or less 08: smoke or haze 09: blowing snow 10: tornado 11: high or damaging winds Q: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day #3 Quality manual atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported past weather observation from a manual station. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PR: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day #3 Period quantity The quantity of time over which a PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION occurred. Length:2 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 Q: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day #3 Period quality code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported past weather period. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PSWX: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day header #4 Length:3 WX: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day #4 Atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of past weather observed. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: none to report 01: fog 02: fog reducing visibility to 1/4 mile or less 03: thunder 04: ice pellets 05: hail 06: glaze or rime 07: blowing dust or sand, visibility mile or less 08: smoke or haze 09: blowing snow 10: tornado 11: high or damaging winds Q: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day #4 Quality manual atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported past weather observation from a manual station. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PR: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day #4 Period quantity The quantity of time over which a PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION occurred. Length:2 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 Q: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day #4 Period quality code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported past weather period. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PSWX: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day header #5 Length:3 WX: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day #5 Atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of past weather observed. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: none to report 01: fog 02: fog reducing visibility to 1/4 mile or less 03: thunder 04: ice pellets 05: hail 06: glaze or rime 07: blowing dust or sand, visibility mile or less 08: smoke or haze 09: blowing snow 10: tornado 11: high or damaging winds Q: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day #5 Quality manual atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported past weather observation from a manual station. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PR: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day #5 Period quantity The quantity of time over which a PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION occurred. Length:2 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 Q: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day #5 Period quality code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported past weather period. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PSWX: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day header #6 Length:3 WX: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day #6 Atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of past weather observed. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: none to report 01: fog 02: fog reducing visibility to 1/4 mile or less 03: thunder 04: ice pellets 05: hail 06: glaze or rime 07: blowing dust or sand, visibility mile or less 08: smoke or haze 09: blowing snow 10: tornado 11: high or damaging winds Q: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day #6 Quality manual atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported past weather observation from a manual station. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PR: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day #6 Period quantity The quantity of time over which a PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION occurred. Length:2 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 Q: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION summary of day #6 Period quality code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported past weather period. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PSWX-M: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual header Length:3 C: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of past weather observed manually. Length:1 Table of Values: 0: Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate period 1: Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky during part of the appropriate period and covering1/2 or less during part of the period 2: Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate period 3: Sandstorm, duststorm or blowing snow 4: Fog or ice fog or thick haze 5: Drizzle 6: Rain 7: Snow, or rain and snow mixed 8: Shower(s) 9: Thunderstorm(s) with or without precipitation Q: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual Quality manual atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported past weather observation from a manual Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PR: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual Period quantity The quantity of time over which a PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION occurred. Length:2 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 Q: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual Period quality code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported past weather period. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PSWX-M: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual header #2 Length:3 C: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual #2 atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of past weather observed manually. Length:1 Table of Values: 0: Cloud covering 1/2 or less of the sky throughout the appropriate period 1: Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky during part of the appropriate period and covering1/2 or less during part of the period 2: Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate period 3: Sandstorm, duststorm or blowing snow 4: Fog or ice fog or thick haze 5: Drizzle 6: Rain 7: Snow, or rain and snow mixed 8: Shower(s) 9: Thunderstorm(s) with or without precipitation Q: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual #2 Quality manual atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported past weather observation from a manual Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PR: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual #2 Period quantity The quantity of time over which a PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION occurred. Length:2 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 Q: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual #2 Period quality code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported past weather period. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PSWX-A: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION automated header Length:3 C: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION automated atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of past weather reported by an automated device. Length:1 Table of Values: 0: No significant weather observed 1: Visibility reduced 2: Blowing phenomena, visibility reduced 3: Fog 4: Precipitation 5: Drizzle 6: Rain 7: Snow or ice pellets 8: Showers or intermittent precipitation 9: Thunderstorm Q: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION automated Quality automated atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported past weather observation from an automated station. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PR: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION automated Period quantity The quantity of time over which a PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION occurred. Length:2 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 Q: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION automated Period quality code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported past weather period. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PSWX-A: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION automated header #2 Length:3 C: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION automated #2 atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of past weather reported by an automated device. Length:1 Table of Values: 0: No significant weather observed 1: Visibility reduced 2: Blowing phenomena, visibility reduced 3: Fog 4: Precipitation 5: Drizzle 6: Rain 7: Snow or ice pellets 8: Showers or intermittent precipitation 9: Thunderstorm Q: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION automated #2 Quality automated atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported past weather observation from an automated station. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PR: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION automated #2 Period quantity The quantity of time over which a PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION occurred. Length:2 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 Q: PAST-WEATHER-OBSERVATION automated #2 Period quality code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported past weather period. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present PRECIP: Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Secondary Sensor (CRN) header Length:3 PR: Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Secondary Sensor (CRN) PRECIP period quantity The quantity of time for which the gauge depth was measured. Length:2 Unit:Minutes Default Value:99 AMT: Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Secondary Sensor (CRN) PRECIP liquid depth The observed liquid precipitation measurement from the secondary precipitation sensor. Length:6 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:999999 Q: Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Secondary Sensor (CRN) QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the liquid precipitation measurement from the secondary precipitation sensor. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks P: Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Secondary Sensor (CRN) PRECIP_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Most users will find the preceding quality code DEPTH_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks PRECIP: Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Secondary Sensor (CRN) header #2 Length:3 PR: Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Secondary Sensor (CRN) #2 PRECIP period quantity The quantity of time for which the gauge depth was measured. Length:2 Unit:Minutes Default Value:99 AMT: Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Secondary Sensor (CRN) #2 PRECIP liquid depth The observed liquid precipitation measurement from the secondary precipitation sensor. Length:6 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:999999 Q: Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Secondary Sensor (CRN) #2 QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the liquid precipitation measurement from the secondary precipitation sensor. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks P: Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Secondary Sensor (CRN) #2 PRECIP_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Most users will find the preceding quality code DEPTH_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks FAN SPEED: Hourly Fan Speed Section (CRN) header Length:3 SPD: Hourly Fan Speed Section (CRN) FAN The average fan speed for the hour. MIN: - 0000 MAX: 9998 UNITS: rotations per second Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Rotations Per Second Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Fan Speed Section (CRN) FAN_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the average fan speed for the hour. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Fan Speed Section (CRN) FAN_QC_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the average fan speed for the hour. Most users will find the preceding quality code FAN_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks FAN SPEED: Hourly Fan Speed Section (CRN) header #2 Length:3 SPD: Hourly Fan Speed Section (CRN) #2 FAN The average fan speed for the hour. MIN: - 0000 MAX: 9998 UNITS: rotations per second Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Rotations Per Second Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Fan Speed Section (CRN) #2 FAN_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the average fan speed for the hour. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Fan Speed Section (CRN) #2 FAN_QC_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the average fan speed for the hour. Most users will find the preceding quality code FAN_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks FAN SPEED: Hourly Fan Speed Section (CRN) header #3 Length:3 SPD: Hourly Fan Speed Section (CRN) #3 FAN The average fan speed for the hour. MIN: - 0000 MAX: 9998 UNITS: rotations per second Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Rotations Per Second Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Fan Speed Section (CRN) #3 FAN_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the average fan speed for the hour. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Fan Speed Section (CRN) #3 FAN_QC_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the average fan speed for the hour. Most users will find the preceding quality code FAN_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks PRECIP: Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Primary Sensor (CRN) header Length:3 AMT: Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Primary Sensor (CRN) DEPTH liquid depth The observed gauge depth. Length:6 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:999999 Q: Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Primary Sensor (CRN) DEPTH_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the observed depth. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Primary Sensor (CRN) DEPTH_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the observed depth. Most users will find the preceding quality code DEPTH_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks PRECIP: Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Primary Sensor (CRN) header #2 Length:3 AMT: Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Primary Sensor (CRN) #2 DEPTH liquid depth The observed gauge depth. Length:6 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:999999 Q: Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Primary Sensor (CRN) #2 DEPTH_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the observed depth. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Primary Sensor (CRN) #2 DEPTH_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the observed depth. Most users will find the preceding quality code DEPTH_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks PRECIP: Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Primary Sensor (CRN) header #3 Length:3 AMT: Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Primary Sensor (CRN) #3 DEPTH liquid depth The observed gauge depth. Length:6 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:999999 Q: Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Primary Sensor (CRN) #3 DEPTH_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the observed depth. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Subhourly Observed Liquid Precipitation Section: Primary Sensor (CRN) #3 DEPTH_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the observed depth. Most users will find the preceding quality code DEPTH_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks RH-TEMP: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) header Length:3 PR: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) Period quantity in minutes The quantity of time over which the RELATIVE HUMIDITY/TEMPERATURE was measured. Length:2 Scale:1 Unit:Minutes Default Value:99 TEMP: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) AVG_ RH_TEMP hourly average air temperature The hourly average air temperature measured at the relative humidity instrument. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) AVG_ RH_TEMP_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly average air temperature measured at the relative humidity instrument. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) AVG_ RH_TEMP_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the hourly average air temperature measured at the relative humidity instrument. Most users will find the preceding quality code AVG_RH_TEMP_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks RH: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) AVG_RH hourly average relative humidity The hourly average relative humidity measured at the relative humidity instrument. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Percent Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) AVG_RH_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly average relative humidity. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) AVG_RH_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the hourly average relative humidity. Most users will find the preceding quality code AVG_RH_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks RH-TEMP: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) header #2 Length:3 PR: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) #2 Period quantity in minutes The quantity of time over which the RELATIVE HUMIDITY/TEMPERATURE was measured. Length:2 Scale:1 Unit:Minutes Default Value:99 TEMP: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) #2 AVG_ RH_TEMP hourly average air temperature The hourly average air temperature measured at the relative humidity instrument. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) #2 AVG_ RH_TEMP_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly average air temperature measured at the relative humidity instrument. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) #2 AVG_ RH_TEMP_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the hourly average air temperature measured at the relative humidity instrument. Most users will find the preceding quality code AVG_RH_TEMP_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks RH: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) #2 AVG_RH hourly average relative humidity The hourly average relative humidity measured at the relative humidity instrument. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Percent Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) #2 AVG_RH_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly average relative humidity. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) #2 AVG_RH_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the hourly average relative humidity. Most users will find the preceding quality code AVG_RH_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks RH-TEMP: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) (continued) header Length:3 MINT: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) (continued) MIN_ RH_TEMP hourly air temperature The minimum air temperature measured at the relative humidity instrument. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:99999 Q: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) (continued) MIN_ RH_TEMP_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the minimum hourly air temperature measured at the relative humidity instrument. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) (continued) MIN_ RH_TEMP_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the minimum hourly air temperature measured at the relative humidity instrument. Most users will find the preceding quality code AVG_RH_TEMP_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks MAXT: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) (continued) MAX_ RH_TEMP hourly air temperature The maximum air temperature measured at the relative humidity instrument. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) (continued) MAX_ RH_TEMP_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the maximum hourly air temperature measured at the relative humidity instrument. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) (continued) MAX_ RH_TEMP_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the maximum hourly air temperature measured at the relative humidity instrument. Most users will find the preceding quality code AVG_RH_TEMP_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks STDDT: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) (continued) STD_ RH_TEMP hourly air temperature standard deviation The standard deviation for the hourly air temperature measured at the relative humidity instrument. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:99999 Q: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) (continued) STD_ RH_TEMP_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the standard deviation for the air temperature measured at the relative humidity instrument. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) (continued) STD_ RH_TEMP_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the standard deviation for the air temperature measured at the relative humidity instrument. Most users will find the preceding quality code STD_RH_TEMP_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks STDRH: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) (continued) STD_RH hourly relative humidity standard deviation The hourly relative humidity standard deviation. Length:5 Scale:10 Default Value:99999 Q: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) (continued) STD_RH_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly relative humidity standard deviation. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Relative Humidity/Temperature Section (CRN) (continued) STD_RH_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the hourly relative humidity standard deviation. Most users will find the preceding quality code STD_RH_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks BATVOL: Hourly Battery Voltage Section (CRN) header Length:3 BVOL: Hourly Battery Voltage Section (CRN) BATVOL average voltage The hourly average voltage for the batteries powering the sensors and the transmitter. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Volts Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Battery Voltage Section (CRN) BATVOL_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly average station battery voltage. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Battery Voltage Section (CRN) BATVOL_QC_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the hourly average station battery voltage. Most users will find the preceding quality code BATVOL_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks BVOL: Hourly Battery Voltage Section (CRN) BATVOL_FL average voltage The voltage for the batteries powering the observing station while the station is transmitting (full load). Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Volts Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Battery Voltage Section (CRN) BATVOL_FL_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the battery voltage under full load. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Battery Voltage Section (CRN) BATVOL_FL_QC_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of battery voltage under full load. Most users will find the preceding quality code BATVOL_FL_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks BVOL: Hourly Battery Voltage Section (CRN) BATVOL_DL average voltage The voltage for the batteries powering the datalogger. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Volts Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Battery Voltage Section (CRN) BATVOL_DL_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the datalogger battery voltage. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Battery Voltage Section (CRN) BATVOL_DL_QC_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the datalogger battery voltage. Most users will find the preceding quality code BATVOL_DL_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks EQUIPTEMP: Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) header Length:3 TPTMP: Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) TPANEL equipment temperature The temperature of the datalogger panel. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) TPANEL_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the datalogger panel temperature. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) TPANEL_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the datalogger panel temperature. Most users will find the preceding quality code TPANEL_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks TNTMP: Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) TINLET_MAX equipment temperature The maximum temperature of the Geonor inlet for the hour. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) TINLET_MAX_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the maximum temperature of the Geonor inlet for the hour. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) TINLET_MAX_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the maximum temperature of the Geonor inlet for the hour. Most users will find the preceding quality code TINLET_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks PR: Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) OPENDOOR_TM equipment status The time in minutes the datalogger door was open during the hour. Length:2 Unit:Minutes Default Value:99 Q: Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) OPENDOOR_TM_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the time the datalogger door was open. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) OPENDOOR_TM_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the time the datalogger door was open. Most users will find the preceding quality code OPENDOOR_TM_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks DIAG: Secondary Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) header Length:3 RFRSAV: Secondary Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) REFRESAVG resistance The reference resistor average. Length:6 Scale:10 Unit:Ohms Default Value:999999 Q: Secondary Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) REFRESAVG_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the datalogger reference resistor average. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Secondary Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) REFRESAVG_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the reference resistor average. Most users will find the preceding quality code REFRESAVG_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks DSIG: Secondary Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) DSIGNATURE identifier A signature generated by the datalogger which changes if there is a content or sequence change in the datalogger programs. Length:6 Scale:10 Default Value:999999 Q: Secondary Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) DSIGNATURE_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the datalogger signature. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Secondary Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) DSIGNATURE_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the datalogger signature. Most users will find the preceding quality code DSIGNATURE_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks DIAG: Secondary Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) (continued) header Length:3 G: Secondary Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) (continued) LIQUID-PRECIPITATION gauge heater flag bit field The code that indicates the gauge heater flag bit field setting. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Off 1: On Q: Secondary Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) (continued) LIQUID-PRECIPITATION gauge heater flag quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the gauge heater flag code. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Secondary Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) (continued) LIQUID-PRECIPITATION gauge heater flag quality code #2 A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the gauge heater flag code. Most users will find the preceding quality code to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks D: Secondary Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) (continued) DOORFLAG field The code that indicates the datalogger door bit field setting. We have no idea what the heck this means. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Off 1: On MIN: 0 MAX: 9 Q: Secondary Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) (continued) DOORFLAG field quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the datalogger door bit field setting. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Secondary Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) (continued) DOORFLAG field quality code #2 A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the datalogger door bit field setting code. Most users will find the preceding quality code to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks RFP: Secondary Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) (continued) FORTRANS wattage Forward transmitter RF power in tenths of watts Length:3 Scale:10 Unit:Watts Default Value:999 Q: Secondary Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) (continued) FORTRANS wattage quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the forward transmitter RF power. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Secondary Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) (continued) FORTRANS wattage quality code #2 A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the forward transmitter RF power. Most users will find the preceding quality code to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks RFP: Secondary Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) (continued) REFLTRANS wattage Reflected transmitter RF power in tenths of watts Length:3 Scale:10 Unit:Watts Default Value:999 Q: Secondary Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) (continued) REFLTRANS wattage quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the reflected transmitter RF power. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Secondary Hourly Diagnostic Section (CRN) (continued) REFLTRANS wattage quality code #2 A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the reflected transmitter RF power. Most users will find the preceding quality code to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks META: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-METADATA header Length:3 DV: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-METADATA Climate division number The climate division number, for this station, within the US state that it resides. Length:2 Scale:1 Default Value:99 TDF: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-METADATA UTC-LST time conversion The UTC to LST time conversion for this station. Length:3 Scale:1 Default Value:999 TIMEDIFF: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-TIME-OFFSET header Length:3 ELE: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-TIME-OFFSET COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-ID The element identifier to be offset, based on the identifier as shown in this document. Length:3 Default Value:999 PR: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-TIME-OFFSET COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-TIME-OFFSET The offset in hours. To obtain the actual observation time of the element parameter indicated, add the value in this field to the date-time value in the "Control Section." Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Hours Default Value:+9999 TIMEDIFF: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-TIME-OFFSET header #2 Length:3 ELE: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-TIME-OFFSET #2 COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-ID The element identifier to be offset, based on the identifier as shown in this document. Length:3 Default Value:999 PR: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-TIME-OFFSET #2 COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-TIME-OFFSET The offset in hours. To obtain the actual observation time of the element parameter indicated, add the value in this field to the date-time value in the "Control Section." Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Hours Default Value:+9999 TIMEDIFF: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-TIME-OFFSET header #3 Length:3 ELE: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-TIME-OFFSET #3 COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-ID The element identifier to be offset, based on the identifier as shown in this document. Length:3 Default Value:999 PR: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-TIME-OFFSET #3 COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-TIME-OFFSET The offset in hours. To obtain the actual observation time of the element parameter indicated, add the value in this field to the date-time value in the "Control Section." Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Hours Default Value:+9999 TIMEDIFF: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-TIME-OFFSET header #4 Length:3 ELE: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-TIME-OFFSET #4 COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-ID The element identifier to be offset, based on the identifier as shown in this document. Length:3 Default Value:999 PR: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-TIME-OFFSET #4 COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-TIME-OFFSET The offset in hours. To obtain the actual observation time of the element parameter indicated, add the value in this field to the date-time value in the "Control Section." Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Hours Default Value:+9999 TIMEDIFF: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-TIME-OFFSET header #5 Length:3 ELE: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-TIME-OFFSET #5 COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-ID The element identifier to be offset, based on the identifier as shown in this document. Length:3 Default Value:999 PR: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-TIME-OFFSET #5 COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-TIME-OFFSET The offset in hours. To obtain the actual observation time of the element parameter indicated, add the value in this field to the date-time value in the "Control Section." Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Hours Default Value:+9999 TIMEDIFF: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-TIME-OFFSET header #6 Length:3 ELE: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-TIME-OFFSET #6 COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-ID The element identifier to be offset, based on the identifier as shown in this document. Length:3 Default Value:999 PR: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-TIME-OFFSET #6 COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-TIME-OFFSET The offset in hours. To obtain the actual observation time of the element parameter indicated, add the value in this field to the date-time value in the "Control Section." Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Hours Default Value:+9999 TIMEDIFF: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-TIME-OFFSET header #7 Length:3 ELE: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-TIME-OFFSET #7 COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-ID The element identifier to be offset, based on the identifier as shown in this document. Length:3 Default Value:999 PR: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-TIME-OFFSET #7 COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-TIME-OFFSET The offset in hours. To obtain the actual observation time of the element parameter indicated, add the value in this field to the date-time value in the "Control Section." Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Hours Default Value:+9999 TEMP: Subhourly Temperature Section (CRN) header Length:3 TEMP: Subhourly Temperature Section (CRN) AVG_TEMP air temperature The average air temperature for a 5-minute period. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: Subhourly Temperature Section (CRN) AVG_TEMP_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the 5-minute air temperature average. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Subhourly Temperature Section (CRN) AVG_TEMP_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the 5-minute air temperature average. Most users will find the preceding quality code AVG_TEMP_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks TEMP: Subhourly Temperature Section (CRN) header #2 Length:3 TEMP: Subhourly Temperature Section (CRN) #2 AVG_TEMP air temperature The average air temperature for a 5-minute period. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: Subhourly Temperature Section (CRN) #2 AVG_TEMP_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the 5-minute air temperature average. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Subhourly Temperature Section (CRN) #2 AVG_TEMP_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the 5-minute air temperature average. Most users will find the preceding quality code AVG_TEMP_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks TEMP: Subhourly Temperature Section (CRN) header #3 Length:3 TEMP: Subhourly Temperature Section (CRN) #3 AVG_TEMP air temperature The average air temperature for a 5-minute period. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: Subhourly Temperature Section (CRN) #3 AVG_TEMP_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the 5-minute air temperature average. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Subhourly Temperature Section (CRN) #3 AVG_TEMP_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the 5-minute air temperature average. Most users will find the preceding quality code AVG_TEMP_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks TEMP: Hourly Temperature Section (CRN) header Length:3 TEMP: Hourly Temperature Section (CRN) TEMP_AVG air temperature The average air temperature for an hour. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: Hourly Temperature Section (CRN) TEMP_AVG_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly temperature average. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Temperature Section (CRN) TEMP_AVG_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status the hourly temperature average. Most users will find the preceding quality code TEMP_AVG_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks SDVT: Hourly Temperature Section (CRN) TEMP_STD air temperature standard deviation The temperature standard deviation. Length:4 Scale:10 Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Temperature Section (CRN) TEMP_STD_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly temperature standard deviation. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Temperature Section (CRN) TEMP_STD_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status the hourly temperature standard deviation. Most users will find the preceding quality code TEMP_STD_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks TEMP: Hourly Temperature Section (CRN) header #2 Length:3 TEMP: Hourly Temperature Section (CRN) #2 TEMP_AVG air temperature The average air temperature for an hour. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: Hourly Temperature Section (CRN) #2 TEMP_AVG_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly temperature average. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Temperature Section (CRN) #2 TEMP_AVG_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status the hourly temperature average. Most users will find the preceding quality code TEMP_AVG_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks SDVT: Hourly Temperature Section (CRN) #2 TEMP_STD air temperature standard deviation The temperature standard deviation. Length:4 Scale:10 Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Temperature Section (CRN) #2 TEMP_STD_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly temperature standard deviation. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Temperature Section (CRN) #2 TEMP_STD_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status the hourly temperature standard deviation. Most users will find the preceding quality code TEMP_STD_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks TEMP: Hourly Temperature Section (CRN) header #3 Length:3 TEMP: Hourly Temperature Section (CRN) #3 TEMP_AVG air temperature The average air temperature for an hour. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: Hourly Temperature Section (CRN) #3 TEMP_AVG_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly temperature average. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Temperature Section (CRN) #3 TEMP_AVG_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status the hourly temperature average. Most users will find the preceding quality code TEMP_AVG_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks SDVT: Hourly Temperature Section (CRN) #3 TEMP_STD air temperature standard deviation The temperature standard deviation. Length:4 Scale:10 Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Temperature Section (CRN) #3 TEMP_STD_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly temperature standard deviation. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Temperature Section (CRN) #3 TEMP_STD_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status the hourly temperature standard deviation. Most users will find the preceding quality code TEMP_STD_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks TEMP: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) header Length:3 MINT: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) TEMP_MIN minimum air temperature The minimum air temperature for the hour. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) TEMP_MIN_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the minimum hourly temperature. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) TEMP_MIN_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status the minimum hourly. Most users will find the preceding quality code TEMP_MIN_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks HRMN: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) TEMP_MIN_TIME time of minimum air temperature The time at which the minimum temperature occurred, in z-time HHMM format Length:4 Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) TEMP_MIN_TIME_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the time of minimum hourly temperature. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) TEMP_MIN_TIME_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the time of minimum hourly temperature. Most users will find the preceding quality code TEMP_MIN_TIME_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks MAXT: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) TEMP_MAX maximum air temperature The maximum air temperature for an hour. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Angular Degrees Default Value:99999 Q: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) TEMP_MAX_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the maximum hourly. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) TEMP_MAX_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status the maximum hourly. Most users will find the preceding quality code TEMP_MAX_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks HRMN: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) TEMP_MAX_TIME time of maximum air temperature The time at which the maximum temperature occurred, in z-time HHMM format Length:4 Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) TEMP_MAX_TIME_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the time of maximum hourly temperature. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) TEMP_MAX_TIME_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the time of maximum hourly temperature. Most users will find the preceding quality code TEMP_MAX_TIME_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks TEMP: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) header #2 Length:3 MINT: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) #2 TEMP_MIN minimum air temperature The minimum air temperature for the hour. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) #2 TEMP_MIN_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the minimum hourly temperature. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) #2 TEMP_MIN_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status the minimum hourly. Most users will find the preceding quality code TEMP_MIN_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks HRMN: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) #2 TEMP_MIN_TIME time of minimum air temperature The time at which the minimum temperature occurred, in z-time HHMM format Length:4 Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) #2 TEMP_MIN_TIME_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the time of minimum hourly temperature. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) #2 TEMP_MIN_TIME_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the time of minimum hourly temperature. Most users will find the preceding quality code TEMP_MIN_TIME_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks MAXT: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) #2 TEMP_MAX maximum air temperature The maximum air temperature for an hour. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Angular Degrees Default Value:99999 Q: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) #2 TEMP_MAX_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the maximum hourly. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) #2 TEMP_MAX_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status the maximum hourly. Most users will find the preceding quality code TEMP_MAX_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks HRMN: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) #2 TEMP_MAX_TIME time of maximum air temperature The time at which the maximum temperature occurred, in z-time HHMM format Length:4 Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) #2 TEMP_MAX_TIME_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the time of maximum hourly temperature. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) #2 TEMP_MAX_TIME_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the time of maximum hourly temperature. Most users will find the preceding quality code TEMP_MAX_TIME_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks TEMP: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) header #3 Length:3 MINT: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) #3 TEMP_MIN minimum air temperature The minimum air temperature for the hour. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) #3 TEMP_MIN_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the minimum hourly temperature. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) #3 TEMP_MIN_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status the minimum hourly. Most users will find the preceding quality code TEMP_MIN_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks HRMN: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) #3 TEMP_MIN_TIME time of minimum air temperature The time at which the minimum temperature occurred, in z-time HHMM format Length:4 Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) #3 TEMP_MIN_TIME_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the time of minimum hourly temperature. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) #3 TEMP_MIN_TIME_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the time of minimum hourly temperature. Most users will find the preceding quality code TEMP_MIN_TIME_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks MAXT: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) #3 TEMP_MAX maximum air temperature The maximum air temperature for an hour. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Angular Degrees Default Value:99999 Q: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) #3 TEMP_MAX_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the maximum hourly. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) #3 TEMP_MAX_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status the maximum hourly. Most users will find the preceding quality code TEMP_MAX_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks HRMN: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) #3 TEMP_MAX_TIME time of maximum air temperature The time at which the maximum temperature occurred, in z-time HHMM format Length:4 Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) #3 TEMP_MAX_TIME_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the time of maximum hourly temperature. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Temperature Extreme Section (CRN) #3 TEMP_MAX_TIME_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the time of maximum hourly temperature. Most users will find the preceding quality code TEMP_MAX_TIME_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks WET: Subhourly Wetness Section (CRN) header Length:3 WET: Subhourly Wetness Section (CRN) WET1 wetness indicator Wetness sensor channel 1 value indicating the existence or non-existence of moisture on the sensor. Length:5 Scale:10 Default Value:99999 Q: Subhourly Wetness Section (CRN) WET1_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the wetness sensor channel 1 value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Subhourly Wetness Section (CRN) WET1_FLAG quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the wetness sensor channel 1 value. Most users will find the preceding quality code WET1_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks WET: Subhourly Wetness Section (CRN) WET2 wetness indicator Wetness sensor channel 2 value indicating the existence or non-existence of moisture on the sensor. Length:5 Scale:10 Default Value:99999 Q: Subhourly Wetness Section (CRN) WET2_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the wetness sensor channel 2 value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Subhourly Wetness Section (CRN) WET2_FLAG quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the wetness sensor channel 2 value. Most users will find the preceding quality code WET2_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks PRECIP: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) header Length:3 AMT: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) PRECIP total hourly precipitation The total hourly precipitation amount for the sensor. Length:6 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:999999 Q: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) PRECIP_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly precipitation amount. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) PRECIP_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the hourly precipitation amount. Most users will find the preceding quality code PRECIP_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks FREQ: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) FREQ_AVG hourly average frequency The hourly average frequency for the sensor. Length:4 Unit:Hertz Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) FREQ_AVG_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly average frequency. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) FREQ_AVG_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the hourly average frequency. Most users will find the preceding quality code FREQ_AVG_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks MINF: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) FREQ_MIN hourly minimum frequency The minimum frequency during the hour for the sensor. Length:4 Unit:Hertz Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) FREQ_MIN_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly minimum frequency. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) FREQ_MIN_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the hourly minimum frequency. Most users will find the preceding quality code FREQ_MIN_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks MAXF: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) FREQ_MAX hourly maximum frequency The minimum frequency during the hour for the sensor. Length:4 Unit:Hertz Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) FREQ_MAX_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly maximum frequency. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) FREQ_MAX_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the hourly maximum frequency. Most users will find the preceding quality code FREQ_MAX_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks PRECIP: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) header #2 Length:3 AMT: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) #2 PRECIP total hourly precipitation The total hourly precipitation amount for the sensor. Length:6 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:999999 Q: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) #2 PRECIP_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly precipitation amount. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) #2 PRECIP_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the hourly precipitation amount. Most users will find the preceding quality code PRECIP_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks FREQ: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) #2 FREQ_AVG hourly average frequency The hourly average frequency for the sensor. Length:4 Unit:Hertz Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) #2 FREQ_AVG_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly average frequency. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) #2 FREQ_AVG_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the hourly average frequency. Most users will find the preceding quality code FREQ_AVG_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks MINF: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) #2 FREQ_MIN hourly minimum frequency The minimum frequency during the hour for the sensor. Length:4 Unit:Hertz Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) #2 FREQ_MIN_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly minimum frequency. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) #2 FREQ_MIN_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the hourly minimum frequency. Most users will find the preceding quality code FREQ_MIN_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks MAXF: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) #2 FREQ_MAX hourly maximum frequency The minimum frequency during the hour for the sensor. Length:4 Unit:Hertz Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) #2 FREQ_MAX_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly maximum frequency. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) #2 FREQ_MAX_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the hourly maximum frequency. Most users will find the preceding quality code FREQ_MAX_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks PRECIP: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) header #3 Length:3 AMT: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) #3 PRECIP total hourly precipitation The total hourly precipitation amount for the sensor. Length:6 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:999999 Q: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) #3 PRECIP_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly precipitation amount. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) #3 PRECIP_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the hourly precipitation amount. Most users will find the preceding quality code PRECIP_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks FREQ: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) #3 FREQ_AVG hourly average frequency The hourly average frequency for the sensor. Length:4 Unit:Hertz Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) #3 FREQ_AVG_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly average frequency. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) #3 FREQ_AVG_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the hourly average frequency. Most users will find the preceding quality code FREQ_AVG_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks MINF: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) #3 FREQ_MIN hourly minimum frequency The minimum frequency during the hour for the sensor. Length:4 Unit:Hertz Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) #3 FREQ_MIN_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly minimum frequency. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) #3 FREQ_MIN_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the hourly minimum frequency. Most users will find the preceding quality code FREQ_MIN_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks MAXF: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) #3 FREQ_MAX hourly maximum frequency The minimum frequency during the hour for the sensor. Length:4 Unit:Hertz Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) #3 FREQ_MAX_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly maximum frequency. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Geonor Vibrating Wire Summary Section (CRN) #3 FREQ_MAX_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the hourly maximum frequency. Most users will find the preceding quality code FREQ_MAX_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks RUNWAY: RUNWAY-VISUAL-RANGE-OBSERVATION header Length:3 DR: RUNWAY-VISUAL-RANGE-OBSERVATION direction angle The angle as measured from magnetic north to the runway along which the visibility is observed. Length:2 Scale:0 Unit:Tens of degrees Default Value:99 C: RUNWAY-VISUAL-RANGE-OBSERVATION runway designator code The code that denotes the left, right or center runway as the one to which the visibility applies. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: C: center L: left R: right U: unknown RVR: RUNWAY-VISUAL-RANGE-OBSERVATION visibility dimension The dimension of the horizontal distance that can be seen along the runway. Length:4 Unit:Meters Default Value:9999 Q: RUNWAY-VISUAL-RANGE-OBSERVATION quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported RUNWAY-VISUAL-RANGE-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present CLOUD LAYER: SKY-COVER-LAYER header Length:3 CV: SKY-COVER-LAYER coverage code The code that denotes the fraction of the total celestial dome covered by a SKY-COVER-LAYER. Note: This is for a discrete cloud layer, as opposed to the cloud later summation data in the GD1-GD6 section. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: None, SKC or CLR 01: One okta - 1/10 or less but not zero 02: Two oktas - 2/10 - 3/10, or FEW 03: Three oktas - 4/10 04: Four oktas - 5/10, or SCT 05: Five oktas - 6/10 06: Six oktas - 7/10 - 8/10 07: Seven oktas - 9/10 or more but not 10/10, or BKN 08: Eight oktas - 10/10, or OVC 09: Sky obscured, or cloud amount cannot be estimated 10: Partial obscuration Q: SKY-COVER-LAYER coverage quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-LAYER coverage. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, from NCDC SURFACE HOURLY 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC SURFACE HOURLY 6: Suspect, from NCDC SURFACE HOURLY 7: Erroneous, from NCDC SURFACE HOURLY 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA BASEH: SKY-COVER-LAYER base height dimension The height relative to a VERTICAL-REFERENCE-DATUM of the lowest surface of a cloud. Length:6 Scale:1 Unit:Meters Default Value:+99999 Q: SKY-COVER-LAYER base height quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-LAYER base height. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , from NCDC Surface Hourly 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC Surface Hourly 6: Suspect, from NCDC Surface Hourly 7: Erroneous, from NCDC Surface Hourly 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA TP: SKY-COVER-LAYER cloud type code The code that denotes the classification of the clouds that comprise a SKY-COVER-LAYER. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Cirrus (Ci) 01: Cirrocumulus (Cc) 02: Cirrostratus (Cs) 03: Altocumulus (Ac) 04: Altostratus (As) 05: Nimbostratus (Ns) 06: Stratocumulus (Sc) 07: Stratus (St) 08: Cumulus (Cu) 09: Cumulonimbus (Cb) 10: Cloud not visible owing to darkness, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, or other analogous phenomena / sky obscured 11: Not used 12: Towering Cumulus (Tcu) 13: Stratus fractus (Stfra) 14: Stratocumulus Lenticular (Scsl) 15: Cumulus Fractus (Cufra) 16: Cumulonimbus Mammatus (Cbmam) 17: Altocumulus Lenticular (Acsl) 18: Altocumulus Castellanus (Accas) 19: Altocumulus Mammatus (Acmam) 20: Cirrocumulus Lenticular (Ccsl) 21: Cirrus and/or Cirrocumulus 22: Stratus and/or Fracto-stratus 23: Cumulus and/or Fracto-cumulus Q: SKY-COVER-LAYER cloud type quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-LAYER cloud type. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , from NCDC Surface Hourly 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC Surface Hourly 6: Suspect, from NCDC Surface Hourly 7: Erroneous, from NCDC Surface Hourly 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA CLOUD LAYER: SKY-COVER-LAYER header #2 Length:3 CV: SKY-COVER-LAYER #2 coverage code The code that denotes the fraction of the total celestial dome covered by a SKY-COVER-LAYER. Note: This is for a discrete cloud layer, as opposed to the cloud later summation data in the GD1-GD6 section. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: None, SKC or CLR 01: One okta - 1/10 or less but not zero 02: Two oktas - 2/10 - 3/10, or FEW 03: Three oktas - 4/10 04: Four oktas - 5/10, or SCT 05: Five oktas - 6/10 06: Six oktas - 7/10 - 8/10 07: Seven oktas - 9/10 or more but not 10/10, or BKN 08: Eight oktas - 10/10, or OVC 09: Sky obscured, or cloud amount cannot be estimated 10: Partial obscuration Q: SKY-COVER-LAYER #2 coverage quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-LAYER coverage. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, from NCDC SURFACE HOURLY 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC SURFACE HOURLY 6: Suspect, from NCDC SURFACE HOURLY 7: Erroneous, from NCDC SURFACE HOURLY 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA BASEH: SKY-COVER-LAYER #2 base height dimension The height relative to a VERTICAL-REFERENCE-DATUM of the lowest surface of a cloud. Length:6 Scale:1 Unit:Meters Default Value:+99999 Q: SKY-COVER-LAYER #2 base height quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-LAYER base height. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , from NCDC Surface Hourly 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC Surface Hourly 6: Suspect, from NCDC Surface Hourly 7: Erroneous, from NCDC Surface Hourly 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA TP: SKY-COVER-LAYER #2 cloud type code The code that denotes the classification of the clouds that comprise a SKY-COVER-LAYER. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Cirrus (Ci) 01: Cirrocumulus (Cc) 02: Cirrostratus (Cs) 03: Altocumulus (Ac) 04: Altostratus (As) 05: Nimbostratus (Ns) 06: Stratocumulus (Sc) 07: Stratus (St) 08: Cumulus (Cu) 09: Cumulonimbus (Cb) 10: Cloud not visible owing to darkness, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, or other analogous phenomena / sky obscured 11: Not used 12: Towering Cumulus (Tcu) 13: Stratus fractus (Stfra) 14: Stratocumulus Lenticular (Scsl) 15: Cumulus Fractus (Cufra) 16: Cumulonimbus Mammatus (Cbmam) 17: Altocumulus Lenticular (Acsl) 18: Altocumulus Castellanus (Accas) 19: Altocumulus Mammatus (Acmam) 20: Cirrocumulus Lenticular (Ccsl) 21: Cirrus and/or Cirrocumulus 22: Stratus and/or Fracto-stratus 23: Cumulus and/or Fracto-cumulus Q: SKY-COVER-LAYER #2 cloud type quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-LAYER cloud type. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , from NCDC Surface Hourly 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC Surface Hourly 6: Suspect, from NCDC Surface Hourly 7: Erroneous, from NCDC Surface Hourly 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA CLOUD LAYER: SKY-COVER-LAYER header #3 Length:3 CV: SKY-COVER-LAYER #3 coverage code The code that denotes the fraction of the total celestial dome covered by a SKY-COVER-LAYER. Note: This is for a discrete cloud layer, as opposed to the cloud later summation data in the GD1-GD6 section. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: None, SKC or CLR 01: One okta - 1/10 or less but not zero 02: Two oktas - 2/10 - 3/10, or FEW 03: Three oktas - 4/10 04: Four oktas - 5/10, or SCT 05: Five oktas - 6/10 06: Six oktas - 7/10 - 8/10 07: Seven oktas - 9/10 or more but not 10/10, or BKN 08: Eight oktas - 10/10, or OVC 09: Sky obscured, or cloud amount cannot be estimated 10: Partial obscuration Q: SKY-COVER-LAYER #3 coverage quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-LAYER coverage. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, from NCDC SURFACE HOURLY 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC SURFACE HOURLY 6: Suspect, from NCDC SURFACE HOURLY 7: Erroneous, from NCDC SURFACE HOURLY 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA BASEH: SKY-COVER-LAYER #3 base height dimension The height relative to a VERTICAL-REFERENCE-DATUM of the lowest surface of a cloud. Length:6 Scale:1 Unit:Meters Default Value:+99999 Q: SKY-COVER-LAYER #3 base height quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-LAYER base height. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , from NCDC Surface Hourly 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC Surface Hourly 6: Suspect, from NCDC Surface Hourly 7: Erroneous, from NCDC Surface Hourly 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA TP: SKY-COVER-LAYER #3 cloud type code The code that denotes the classification of the clouds that comprise a SKY-COVER-LAYER. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Cirrus (Ci) 01: Cirrocumulus (Cc) 02: Cirrostratus (Cs) 03: Altocumulus (Ac) 04: Altostratus (As) 05: Nimbostratus (Ns) 06: Stratocumulus (Sc) 07: Stratus (St) 08: Cumulus (Cu) 09: Cumulonimbus (Cb) 10: Cloud not visible owing to darkness, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, or other analogous phenomena / sky obscured 11: Not used 12: Towering Cumulus (Tcu) 13: Stratus fractus (Stfra) 14: Stratocumulus Lenticular (Scsl) 15: Cumulus Fractus (Cufra) 16: Cumulonimbus Mammatus (Cbmam) 17: Altocumulus Lenticular (Acsl) 18: Altocumulus Castellanus (Accas) 19: Altocumulus Mammatus (Acmam) 20: Cirrocumulus Lenticular (Ccsl) 21: Cirrus and/or Cirrocumulus 22: Stratus and/or Fracto-stratus 23: Cumulus and/or Fracto-cumulus Q: SKY-COVER-LAYER #3 cloud type quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-LAYER cloud type. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , from NCDC Surface Hourly 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC Surface Hourly 6: Suspect, from NCDC Surface Hourly 7: Erroneous, from NCDC Surface Hourly 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA CLOUD LAYER: SKY-COVER-LAYER header #4 Length:3 CV: SKY-COVER-LAYER #4 coverage code The code that denotes the fraction of the total celestial dome covered by a SKY-COVER-LAYER. Note: This is for a discrete cloud layer, as opposed to the cloud later summation data in the GD1-GD6 section. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: None, SKC or CLR 01: One okta - 1/10 or less but not zero 02: Two oktas - 2/10 - 3/10, or FEW 03: Three oktas - 4/10 04: Four oktas - 5/10, or SCT 05: Five oktas - 6/10 06: Six oktas - 7/10 - 8/10 07: Seven oktas - 9/10 or more but not 10/10, or BKN 08: Eight oktas - 10/10, or OVC 09: Sky obscured, or cloud amount cannot be estimated 10: Partial obscuration Q: SKY-COVER-LAYER #4 coverage quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-LAYER coverage. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, from NCDC SURFACE HOURLY 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC SURFACE HOURLY 6: Suspect, from NCDC SURFACE HOURLY 7: Erroneous, from NCDC SURFACE HOURLY 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA BASEH: SKY-COVER-LAYER #4 base height dimension The height relative to a VERTICAL-REFERENCE-DATUM of the lowest surface of a cloud. Length:6 Scale:1 Unit:Meters Default Value:+99999 Q: SKY-COVER-LAYER #4 base height quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-LAYER base height. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , from NCDC Surface Hourly 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC Surface Hourly 6: Suspect, from NCDC Surface Hourly 7: Erroneous, from NCDC Surface Hourly 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA TP: SKY-COVER-LAYER #4 cloud type code The code that denotes the classification of the clouds that comprise a SKY-COVER-LAYER. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Cirrus (Ci) 01: Cirrocumulus (Cc) 02: Cirrostratus (Cs) 03: Altocumulus (Ac) 04: Altostratus (As) 05: Nimbostratus (Ns) 06: Stratocumulus (Sc) 07: Stratus (St) 08: Cumulus (Cu) 09: Cumulonimbus (Cb) 10: Cloud not visible owing to darkness, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, or other analogous phenomena / sky obscured 11: Not used 12: Towering Cumulus (Tcu) 13: Stratus fractus (Stfra) 14: Stratocumulus Lenticular (Scsl) 15: Cumulus Fractus (Cufra) 16: Cumulonimbus Mammatus (Cbmam) 17: Altocumulus Lenticular (Acsl) 18: Altocumulus Castellanus (Accas) 19: Altocumulus Mammatus (Acmam) 20: Cirrocumulus Lenticular (Ccsl) 21: Cirrus and/or Cirrocumulus 22: Stratus and/or Fracto-stratus 23: Cumulus and/or Fracto-cumulus Q: SKY-COVER-LAYER #4 cloud type quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-LAYER cloud type. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , from NCDC Surface Hourly 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC Surface Hourly 6: Suspect, from NCDC Surface Hourly 7: Erroneous, from NCDC Surface Hourly 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA CLOUD LAYER: SKY-COVER-LAYER header #5 Length:3 CV: SKY-COVER-LAYER #5 coverage code The code that denotes the fraction of the total celestial dome covered by a SKY-COVER-LAYER. Note: This is for a discrete cloud layer, as opposed to the cloud later summation data in the GD1-GD6 section. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: None, SKC or CLR 01: One okta - 1/10 or less but not zero 02: Two oktas - 2/10 - 3/10, or FEW 03: Three oktas - 4/10 04: Four oktas - 5/10, or SCT 05: Five oktas - 6/10 06: Six oktas - 7/10 - 8/10 07: Seven oktas - 9/10 or more but not 10/10, or BKN 08: Eight oktas - 10/10, or OVC 09: Sky obscured, or cloud amount cannot be estimated 10: Partial obscuration Q: SKY-COVER-LAYER #5 coverage quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-LAYER coverage. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, from NCDC SURFACE HOURLY 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC SURFACE HOURLY 6: Suspect, from NCDC SURFACE HOURLY 7: Erroneous, from NCDC SURFACE HOURLY 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA BASEH: SKY-COVER-LAYER #5 base height dimension The height relative to a VERTICAL-REFERENCE-DATUM of the lowest surface of a cloud. Length:6 Scale:1 Unit:Meters Default Value:+99999 Q: SKY-COVER-LAYER #5 base height quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-LAYER base height. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , from NCDC Surface Hourly 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC Surface Hourly 6: Suspect, from NCDC Surface Hourly 7: Erroneous, from NCDC Surface Hourly 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA TP: SKY-COVER-LAYER #5 cloud type code The code that denotes the classification of the clouds that comprise a SKY-COVER-LAYER. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Cirrus (Ci) 01: Cirrocumulus (Cc) 02: Cirrostratus (Cs) 03: Altocumulus (Ac) 04: Altostratus (As) 05: Nimbostratus (Ns) 06: Stratocumulus (Sc) 07: Stratus (St) 08: Cumulus (Cu) 09: Cumulonimbus (Cb) 10: Cloud not visible owing to darkness, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, or other analogous phenomena / sky obscured 11: Not used 12: Towering Cumulus (Tcu) 13: Stratus fractus (Stfra) 14: Stratocumulus Lenticular (Scsl) 15: Cumulus Fractus (Cufra) 16: Cumulonimbus Mammatus (Cbmam) 17: Altocumulus Lenticular (Acsl) 18: Altocumulus Castellanus (Accas) 19: Altocumulus Mammatus (Acmam) 20: Cirrocumulus Lenticular (Ccsl) 21: Cirrus and/or Cirrocumulus 22: Stratus and/or Fracto-stratus 23: Cumulus and/or Fracto-cumulus Q: SKY-COVER-LAYER #5 cloud type quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-LAYER cloud type. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , from NCDC Surface Hourly 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC Surface Hourly 6: Suspect, from NCDC Surface Hourly 7: Erroneous, from NCDC Surface Hourly 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA CLOUD LAYER: SKY-COVER-LAYER header #6 Length:3 CV: SKY-COVER-LAYER #6 coverage code The code that denotes the fraction of the total celestial dome covered by a SKY-COVER-LAYER. Note: This is for a discrete cloud layer, as opposed to the cloud later summation data in the GD1-GD6 section. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: None, SKC or CLR 01: One okta - 1/10 or less but not zero 02: Two oktas - 2/10 - 3/10, or FEW 03: Three oktas - 4/10 04: Four oktas - 5/10, or SCT 05: Five oktas - 6/10 06: Six oktas - 7/10 - 8/10 07: Seven oktas - 9/10 or more but not 10/10, or BKN 08: Eight oktas - 10/10, or OVC 09: Sky obscured, or cloud amount cannot be estimated 10: Partial obscuration Q: SKY-COVER-LAYER #6 coverage quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-LAYER coverage. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, from NCDC SURFACE HOURLY 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC SURFACE HOURLY 6: Suspect, from NCDC SURFACE HOURLY 7: Erroneous, from NCDC SURFACE HOURLY 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA BASEH: SKY-COVER-LAYER #6 base height dimension The height relative to a VERTICAL-REFERENCE-DATUM of the lowest surface of a cloud. Length:6 Scale:1 Unit:Meters Default Value:+99999 Q: SKY-COVER-LAYER #6 base height quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-LAYER base height. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , from NCDC Surface Hourly 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC Surface Hourly 6: Suspect, from NCDC Surface Hourly 7: Erroneous, from NCDC Surface Hourly 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA TP: SKY-COVER-LAYER #6 cloud type code The code that denotes the classification of the clouds that comprise a SKY-COVER-LAYER. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Cirrus (Ci) 01: Cirrocumulus (Cc) 02: Cirrostratus (Cs) 03: Altocumulus (Ac) 04: Altostratus (As) 05: Nimbostratus (Ns) 06: Stratocumulus (Sc) 07: Stratus (St) 08: Cumulus (Cu) 09: Cumulonimbus (Cb) 10: Cloud not visible owing to darkness, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, or other analogous phenomena / sky obscured 11: Not used 12: Towering Cumulus (Tcu) 13: Stratus fractus (Stfra) 14: Stratocumulus Lenticular (Scsl) 15: Cumulus Fractus (Cufra) 16: Cumulonimbus Mammatus (Cbmam) 17: Altocumulus Lenticular (Acsl) 18: Altocumulus Castellanus (Accas) 19: Altocumulus Mammatus (Acmam) 20: Cirrocumulus Lenticular (Ccsl) 21: Cirrus and/or Cirrocumulus 22: Stratus and/or Fracto-stratus 23: Cumulus and/or Fracto-cumulus Q: SKY-COVER-LAYER #6 cloud type quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-LAYER cloud type. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , from NCDC Surface Hourly 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC Surface Hourly 6: Suspect, from NCDC Surface Hourly 7: Erroneous, from NCDC Surface Hourly 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA CLOUD SUMM: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE header Length:3 C: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE coverage code The code that denotes the portion of the total celestial dome covered by all layers of clouds and other obscuring phenomena at or below a given height. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Clear - No coverage 1: FEW - 2/8 or less coverage (not including zero) 2: SCATTERED - 3/8-4/8 coverage 3: BROKEN - 5/8-7/8 coverage 4: OVERCAST - 8/8 coverage 5: OBSCURED 6: PARTIALLY OBSCURED CV: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE Coverage code #2 The code that denotes the fraction of the total celestial dome covered by a by all layers of clouds and other obscuring phenomena at or below a given height, if reported by the station in octas. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: None, SKC or CLR 01: One okta - 1/10 or less but not zero 02: Two oktas - 2/10 - 3/10, or FEW 03: Three oktas - 4/10 04: Four oktas - 5/10, or SCT 05: Five oktas - 6/10 06: Six oktas - 7/10 - 8/10 07: Seven oktas - 9/10 or more but not 10/10, or BKN 08: Eight oktas - 10/10, or OVC 09: Sky obscured, or cloud amount cannot be estimated 10: Partial obscuration 11: Thin Scattered 12: Scattered 13: Dark scattered 14: Thin Broken 15: Broken 16: Dark broken 17: Thin overcast 18: Overcast 19: Dark overcast Q: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE coverage quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE coverage. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present HEIGHT: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE height dimension The height above ground level (AGL) of the base of the cloud layer or obscuring phenomena. Length:6 Unit:Meters Default Value:999999 Q: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE height dimension quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE height dimension. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present I: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE characteristic code The code that represents a characteristic of a specific cloud or other obscuring phenomena layer. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Variable height 2: Variable amount 3: Thin clouds 4: Dark layer (reported in data prior to 1950) CLOUD SUMM: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE header #2 Length:3 C: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #2 coverage code The code that denotes the portion of the total celestial dome covered by all layers of clouds and other obscuring phenomena at or below a given height. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Clear - No coverage 1: FEW - 2/8 or less coverage (not including zero) 2: SCATTERED - 3/8-4/8 coverage 3: BROKEN - 5/8-7/8 coverage 4: OVERCAST - 8/8 coverage 5: OBSCURED 6: PARTIALLY OBSCURED CV: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #2 Coverage code #2 The code that denotes the fraction of the total celestial dome covered by a by all layers of clouds and other obscuring phenomena at or below a given height, if reported by the station in octas. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: None, SKC or CLR 01: One okta - 1/10 or less but not zero 02: Two oktas - 2/10 - 3/10, or FEW 03: Three oktas - 4/10 04: Four oktas - 5/10, or SCT 05: Five oktas - 6/10 06: Six oktas - 7/10 - 8/10 07: Seven oktas - 9/10 or more but not 10/10, or BKN 08: Eight oktas - 10/10, or OVC 09: Sky obscured, or cloud amount cannot be estimated 10: Partial obscuration 11: Thin Scattered 12: Scattered 13: Dark scattered 14: Thin Broken 15: Broken 16: Dark broken 17: Thin overcast 18: Overcast 19: Dark overcast Q: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #2 coverage quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE coverage. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present HEIGHT: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #2 height dimension The height above ground level (AGL) of the base of the cloud layer or obscuring phenomena. Length:6 Unit:Meters Default Value:999999 Q: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #2 height dimension quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE height dimension. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present I: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #2 characteristic code The code that represents a characteristic of a specific cloud or other obscuring phenomena layer. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Variable height 2: Variable amount 3: Thin clouds 4: Dark layer (reported in data prior to 1950) CLOUD SUMM: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE header #3 Length:3 C: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #3 coverage code The code that denotes the portion of the total celestial dome covered by all layers of clouds and other obscuring phenomena at or below a given height. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Clear - No coverage 1: FEW - 2/8 or less coverage (not including zero) 2: SCATTERED - 3/8-4/8 coverage 3: BROKEN - 5/8-7/8 coverage 4: OVERCAST - 8/8 coverage 5: OBSCURED 6: PARTIALLY OBSCURED CV: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #3 Coverage code #2 The code that denotes the fraction of the total celestial dome covered by a by all layers of clouds and other obscuring phenomena at or below a given height, if reported by the station in octas. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: None, SKC or CLR 01: One okta - 1/10 or less but not zero 02: Two oktas - 2/10 - 3/10, or FEW 03: Three oktas - 4/10 04: Four oktas - 5/10, or SCT 05: Five oktas - 6/10 06: Six oktas - 7/10 - 8/10 07: Seven oktas - 9/10 or more but not 10/10, or BKN 08: Eight oktas - 10/10, or OVC 09: Sky obscured, or cloud amount cannot be estimated 10: Partial obscuration 11: Thin Scattered 12: Scattered 13: Dark scattered 14: Thin Broken 15: Broken 16: Dark broken 17: Thin overcast 18: Overcast 19: Dark overcast Q: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #3 coverage quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE coverage. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present HEIGHT: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #3 height dimension The height above ground level (AGL) of the base of the cloud layer or obscuring phenomena. Length:6 Unit:Meters Default Value:999999 Q: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #3 height dimension quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE height dimension. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present I: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #3 characteristic code The code that represents a characteristic of a specific cloud or other obscuring phenomena layer. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Variable height 2: Variable amount 3: Thin clouds 4: Dark layer (reported in data prior to 1950) CLOUD SUMM: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE header #4 Length:3 C: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #4 coverage code The code that denotes the portion of the total celestial dome covered by all layers of clouds and other obscuring phenomena at or below a given height. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Clear - No coverage 1: FEW - 2/8 or less coverage (not including zero) 2: SCATTERED - 3/8-4/8 coverage 3: BROKEN - 5/8-7/8 coverage 4: OVERCAST - 8/8 coverage 5: OBSCURED 6: PARTIALLY OBSCURED CV: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #4 Coverage code #2 The code that denotes the fraction of the total celestial dome covered by a by all layers of clouds and other obscuring phenomena at or below a given height, if reported by the station in octas. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: None, SKC or CLR 01: One okta - 1/10 or less but not zero 02: Two oktas - 2/10 - 3/10, or FEW 03: Three oktas - 4/10 04: Four oktas - 5/10, or SCT 05: Five oktas - 6/10 06: Six oktas - 7/10 - 8/10 07: Seven oktas - 9/10 or more but not 10/10, or BKN 08: Eight oktas - 10/10, or OVC 09: Sky obscured, or cloud amount cannot be estimated 10: Partial obscuration 11: Thin Scattered 12: Scattered 13: Dark scattered 14: Thin Broken 15: Broken 16: Dark broken 17: Thin overcast 18: Overcast 19: Dark overcast Q: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #4 coverage quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE coverage. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present HEIGHT: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #4 height dimension The height above ground level (AGL) of the base of the cloud layer or obscuring phenomena. Length:6 Unit:Meters Default Value:999999 Q: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #4 height dimension quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE height dimension. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present I: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #4 characteristic code The code that represents a characteristic of a specific cloud or other obscuring phenomena layer. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Variable height 2: Variable amount 3: Thin clouds 4: Dark layer (reported in data prior to 1950) CLOUD SUMM: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE header #5 Length:3 C: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #5 coverage code The code that denotes the portion of the total celestial dome covered by all layers of clouds and other obscuring phenomena at or below a given height. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Clear - No coverage 1: FEW - 2/8 or less coverage (not including zero) 2: SCATTERED - 3/8-4/8 coverage 3: BROKEN - 5/8-7/8 coverage 4: OVERCAST - 8/8 coverage 5: OBSCURED 6: PARTIALLY OBSCURED CV: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #5 Coverage code #2 The code that denotes the fraction of the total celestial dome covered by a by all layers of clouds and other obscuring phenomena at or below a given height, if reported by the station in octas. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: None, SKC or CLR 01: One okta - 1/10 or less but not zero 02: Two oktas - 2/10 - 3/10, or FEW 03: Three oktas - 4/10 04: Four oktas - 5/10, or SCT 05: Five oktas - 6/10 06: Six oktas - 7/10 - 8/10 07: Seven oktas - 9/10 or more but not 10/10, or BKN 08: Eight oktas - 10/10, or OVC 09: Sky obscured, or cloud amount cannot be estimated 10: Partial obscuration 11: Thin Scattered 12: Scattered 13: Dark scattered 14: Thin Broken 15: Broken 16: Dark broken 17: Thin overcast 18: Overcast 19: Dark overcast Q: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #5 coverage quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE coverage. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present HEIGHT: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #5 height dimension The height above ground level (AGL) of the base of the cloud layer or obscuring phenomena. Length:6 Unit:Meters Default Value:999999 Q: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #5 height dimension quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE height dimension. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present I: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #5 characteristic code The code that represents a characteristic of a specific cloud or other obscuring phenomena layer. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Variable height 2: Variable amount 3: Thin clouds 4: Dark layer (reported in data prior to 1950) CLOUD SUMM: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE header #6 Length:3 C: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #6 coverage code The code that denotes the portion of the total celestial dome covered by all layers of clouds and other obscuring phenomena at or below a given height. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Clear - No coverage 1: FEW - 2/8 or less coverage (not including zero) 2: SCATTERED - 3/8-4/8 coverage 3: BROKEN - 5/8-7/8 coverage 4: OVERCAST - 8/8 coverage 5: OBSCURED 6: PARTIALLY OBSCURED CV: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #6 Coverage code #2 The code that denotes the fraction of the total celestial dome covered by a by all layers of clouds and other obscuring phenomena at or below a given height, if reported by the station in octas. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: None, SKC or CLR 01: One okta - 1/10 or less but not zero 02: Two oktas - 2/10 - 3/10, or FEW 03: Three oktas - 4/10 04: Four oktas - 5/10, or SCT 05: Five oktas - 6/10 06: Six oktas - 7/10 - 8/10 07: Seven oktas - 9/10 or more but not 10/10, or BKN 08: Eight oktas - 10/10, or OVC 09: Sky obscured, or cloud amount cannot be estimated 10: Partial obscuration 11: Thin Scattered 12: Scattered 13: Dark scattered 14: Thin Broken 15: Broken 16: Dark broken 17: Thin overcast 18: Overcast 19: Dark overcast Q: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #6 coverage quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE coverage. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present HEIGHT: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #6 height dimension The height above ground level (AGL) of the base of the cloud layer or obscuring phenomena. Length:6 Unit:Meters Default Value:999999 Q: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #6 height dimension quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE height dimension. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present I: SKY-COVER-SUMMATION-STATE #6 characteristic code The code that represents a characteristic of a specific cloud or other obscuring phenomena layer. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Variable height 2: Variable amount 3: Thin clouds 4: Dark layer (reported in data prior to 1950) SKY CONDITION: SKY-CONDITION-OBSERVATION #2 header Length:3 CV: SKY-CONDITION-OBSERVATION #2 total coverage code The code that denotes the fraction of the total celestial dome covered by clouds or other obscuring phenomena. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: None, SKC or CLR 01: One okta - 1/10 or less but not zero 02: Two oktas - 2/10 - 3/10, or FEW 03: Three oktas - 4/10 04: Four oktas - 5/10, or SCT 05: Five oktas - 6/10 06: Six oktas - 7/10 - 8/10 07: Seven oktas - 9/10 or more but not 10/10, or BKN 08: Eight oktas - 10/10, or OVC 09: Sky obscured, or cloud amount cannot be estimated 10: Partial obscuration 11: Thin scattered 12: Scattered 13: Dark scattered 14: Thin broken 15: Broken 16: Dark broken 17: Thin overcast 18: Overcast 19: Dark overcast OP: SKY-CONDITION-OBSERVATION #2 total opaque coverage code The code that denotes the fraction of the total celestial dome covered by opaque clouds or other obscuring phenomena. Only reported by selected U.S. stations during selected periods. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: None, SKC or CLR 01: One okta - 1/10 or less but not zero 02: Two oktas - 2/10 - 3/10, or FEW 03: Three oktas - 4/10 04: Four oktas - 5/10, or SCT 05: Five oktas - 6/10 06: Six oktas - 7/10 - 8/10 07: Seven oktas - 9/10 or more but not 10/10, or BKN 08: Eight oktas - 10/10, or OVC 09: Sky obscured, or cloud amount cannot be estimated 10: Partial obscuration 12: Scattered 13: Dark scattered 15: Broken 16: Dark broken 18: Overcast 19: Dark overcast Q: SKY-CONDITION-OBSERVATION #2 quality total coverage code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported total sky coverage code. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present CL: SKY-CONDITION-OBSERVATION #2 total lowest cloud cover code The code that represents the fraction of the celestial dome covered by all low clouds present. If no low clouds are present; the code denotes the fraction covered by all middle level clouds present. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: None 01: One okta or 1/10 or less but not zero 02: Two oktas or 2/10 - 3/10 03: Three oktas or 4/10 04: Four oktas or 5/10 05: Five oktas or 6/10 06: Six oktas or 7/10 - 8/10 07: Seven oktas or 9/10 or more but not 10/10 08: Eight oktas or 10/10 09: Sky obscured, or cloud amount cannot be estimated 10: Partial obscuration 11: Thin Scattered 12: Scattered 13: Dark Scattered 14: Thin Broken 15: Broken 16: Dark Broken 17: Thin Overcast 18: Overcast 19: Dark Overcast Q: SKY-CONDITION-OBSERVATION #2 quality total lowest cloud cover code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported total lowest cloud cover code. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present LO: SKY-CONDITION-OBSERVATION #2 low cloud genus code The code that denotes a type of low cloud. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: No low clouds 01: Cumulus humulis or Cumulus fractus other than of bad weather or both 02: Cumulus mediocris or congestus, with or without Cumulus of species fractus or humulis or Stratocumulus all having bases at the same level 03: Cumulonimbus calvus, with or without Cumulus, Stratocumulus or Stratus 04: Stratocumulus cumulogenitus 05: Stratocumulus other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus 06: Stratus nebulosus or Stratus fractus other than of bad weather, or both 07: Stratus fractus or Cumulus fractus of bad weather, or both (pannus) usually below Altostratus or Nimbostratus 08: Cumulus and Stratocumulus other than Stratocumulus cumulogenitus, with bases at different levels 09: Cumulonimbus capillatus (often with an anvil), with or without Cumulonimbus calvus, Cumulus, Stratocumulus, Stratus or pannus Q: SKY-CONDITION-OBSERVATION #2 quality low cloud genus code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported low cloud type. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present HGT: SKY-CONDITION-OBSERVATION #2 lowest cloud base height dimension The height, above ground level (AGL), of the base of the lowest cloud. Length:5 Scale:1 Unit:Meters Default Value:99999 Q: SKY-CONDITION-OBSERVATION #2 lowest cloud base height quality code The code that denotes a quality status of a lowest cloud base height. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present MI: SKY-CONDITION-OBSERVATION #2 mid cloud genus code The code that denotes a type of middle level cloud. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: No middle clouds 01: Altostratus translucidus 02: Altostratus opacus or Nimbostratus 03: Altocumulus translucidus at a single level 04: Patches (often lenticular) of Altocumulus translucidus, continually changing and occurring at one or more levels 05: Altocumulus translucidus in bands, or one or more layers of Altocumulus translucidus or opacus, progressively invading the sky; these Altocumulus clouds generally thicken as a whole 06: Altocumulus cumulogentis (or cumulonimbogentus) 07: Altocumulus translucidus or opacus in two or more layers, or Altocumulus opacus in a single layer, not progressively invading the sky, or Altocumulus with Altostratus or Nimbostratus 08: Altocumulus castellanus or floccus 09: Altocumulus of a chaotic sky; generally at several levels Q: SKY-CONDITION-OBSERVATION #2 quality mid cloud genus code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported mid cloud type. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present HI: SKY-CONDITION-OBSERVATION #2 high cloud genus code The code that denotes a type of high cloud. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: No High Clouds 01: Cirrus fibratus, sometimes uncinus, not progressively invading the sky 02: Cirrus spissatus, in patches or entangled sheaves, which usually do not increase and sometimes seem to be the remains of the upper part of a Cumulonimbus; or Cirrus castellanus or floccus 03: Cirrus spissatus cumulonimbogenitus 04: Cirrus unicinus or fibratus, or both, progressively invading the sky; they generally thicken as a whole 05: Cirrus (often in bands) and Cirrostratus, or Cirrostratus alone, progressively invading the sky; they generally thicken as a whole, but the continuous veil does not reach 45 degrees above the horizon 06: Cirrus (often in bands) and Cirrostratus, or Cirrostratus alone, progressively invading the sky; they generally thicken as a whole; the continuous veil extends more than 45 degrees above the horizon, without the sky being totally covered. 07: Cirrostratus covering the whole sky 08: Cirrostratus not progressively invading the sky and not entirely covering it 09: Cirrocumulus alone, or Cirrocumulus predominant among the High clouds Q: SKY-CONDITION-OBSERVATION #2 quality high cloud genus code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported high cloud type. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present CLOUDS BLO STN: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER header Length:3 CV: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER coverage code The code that denotes the extent of coverage of a BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: None 01: One okta - 1/10 or less but not zero 02: Two oktas - 2/10 - 3/10 03: Three oktas - 4/10 04: Four oktas - 5/10 05: Five oktas - 6/10 06: Six oktas - 7/10 - 8/10 07: Seven oktas - 9/10 or more but not 10/10 08: Eight oktas - 10/10 09: Sky obscured, or cloud amount cannot be estimated 10: Partial obscuration Q: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER coverage quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER coverage. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present HGT: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER top height dimension The height above mean sea level (MSL) of the top of a BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER. Length:5 Scale:1 Unit:Meters Default Value:99999 Q: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER top height dimension quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER top height dimension. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present TP: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER type code The code that denotes the classification of the clouds that comprise a BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Cirrus (Ci) 01: Cirrocumulus (Cc) 02: Cirrostratus (Cs) 03: Altocumulus (Ac) 04: Altostratus (As) 05: Nimbostratus (Ns) 06: Stratocumulus (Sc) 07: Stratus (St) 08: Cumulus (Cu) 09: Cumulonimbus (Cb) 10: Cloud not visible owing to darkness, fog, dust storm, sandstorm, or other analogous phenomena Q: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER type quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER type. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present C: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER top code The code that denotes the characteristics of the upper surface of a BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Isolated cloud or fragments of clouds 01: Continuous flat tops 02: Broken cloud - small breaks, flat tops 03: Broken cloud - large breaks, flat tops 04: Continuous cloud, undulation tops 05: Broken cloud - small breaks, undulating tops 06: Broken cloud - large breaks, undulating tops 07: Continuous or almost continuous with towering clouds above the top of the layer 08: Groups of waves with towering clouds above the top of the layer 09: Two or more layers at different levels Q: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER top quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER top. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present CLOUDS BLO STN: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER header #2 Length:3 CV: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #2 coverage code The code that denotes the extent of coverage of a BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: None 01: One okta - 1/10 or less but not zero 02: Two oktas - 2/10 - 3/10 03: Three oktas - 4/10 04: Four oktas - 5/10 05: Five oktas - 6/10 06: Six oktas - 7/10 - 8/10 07: Seven oktas - 9/10 or more but not 10/10 08: Eight oktas - 10/10 09: Sky obscured, or cloud amount cannot be estimated 10: Partial obscuration Q: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #2 coverage quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER coverage. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present HGT: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #2 top height dimension The height above mean sea level (MSL) of the top of a BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER. Length:5 Scale:1 Unit:Meters Default Value:99999 Q: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #2 top height dimension quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER top height dimension. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present TP: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #2 type code The code that denotes the classification of the clouds that comprise a BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Cirrus (Ci) 01: Cirrocumulus (Cc) 02: Cirrostratus (Cs) 03: Altocumulus (Ac) 04: Altostratus (As) 05: Nimbostratus (Ns) 06: Stratocumulus (Sc) 07: Stratus (St) 08: Cumulus (Cu) 09: Cumulonimbus (Cb) 10: Cloud not visible owing to darkness, fog, dust storm, sandstorm, or other analogous phenomena Q: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #2 type quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER type. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present C: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #2 top code The code that denotes the characteristics of the upper surface of a BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Isolated cloud or fragments of clouds 01: Continuous flat tops 02: Broken cloud - small breaks, flat tops 03: Broken cloud - large breaks, flat tops 04: Continuous cloud, undulation tops 05: Broken cloud - small breaks, undulating tops 06: Broken cloud - large breaks, undulating tops 07: Continuous or almost continuous with towering clouds above the top of the layer 08: Groups of waves with towering clouds above the top of the layer 09: Two or more layers at different levels Q: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #2 top quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER top. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present CLOUDS BLO STN: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER header #3 Length:3 CV: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #3 coverage code The code that denotes the extent of coverage of a BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: None 01: One okta - 1/10 or less but not zero 02: Two oktas - 2/10 - 3/10 03: Three oktas - 4/10 04: Four oktas - 5/10 05: Five oktas - 6/10 06: Six oktas - 7/10 - 8/10 07: Seven oktas - 9/10 or more but not 10/10 08: Eight oktas - 10/10 09: Sky obscured, or cloud amount cannot be estimated 10: Partial obscuration Q: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #3 coverage quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER coverage. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present HGT: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #3 top height dimension The height above mean sea level (MSL) of the top of a BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER. Length:5 Scale:1 Unit:Meters Default Value:99999 Q: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #3 top height dimension quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER top height dimension. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present TP: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #3 type code The code that denotes the classification of the clouds that comprise a BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Cirrus (Ci) 01: Cirrocumulus (Cc) 02: Cirrostratus (Cs) 03: Altocumulus (Ac) 04: Altostratus (As) 05: Nimbostratus (Ns) 06: Stratocumulus (Sc) 07: Stratus (St) 08: Cumulus (Cu) 09: Cumulonimbus (Cb) 10: Cloud not visible owing to darkness, fog, dust storm, sandstorm, or other analogous phenomena Q: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #3 type quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER type. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present C: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #3 top code The code that denotes the characteristics of the upper surface of a BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Isolated cloud or fragments of clouds 01: Continuous flat tops 02: Broken cloud - small breaks, flat tops 03: Broken cloud - large breaks, flat tops 04: Continuous cloud, undulation tops 05: Broken cloud - small breaks, undulating tops 06: Broken cloud - large breaks, undulating tops 07: Continuous or almost continuous with towering clouds above the top of the layer 08: Groups of waves with towering clouds above the top of the layer 09: Two or more layers at different levels Q: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #3 top quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER top. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present CLOUDS BLO STN: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER header #4 Length:3 CV: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #4 coverage code The code that denotes the extent of coverage of a BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: None 01: One okta - 1/10 or less but not zero 02: Two oktas - 2/10 - 3/10 03: Three oktas - 4/10 04: Four oktas - 5/10 05: Five oktas - 6/10 06: Six oktas - 7/10 - 8/10 07: Seven oktas - 9/10 or more but not 10/10 08: Eight oktas - 10/10 09: Sky obscured, or cloud amount cannot be estimated 10: Partial obscuration Q: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #4 coverage quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER coverage. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present HGT: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #4 top height dimension The height above mean sea level (MSL) of the top of a BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER. Length:5 Scale:1 Unit:Meters Default Value:99999 Q: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #4 top height dimension quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER top height dimension. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present TP: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #4 type code The code that denotes the classification of the clouds that comprise a BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Cirrus (Ci) 01: Cirrocumulus (Cc) 02: Cirrostratus (Cs) 03: Altocumulus (Ac) 04: Altostratus (As) 05: Nimbostratus (Ns) 06: Stratocumulus (Sc) 07: Stratus (St) 08: Cumulus (Cu) 09: Cumulonimbus (Cb) 10: Cloud not visible owing to darkness, fog, dust storm, sandstorm, or other analogous phenomena Q: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #4 type quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER type. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present C: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #4 top code The code that denotes the characteristics of the upper surface of a BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Isolated cloud or fragments of clouds 01: Continuous flat tops 02: Broken cloud - small breaks, flat tops 03: Broken cloud - large breaks, flat tops 04: Continuous cloud, undulation tops 05: Broken cloud - small breaks, undulating tops 06: Broken cloud - large breaks, undulating tops 07: Continuous or almost continuous with towering clouds above the top of the layer 08: Groups of waves with towering clouds above the top of the layer 09: Two or more layers at different levels Q: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #4 top quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER top. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present CLOUDS BLO STN: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER header #5 Length:3 CV: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #5 coverage code The code that denotes the extent of coverage of a BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: None 01: One okta - 1/10 or less but not zero 02: Two oktas - 2/10 - 3/10 03: Three oktas - 4/10 04: Four oktas - 5/10 05: Five oktas - 6/10 06: Six oktas - 7/10 - 8/10 07: Seven oktas - 9/10 or more but not 10/10 08: Eight oktas - 10/10 09: Sky obscured, or cloud amount cannot be estimated 10: Partial obscuration Q: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #5 coverage quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER coverage. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present HGT: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #5 top height dimension The height above mean sea level (MSL) of the top of a BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER. Length:5 Scale:1 Unit:Meters Default Value:99999 Q: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #5 top height dimension quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER top height dimension. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present TP: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #5 type code The code that denotes the classification of the clouds that comprise a BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Cirrus (Ci) 01: Cirrocumulus (Cc) 02: Cirrostratus (Cs) 03: Altocumulus (Ac) 04: Altostratus (As) 05: Nimbostratus (Ns) 06: Stratocumulus (Sc) 07: Stratus (St) 08: Cumulus (Cu) 09: Cumulonimbus (Cb) 10: Cloud not visible owing to darkness, fog, dust storm, sandstorm, or other analogous phenomena Q: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #5 type quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER type. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present C: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #5 top code The code that denotes the characteristics of the upper surface of a BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Isolated cloud or fragments of clouds 01: Continuous flat tops 02: Broken cloud - small breaks, flat tops 03: Broken cloud - large breaks, flat tops 04: Continuous cloud, undulation tops 05: Broken cloud - small breaks, undulating tops 06: Broken cloud - large breaks, undulating tops 07: Continuous or almost continuous with towering clouds above the top of the layer 08: Groups of waves with towering clouds above the top of the layer 09: Two or more layers at different levels Q: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #5 top quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER top. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present CLOUDS BLO STN: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER header #6 Length:3 CV: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #6 coverage code The code that denotes the extent of coverage of a BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: None 01: One okta - 1/10 or less but not zero 02: Two oktas - 2/10 - 3/10 03: Three oktas - 4/10 04: Four oktas - 5/10 05: Five oktas - 6/10 06: Six oktas - 7/10 - 8/10 07: Seven oktas - 9/10 or more but not 10/10 08: Eight oktas - 10/10 09: Sky obscured, or cloud amount cannot be estimated 10: Partial obscuration Q: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #6 coverage quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER coverage. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present HGT: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #6 top height dimension The height above mean sea level (MSL) of the top of a BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER. Length:5 Scale:1 Unit:Meters Default Value:99999 Q: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #6 top height dimension quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER top height dimension. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present TP: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #6 type code The code that denotes the classification of the clouds that comprise a BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Cirrus (Ci) 01: Cirrocumulus (Cc) 02: Cirrostratus (Cs) 03: Altocumulus (Ac) 04: Altostratus (As) 05: Nimbostratus (Ns) 06: Stratocumulus (Sc) 07: Stratus (St) 08: Cumulus (Cu) 09: Cumulonimbus (Cb) 10: Cloud not visible owing to darkness, fog, dust storm, sandstorm, or other analogous phenomena Q: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #6 type quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER type. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present C: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #6 top code The code that denotes the characteristics of the upper surface of a BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Isolated cloud or fragments of clouds 01: Continuous flat tops 02: Broken cloud - small breaks, flat tops 03: Broken cloud - large breaks, flat tops 04: Continuous cloud, undulation tops 05: Broken cloud - small breaks, undulating tops 06: Broken cloud - large breaks, undulating tops 07: Continuous or almost continuous with towering clouds above the top of the layer 08: Groups of waves with towering clouds above the top of the layer 09: Two or more layers at different levels Q: BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER #6 top quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported BELOW-STATION-CLOUD-LAYER top. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present SOLAR: Hourly Solar Radiation Section header Length:3 SLRAD: Hourly Solar Radiation Section SOLARAD hourly average solar radiation The hourly average solar radiation. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Watts Per Square Meter Default Value:99999 Q: Hourly Solar Radiation Section SOLARAD_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly average solar radiation. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Solar Radiation Section SOLARAD_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the hourly average solar radiation. Most users will find the preceding quality code SOLARAD_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks SRMIN: Hourly Solar Radiation Section SOLARAD_MIN minimum solar radiation The minimum 10 second solar radiation for the hour. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Watts Per Square Meter Default Value:99999 Q: Hourly Solar Radiation Section SOLARAD_MIN_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly minimum solar radiation. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Solar Radiation Section SOLARAD_MIN_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the hourly minimum solar radiation. Most users will find the preceding quality code SOLARAD_MIN_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks SRMAX: Hourly Solar Radiation Section SOLARAD_MAX maximum solar radiation The maximum 10 second solar radiation for the hour. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Watts Per Square Meter Default Value:99999 Q: Hourly Solar Radiation Section SOLARAD_MAX_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly maximum solar radiation. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Solar Radiation Section SOLARAD_MAX_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the hourly maximum solar radiation. Most users will find the preceding quality code SOLARAD_MAX_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks SRSTD: Hourly Solar Radiation Section SOLARAD_STD solar radiation standard deviation The hourly 10 second hourly solar radiation standard deviation. Length:5 Scale:10 Default Value:99999 Q: Hourly Solar Radiation Section SOLARAD_STD_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly solar radiation standard deviation. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Solar Radiation Section SOLARAD_STD_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of hourly solar radiation standard deviation. Most users will find the preceding quality code SOLARAD_STD_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks SUN: SUNSHINE-OBSERVATION header Length:3 DUR: SUNSHINE-OBSERVATION sunshine duration quantity The quantity of time sunshine occurred over the reporting period. Length:4 Unit:Minutes Default Value:9999 Q: SUNSHINE-OBSERVATION sunshine duration quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SUNSHINE-OBSERVATION sunshine duration. Length:1 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA PRCNT PSBL SUN: SUNSHINE-OBSERVATION (continued) header Length:3 PSN: SUNSHINE-OBSERVATION (continued) percent of possible sunshine quantity The percent of possible sunshine that occurred over the previous 24-hour period. Length:3 Unit:Percent Default Value:999 Q: SUNSHINE-OBSERVATION (continued) percent of possible sunshine quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SUNSHINE-OBSERVATION percent of possible sunshine. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA SUN: SUNSHINE-OBSERVATION FOR THE MONTH header Length:3 DUR: SUNSHINE-OBSERVATION FOR THE MONTH sunshine duration quantity The quantity of time sunshine occurred over the reporting period. Length:5 Unit:Minutes Default Value:99999 Q: SUNSHINE-OBSERVATION FOR THE MONTH sunshine duration quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SUNSHINE-OBSERVATION sunshine duration. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present SOLAR: Solar Irradiance Section header Length:3 TIME: Solar Irradiance Section Solar irradiance data time period Time period in minutes, for which the data in this section (GM1) pertains eg, 0060 = 60 minutes (1 hour). Length:4 Unit:Minutes Default Value:9999 GRAD: Solar Irradiance Section Global irradiance Global horizontal irradiance measured using a precision spectral pyranometer. Unit is Watts per square meter (W/m2) in whole values. Waveband ranges from 0.4 - 2.3 micrometers. Length:4 Scale:1 Unit:Watts Per Square Meter Default Value:9999 Q: Solar Irradiance Section Global irradiance data flag The code that provides additional information regarding the global irradiance data. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Untested (raw data) 01: Passed one-component test; data fall within max-min limitsof Kt, Kn, or Kd 02: Passed two-component test; data fall within 0.03 of the Gompertz boundaries 03: Passed three-component test; data come within + 0.03 of satisfying Kt = Kn + Kd 04: Passed visual inspection: not used by SERI_QC1 05: Failed visual inspection: not used by SERI_QC1 06: Value estimated; passes all pertinent SERI_QC tests 07: Failed one-component test; lower than allowed minimum 08: Failed one-component test; higher than allowed maximum 09: Passed three-component test but failed two-component test by 0.05 10-93: Failed two- or three- component tests in one of four ways. 94-97: Data fails into physically impossible region where Kn > Kt by K-space distances of 0.05 to 0.10 (94), 0.10 to 0.15 (95), 0.15 to 0.20 (96), and > 0.20 (97) 98: Not used 99: Missing data Q: Solar Irradiance Section Global irradiance quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported global irradiance value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous DBMR: Solar Irradiance Section Direct beam irradiance Direct beam irradiance measured using a precision pyrheliometer. Unit is Watts per square meter (W/m2) in whole values. Waveband ranges from 0.4 - 2.3 micrometers. Instrument is mounted on a sun tracker. Length:4 Scale:1 Unit:Watts Per Square Meter Default Value:9999 Q: Solar Irradiance Section Direct beam irradiance data flag The code that provides additional information regarding the direct beam irradiance data. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Untested (raw data) 01: Passed one-component test; data fall within max-min limits of Kt, Kn, or Kd 02: Passed two-component test; data fall within 0.03 of the Gompertz boundaries 03: Passed three-component test; data come within + 0.03 of satisfying Kt = Kn + Kd 04: Passed visual inspection: not used by SERI_QC1 05: Failed visual inspection: not used by SERI_QC1 06: Value estimated; passes all pertinent SERI_QC tests 07: Failed one-component test; lower than allowed minimum 08: Failed one-component test; higher than allowed maximum 09: Passed three-component test but failed two-component test by 0.05 10-93: Failed two- or three- component tests in one of four ways. 94-97: Data fails into physically impossible region where Kn > Kt by K-space distances of 0.05 to 0.10 (94), 0.10 to 0.15 (95), 0.15 to 0.20 (96), and > 0.20 (97). 98: Not used 99: Missing data Q: Solar Irradiance Section Direct beam irradiance quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported direct beam irradiance value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous DRAD: Solar Irradiance Section Diffuse irradiance Diffuse irradiance measured using a precision spectral pyranometer. Unit is Watts per square meter (W/m2) in whole values. Waveband ranges from 0.4 - 2.3 micrometers. Instrument is mounted under a shadowband. Length:4 Scale:1 Unit:Watts Per Square Meter Default Value:9999 Q: Solar Irradiance Section Diffuse irradiance data flag The code that provides additional information regarding the diffuse irradiance data. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Untested (raw data) 01: Passed one-component test; data fall within max-min limits of Kt, Kn, or Kd 02: Passed two-component test; data fall within 0.03 of the Gompertz boundaries 03: Passed three-component test; data come within + 0.03 of satisfying Kt = Kn + Kd 04: Passed visual inspection: not used by SERI_QC1 05: Failed visual inspection: not used by SERI_QC1 06: Value estimated; passes all pertinent SERI_QC tests 07: Failed one-component test; lower than allowed minimum 08: Failed one-component test; higher than allowed maximum 09: Passed three-component test but failed two-component test by 0.05 10-93: Failed two- or three- component tests in one of four ways. 94-97: Data fails into physically impossible region where Kn > Kt by K-space distances of 0.05 to 0.10 (94), 0.10 to 0.15 (95), 0.15 to 0.20 (96), and > 0.20 (97). 98: Not used 99: Missing data Q: Solar Irradiance Section Diffuse irradiance quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported diffuse irradiance value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous UVRD: Solar Irradiance Section UVB global irradiance Ultra-violet global irradiance measured using an Ultra-violet Biometer (Solar Light). Unit is milli-watts per square meter (mW/m2) of erythema effective irradiance in whole values. Waveband ranges from 290-320 nanometers. Length:4 Scale:1 Unit:Milliwatts Per Square Meter Default Value:9999 Q: Solar Irradiance Section UVB global irradiance quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported UVB global irradiance value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous SOLAR: Solar Radiation Section header Length:3 TIME: Solar Radiation Section Solar radiation data time period Time period in minutes, for which the data in this section (GN1) pertainseg, 0060 = 60 minutes (1 hour). Length:4 Unit:Minutes Default Value:9999 UPSO: Solar Radiation Section Upwelling global solar radiation Global radiation measured using an Epply Precision Spectral Pyranometer mounted upside down ten meters above the surface on a meteorological tower. Unit is milli-watts per square meter (mW/m2). Waveband ranges from 270 to 3000 nanometers. Length:4 Scale:1 Unit:Milliwatts Per Square Meter Default Value:9999 Q: Solar Radiation Section Upwelling global solar radiation quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported upwelling global solar radiation value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous DTIR: Solar Radiation Section Downwelling thermal infrared radiation Infrared radiation measured using an Epply Precision Infrared Radiometer mounted upright ten meters above the surface on a meteorological tower. Unit is milli-watts per square meter (mW/m2). Waveband ranges from 3000 to 50,000 nanometers. Length:4 Scale:1 Unit:Milliwatts Per Square Meter Default Value:9999 Q: Solar Radiation Section Downwelling thermal infrared radiation quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported downwelling thermal infrared radiation value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous IRAD: Solar Radiation Section Upwelling thermal infrared radiation Infrared radiation measured using an Epply Precision Infrared Radiometer mounted upside-down ten meters above the surface on a meteorological tower. Unit is Watts per meter per meter (mW/m2). Waveband ranges from 3000 to 50,000 nanometers. Length:4 Scale:1 Unit:Watts Per Square Meter Default Value:9999 Q: Solar Radiation Section Upwelling thermal infrared radiation quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported upwelling thermal infrared radiation value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous PAR: Solar Radiation Section Photosynthetically active radiation The PAR sensor measures global solar radiation from 400 to 700 nm in Watts per square meter (mW/m2), which approximates the spectral band active in photosynthesis. Length:4 Scale:1 Unit:Watts Per Square Meter Default Value:9999 Q: Solar Radiation Section Photosynthetically active radiation quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported photosynthetically active radiation value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous ZAN: Solar Radiation Section Solar zenith angle The Solar Zenith Angle is the angle in degrees between the sun and the perpendicular to the earth's surface. At sunrise it is 90 degrees, at noon it is a function of latitude, and at sunset it is again 90 degrees. Below the horizon value is 100. Values are reported to the nearest tens of degrees (eg, 090). Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Angular Degrees Default Value:999 Q: Solar Radiation Section Solar zenith angle quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported solar zenith angle value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous SOLAR: Net Solar Radiation Section header Length:3 TIME: Net Solar Radiation Section Net solar radiation data time period Time period in minutes, for which the data in this section (GO1) pertainseg, 0060 = 60 minutes (1 hour). Length:4 Unit:Minutes Default Value:9999 NTSO: Net Solar Radiation Section Net solar radiation The difference between global radiation and upwelling global radiation measured in Watts per square meter (W/m2). If negative, left most position contains a "-" sign. Length:4 Scale:1 Unit:Watts Per Square Meter Default Value:9999 Q: Net Solar Radiation Section Net solar radiation quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported net solar radiation value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous NTIR: Net Solar Radiation Section Net infrared radiation The difference between downwelling infrared and upwelling infrared measured in Watts per square meter (W/m2). If negative, left most position contains a "-" sign. Length:4 Scale:1 Unit:Watts Per Square Meter Default Value:9999 Q: Net Solar Radiation Section Net infrared radiation quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported net infrared radiation value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous NTRD: Net Solar Radiation Section Net radiation The total of Net Solar and Net Infrared radiation measured in Watts per square meter (W/m2). Length:4 Scale:1 Unit:Watts Per Square Meter Default Value:9999 Q: Net Solar Radiation Section Net radiation quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported net radiation value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous SOLAR: Modeled Solar Irradiance Section header Length:3 TIME: Modeled Solar Irradiance Section Data Time Period Time period in minutes, for which the data in this section (GM1) pertains eg, 0060 = 60 minutes (1 hour). Length:4 Scale:1 Unit:Minutes Default Value:9999 GBHZ: Modeled Solar Irradiance Section Modeled global horizontal Total amount of direct and diffuse solar radiation (modeled) received on a horizontal surface. Length:4 Scale:1 Unit:Watts Per Square Meter Default Value:9999 SC: Modeled Solar Irradiance Section Modeled global horizontal source flag The code that provides source information regarding the global horizontal data. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 01: Value modeled from METSTAT model 02: Value time-shifted from SUNY satellite model 03: Value time-shifted from SUNY satellite model, adjusted to a minimum low-diffuse envelope UCT: Modeled Solar Irradiance Section Modeled global horizontal uncertainty The uncertainty values are based on model type and input data. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Percent Default Value:999 DNRM: Modeled Solar Irradiance Section Modeled direct normal The amount of solar radiation (modeled) on a surface normal to the sun. Length:4 Scale:1 Unit:Watts Per Square Meter Default Value:9999 SC: Modeled Solar Irradiance Section Modeled direct normal source flag The code that provides source information regarding the direct normal data. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 01: Value modeled from METSTAT model 02: Value time-shifted from SUNY satellite model 03: Value time-shifted from SUNY satellite model, adjusted to a minimum low-diffuse envelope UCT: Modeled Solar Irradiance Section Modeled direct normal uncertainty The uncertainty values are based on model type and input data. Length:3 Unit:Percent Default Value:999 DFHZ: Modeled Solar Irradiance Section Modeled diffuse horizontal The amount of solar radiation (modeled) received from the sky (excluding the solar disk) on a horizontal surface. Length:4 Scale:1 Unit:Watts Per Square Meter Default Value:9999 SC: Modeled Solar Irradiance Section Modeled diffuse horizontal source flag The code that provides source information regarding the diffuse horizontal data. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 01: Value modeled from METSTAT model 02: Value time-shifted from SUNY satellite model 03: Value time-shifted from SUNY satellite model, adjusted to a minimum low-diffuse envelope UCT: Modeled Solar Irradiance Section Modeled diffuse horizontal uncertainty The uncertainty values are based on model type and input data. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Percent Default Value:999 SOLAR: Hourly Solar Angle Section header Length:3 TIME: Hourly Solar Angle Section Hourly solar angle time period Time period in minutes for which the data in this section pertains-eg, 0060 = 60 minutes (1 hour). Length:4 Unit:Minutes Default Value:9999 ZANG: Hourly Solar Angle Section Hourly mean zenith angle (for sunup periods) The angle between sun and the zenith as the mean of all 1-minute sunup zenith angle values. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Angular Degrees Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Solar Angle Section Hourly mean zenith angle quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the hourly mean zenith angle. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks. 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous AZAN: Hourly Solar Angle Section Hourly mean azimuth angle (for sunup periods) #2 The angle between sun and north as the mean of all 1-minute sunup azimuth angle values. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Angular Degrees Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Solar Angle Section Hourly mean zenith angle quality code #2 The code that denotes a quality status of the hourly mean azimuth angle. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks. 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous SOLAR: Hourly Extraterrestrial Radiation Section header Length:3 TIME: Hourly Extraterrestrial Radiation Section Time Period Time period in minutes for which the data in this section pertains-eg, 0060 = 60 minutes (1 hour). Length:4 Scale:1 Unit:Minutes Default Value:9999 EXRD: Hourly Extraterrestrial Radiation Section Amount on a horizontal surface The amount of solar radiation received (modeled) on a horizontal surface at the top of the atmosphere. Length:4 Scale:1 Unit:Watts Per Square Meter Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Extraterrestrial Radiation Section Amount on a horizontal surface quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the hourly Extraterrestrial Radiation on a horizontal surface value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks. 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous ERDN: Hourly Extraterrestrial Radiation Section Normal to the sun The amount of solar radiation received (modeled) on a surface normal to the sun at the top of the atmosphere. Length:4 Scale:1 Unit:Watts Per Square Meter Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Extraterrestrial Radiation Section Normal to the sun quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the hourly Extraterrestrial Radiation normal to the sun value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks. 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous HAIL: HAIL header Length:3 DIA: HAIL size The diameter of the largest hailstone observed. Length:3 Scale:10 Unit:Centimeters Default Value:999 Q: HAIL size quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported HAIL size. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present GRND: GROUND-SURFACE-OBSERVATION header Length:3 CD: GROUND-SURFACE-OBSERVATION code The code that denotes the physical condition of the ground's surface. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Surface of ground dry (no appreciable amount of dust or loose sand) 01: Surface of ground dry (without cracks and no appreciable amount of dust or loose sand and without snow or measurable ice cover) 02: Extremely dry with cracks (without snow or measurable ice cover) 03: Loose dry dust or sand not covering ground completely (without snow or measurable ice cover) 04: Loose dry dust or sand covering more than one-half of ground (but not completely) 05: Loose dry dust or sand covering ground completely 06: Thin cover of loose dry dust or sand covering ground completely (without snow or measurable ice cover) 07: Moderate or thick cover of loose dry dust or sand covering ground completely (without snow or measurable ice cover) 08: Surface of ground moist 09: Surface of ground moist (without snow or measurable ice cover) 10: Surface of ground wet (standing water in small or large pools on surface) 11: Surface of ground wet (standing water in small or large pools on surface without snow or measurable ice cover) 12: Flooded (without snow or measurable ice cover) 13: Surface of ground frozen 14: Surface of ground frozen (without snow or measurable ice cover) 15: Glaze or ice on ground, but no snow or melting snow 16: Glaze on ground (without snow or measurable ice cover) 17: Ground predominantly covered by ice 18: Snow or melting snow (with or without ice) covering less than one-half of the ground 19: Snow or melting snow (with or without ice) covering more than one-half of the ground but ground not completely covered 20: Snow or melting snow (with or without ice) covering ground completely 21: Loose dry snow covering less than one-half of the ground 22: Loose dry snow covering at least one half of the ground (but not completely) 23: Even layer of loose dry snow covering ground completely 24: Uneven layer of loose dry snow covering ground completely 25: Compact or wet snow (with or without ice) covering less than one-half of the ground 26: Compact or wet snow (with or without ice) covering at least one-half of the ground but ground not completely covered 27: Even layer of compact or wet snow covering ground completely 28: Uneven layer of compact or wet snow covering ground completely 29: Snow covering ground completely; deep drifts 30: Loose dry dust or sand covering one-half of the ground (but not completely) 31: Loose dry snow, dust or sand covering ground completely Q: GROUND-SURFACE-OBSERVATION quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported GROUND-SURFACE-OBSERVATION code. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present GRND TEMP: GROUND-SURFACE-OBSERVATION minimum-temperature header Length:3 PR: GROUND-SURFACE-OBSERVATION minimum-temperature period quantity The quantity of time over which the ground temperature was sampled to determine the minimum temperature. Length:3 Scale:10 Unit:Hours Default Value:999 MIN: GROUND-SURFACE-OBSERVATION minimum-temperature value The minimum temperature of the ground's surface recorded during the observation period. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: GROUND-SURFACE-OBSERVATION minimum-temperature quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported GROUND-SURFACE-OBSERVATION minimum temperature. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present SURFTEMP: Hourly Surface Temperature Section header Length:3 AVSFT: Hourly Surface Temperature Section SURFTEMP hourly average surface temperature The hourly average surface temperature. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: Hourly Surface Temperature Section SURFTEMP_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly average surface temperature. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Surface Temperature Section SURFTEMP_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the hourly average surface temperature. Most users will find the preceding quality code SURFTEMP_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks MNSFT: Hourly Surface Temperature Section SURFTEMP_MIN hourly minimum surface temperature The minimum 10 second surface temperature for the hour. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: Hourly Surface Temperature Section SURFTEMP_MIN_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly minimum surface temperature. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Surface Temperature Section SURFTEMP_MIN_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the hourly minimum surface temperature. Most users will find the preceding quality code SURFTEMP_MIN_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks MXSFT: Hourly Surface Temperature Section SURFTEMP_MAX hourly maximum surface temperature The maximum 10 second surface temperature for the hour. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: Hourly Surface Temperature Section SURFTEMP_MAX_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly maximum surface temperature. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Surface Temperature Section SURFTEMP_MAX_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the hourly maximum surface temperature. Most users will find the preceding quality code SURFTEMP_MAX_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks STSF: Hourly Surface Temperature Section SURFTEMP_STD hourly surface temperature standard deviation The hourly surface temperature standard deviation. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Surface Temperature Section SURFTEMP_STD_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly surface temperature standard deviation. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Surface Temperature Section SURFTEMP_STD_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of hourly surface temperature standard deviation. Most users will find the preceding quality code SURFTEMP_STD_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks SURFTEMP: Hourly Surface Temperature Sensor Section header Length:3 EQSFT: Hourly Surface Temperature Sensor Section SURFTEMP_SB equipment temperature The average temperature of the surface temperature sensor housing (sensor body) for the hour. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:99999 Q: Hourly Surface Temperature Sensor Section SURFTEMP_SB_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the surface temperature sensor housing Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Surface Temperature Sensor Section SURFTEMP_SB_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the surface temperature sensor housing temperature. Most users will find the preceding quality code SURFTEMP_SB_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks STTE: Hourly Surface Temperature Sensor Section SURFTEMP_SB_STD hourly sensor housing temperature standard deviation for the hour The hourly 10 second hourly surface temperature standard deviation. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Surface Temperature Sensor Section SURFTEMP_SB_STD_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the hourly sensor housing temperature standard deviation. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Surface Temperature Sensor Section SURFTEMP_SB_STD_FLAG quality code The code that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of sensor housing temperature standard deviation.. Most users will find the preceding quality code SURFTEMP_SB_STD_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks PANEVAP: GROUND-SURFACE-OBSERVATION pan evaporation data header Length:3 PR: GROUND-SURFACE-OBSERVATION pan evaporation data Time period in hours The quantity of time over which the evaporation and related data were sampled. Length:2 Scale:1 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 WDMV: GROUND-SURFACE-OBSERVATION pan evaporation data Wind movement The wind movement over the evaporation pan during the time period of the observation. Length:4 Scale:1 Unit:Statute Miles Default Value:9999 I: GROUND-SURFACE-OBSERVATION pan evaporation data Wind movement condition code The code that denotes certain conditions or flags which describe the data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: No special conditions 2: Data will be included in subsequent observation 3: Data are accumulated from previous observation(s), so cover a longer than typical time period Q: GROUND-SURFACE-OBSERVATION pan evaporation data Wind movement quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported wind movement data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check, from NCDC Data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC Data source 6: Suspect, from NCDC Data source 7: Erroneous, from NCDC Data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present EVP: GROUND-SURFACE-OBSERVATION pan evaporation data Evaporation data The total evaporation which was measured during the time period of the observation. Length:3 Scale:100 Unit:Inches Default Value:999 I: GROUND-SURFACE-OBSERVATION pan evaporation data Evaporation condition code The code that denotes certain conditions or flags which describe the data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: No special conditions 2: Data will be included in subsequent observation 3: Data are accumulated from previous observation(s), so cover a longer than typical time period Q: GROUND-SURFACE-OBSERVATION pan evaporation data Evaporation quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported evaporation data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check, from NCDC Data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC Data source 6: Suspect, from NCDC Data source 7: Erroneous, from NCDC Data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present MXPT: GROUND-SURFACE-OBSERVATION pan evaporation data Maximum pan water temperature The maximum temperature in the evaporation pan during the time period of the observation. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+999 I: GROUND-SURFACE-OBSERVATION pan evaporation data Maximum pan water temperature condition code The code that denotes certain conditions or flags which describe the data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: No special conditions 2: Data will be included in subsequent observation 3: Data are accumulated from previous observation(s), so cover a longer than typical time period Q: GROUND-SURFACE-OBSERVATION pan evaporation data Maximum pan water temperature quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported maximum water temperature data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check, from NCDC Data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC Data source 6: Suspect, from NCDC Data source 7: Erroneous, from NCDC Data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present MNPT: GROUND-SURFACE-OBSERVATION pan evaporation data Minimum pan water temperature The maximum temperature in the evaporation pan during the time period of the observation. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+999 I: GROUND-SURFACE-OBSERVATION pan evaporation data Minimum pan water temperature condition code The code that denotes certain conditions or flags which describe the data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: No special conditions 2: Data will be included in subsequent observation 3: Data are accumulated from previous observation(s), so cover a longer than typical time period Q: GROUND-SURFACE-OBSERVATION pan evaporation data Minimum pan water temperature quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported minimum water temperature data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check, from NCDC Data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC Data source 6: Suspect, from NCDC Data source 7: Erroneous, from NCDC Data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present EXT TEMP: EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE header Length:3 PR: EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE period quantity The quantity of time over which temperatures were sampled to determine the EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE Length:3 Scale:10 Unit:Hours Default Value:999 I: EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE code The code that denotes an EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE as a maximum or a minimum Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: M: Maximum temperature N: Minimum temperature O: Estimated minimum temperature P: Estimated maximum temperature TEMP: EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE temperature The temperature of the high or low air temperature for a given period Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE temperature quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE temperature Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , from NCDC Surface Hourly or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC Surface Hourly or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6: Suspect, from NCDC Surface Hourly or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7: Erroneous, from NCDC Surface Hourly or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA EXT TEMP: EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE header #2 Length:3 PR: EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE #2 period quantity The quantity of time over which temperatures were sampled to determine the EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE Length:3 Scale:10 Unit:Hours Default Value:999 I: EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE #2 code The code that denotes an EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE as a maximum or a minimum Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: M: Maximum temperature N: Minimum temperature O: Estimated minimum temperature P: Estimated maximum temperature TEMP: EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE #2 temperature The temperature of the high or low air temperature for a given period Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE #2 temperature quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE temperature Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , from NCDC Surface Hourly or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC Surface Hourly or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6: Suspect, from NCDC Surface Hourly or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7: Erroneous, from NCDC Surface Hourly or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA AVG TEMP: AVERAGE-AIR-TEMPERATURE header Length:3 PR: AVERAGE-AIR-TEMPERATURE period quantity The quantity of time over which temperatures were sampled to determine the AVERAGE-AIR-TEMPERATURE Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Hours Default Value:999 I: AVERAGE-AIR-TEMPERATURE code The code that denotes an AVERAGE-AIR-TEMPERATURE as a mean, an average maximum, or an average minimum Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: A: Mean temperature M: Maximum temperature average N: Minimum temperature average TEMP: AVERAGE-AIR-TEMPERATURE temperature The mean air temperature for a given period, typically for the day or month, as reported by the station (ie, not derived from other data fields) Length:5 Scale:100 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: AVERAGE-AIR-TEMPERATURE temperature quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported AVERAGE-AIR-TEMPERATURE temperature Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6: Suspect, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7: Erroneous, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA AVG TEMP: AVERAGE-AIR-TEMPERATURE header #2 Length:3 PR: AVERAGE-AIR-TEMPERATURE #2 period quantity The quantity of time over which temperatures were sampled to determine the AVERAGE-AIR-TEMPERATURE Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Hours Default Value:999 I: AVERAGE-AIR-TEMPERATURE #2 code The code that denotes an AVERAGE-AIR-TEMPERATURE as a mean, an average maximum, or an average minimum Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: A: Mean temperature M: Maximum temperature average N: Minimum temperature average TEMP: AVERAGE-AIR-TEMPERATURE #2 temperature The mean air temperature for a given period, typically for the day or month, as reported by the station (ie, not derived from other data fields) Length:5 Scale:100 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: AVERAGE-AIR-TEMPERATURE #2 temperature quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported AVERAGE-AIR-TEMPERATURE temperature Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6: Suspect, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7: Erroneous, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA AVG TEMP: AVERAGE-AIR-TEMPERATURE header #3 Length:3 PR: AVERAGE-AIR-TEMPERATURE #3 period quantity The quantity of time over which temperatures were sampled to determine the AVERAGE-AIR-TEMPERATURE Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Hours Default Value:999 I: AVERAGE-AIR-TEMPERATURE #3 code The code that denotes an AVERAGE-AIR-TEMPERATURE as a mean, an average maximum, or an average minimum Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: A: Mean temperature M: Maximum temperature average N: Minimum temperature average TEMP: AVERAGE-AIR-TEMPERATURE #3 temperature The mean air temperature for a given period, typically for the day or month, as reported by the station (ie, not derived from other data fields) Length:5 Scale:100 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: AVERAGE-AIR-TEMPERATURE #3 temperature quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported AVERAGE-AIR-TEMPERATURE temperature Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6: Suspect, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7: Erroneous, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA EXT TEMP: EXTREME AIR-TEMPERATURE FOR THE MONTH header Length:3 I: EXTREME AIR-TEMPERATURE FOR THE MONTH code The code that denotes an EXTREME AIR-TEMPERATURE FOR THE MONTH as a maximum or a minimum Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: M: Maximum temperature N: Minimum temperature I: EXTREME AIR-TEMPERATURE FOR THE MONTH condition code The code for EXTREME AIR-TEMPERATURE FOR THE MONTH Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: The value occurred on other dates in addition to those listed TEMP: EXTREME AIR-TEMPERATURE FOR THE MONTH temperature The extremes air temperature for the month, as reported by the station (ie, not derived from other data fields) Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 DATES: EXTREME AIR-TEMPERATURE FOR THE MONTH dates of occurrence The dates of occurrence of EXTREME AIR-TEMPERATURE, given as the date for each occurrence, for up to 3 occurrences; e.g., 041016 indicates days 04, 10, and 16 Length:6 Default Value:99 Q: EXTREME AIR-TEMPERATURE FOR THE MONTH temperature quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported EXTREME AIR-TEMPERATURE FOR THE MONTH Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6: Suspect, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7: Erroneous, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA EXT TEMP: EXTREME AIR-TEMPERATURE FOR THE MONTH header #2 Length:3 I: EXTREME AIR-TEMPERATURE FOR THE MONTH #2 code The code that denotes an EXTREME AIR-TEMPERATURE FOR THE MONTH as a maximum or a minimum Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: M: Maximum temperature N: Minimum temperature I: EXTREME AIR-TEMPERATURE FOR THE MONTH #2 condition code The code for EXTREME AIR-TEMPERATURE FOR THE MONTH Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: The value occurred on other dates in addition to those listed TEMP: EXTREME AIR-TEMPERATURE FOR THE MONTH #2 temperature The extremes air temperature for the month, as reported by the station (ie, not derived from other data fields) Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 DATES: EXTREME AIR-TEMPERATURE FOR THE MONTH #2 dates of occurrence The dates of occurrence of EXTREME AIR-TEMPERATURE, given as the date for each occurrence, for up to 3 occurrences; e.g., 041016 indicates days 04, 10, and 16 Length:6 Default Value:99 Q: EXTREME AIR-TEMPERATURE FOR THE MONTH #2 temperature quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported EXTREME AIR-TEMPERATURE FOR THE MONTH Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6: Suspect, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7: Erroneous, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA DEGREE DAYS: HEATING-COOLING-DEGREE-DAYS header Length:3 PR: HEATING-COOLING-DEGREE-DAYS period quantity The quantity of time over which temperatures were sampled to determine the HEATING-COOLING-DEGREE-DAYS Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Hours Default Value:999 I: HEATING-COOLING-DEGREE-DAYS code The code that denotes the value as being heating degree days or cooling degree days Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: C: Cooling Degree Days H: Heating Degree Days DGDY: HEATING-COOLING-DEGREE-DAYS value The total heating or cooling degree days for a given period, typically for the day or month, as reported by the station (ie, not derived from other data fields) Length:4 Scale:1 Unit:Heating Or Cooling Degree Days Default Value:9999 Q: HEATING-COOLING-DEGREE-DAYS quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported HEATING-COOLING-DEGREE-DAYS data Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6: Suspect, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7: Erroneous, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present DEGREE DAYS: HEATING-COOLING-DEGREE-DAYS header #2 Length:3 PR: HEATING-COOLING-DEGREE-DAYS #2 period quantity The quantity of time over which temperatures were sampled to determine the HEATING-COOLING-DEGREE-DAYS Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Hours Default Value:999 I: HEATING-COOLING-DEGREE-DAYS #2 code The code that denotes the value as being heating degree days or cooling degree days Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: C: Cooling Degree Days H: Heating Degree Days DGDY: HEATING-COOLING-DEGREE-DAYS #2 value The total heating or cooling degree days for a given period, typically for the day or month, as reported by the station (ie, not derived from other data fields) Length:4 Scale:1 Unit:Heating Or Cooling Degree Days Default Value:9999 Q: HEATING-COOLING-DEGREE-DAYS #2 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported HEATING-COOLING-DEGREE-DAYS data Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6: Suspect, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7: Erroneous, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present EXT TEMP: EXTREME TEMPERATURES, NUMBER OF DAYS EXCEEDING CRITERIA, FOR THE MONTH header Length:3 DM: EXTREME TEMPERATURES, NUMBER OF DAYS EXCEEDING CRITERIA, FOR THE MONTH Number of days with maximum temperature 32 F (0.0 C) or lower The number of days with maximum temperature 32 F (0.0 C) or lower Length:2 Default Value:99 Q: EXTREME TEMPERATURES, NUMBER OF DAYS EXCEEDING CRITERIA, FOR THE MONTH Number of days with maximum temperature 32 F (0.0 C) or lower quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported days with max temperature 32 F (0.0 C) or lower Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6: Suspect, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7: Erroneous, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present DM: EXTREME TEMPERATURES, NUMBER OF DAYS EXCEEDING CRITERIA, FOR THE MONTH Number of days with maximum temperature 90 F (32.2 C) or higher The number of days with maximum temperature 90 F (32.2 C) or higher, except for Alaska 70 F (21.1 C) or higher Length:2 Default Value:99 Q: EXTREME TEMPERATURES, NUMBER OF DAYS EXCEEDING CRITERIA, FOR THE MONTH Number of days with maximum temperature 90 F (32.2 C) or higher quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported days with max temperature 90 F (32.2 C) or higher (70 F for Alaska) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6: Suspect, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7: Erroneous, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present DM: EXTREME TEMPERATURES, NUMBER OF DAYS EXCEEDING CRITERIA, FOR THE MONTH Number of days with minimum temperature 32 F (0.0 C) or lower The number of days with minimum temperature 32 F (0.0 C) or lower Length:2 Default Value:99 Q: EXTREME TEMPERATURES, NUMBER OF DAYS EXCEEDING CRITERIA, FOR THE MONTH Number of days with minimum temperature 32 F (0.0 C) or lower quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported days with min temperature 32 F (0.0 C) or lower Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6: Suspect, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7: Erroneous, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present DM: EXTREME TEMPERATURES, NUMBER OF DAYS EXCEEDING CRITERIA, FOR THE MONTH Number of days with minimum temperature 0 F (-17.8 C) or lower The number of days with minimum temperature 0 F (-17.8 C) or lower Length:2 Default Value:99 Q: EXTREME TEMPERATURES, NUMBER OF DAYS EXCEEDING CRITERIA, FOR THE MONTH Number of days with minimum temperature 0 F (-17.8 C) or lower quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported days with min temperature 0 F (-17.8 C) or lower Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6: Suspect, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7: Erroneous, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present TEMP: Hourly Calculated Temperature Section header Length:3 TEMP: Hourly Calculated Temperature Section derived air temperature The calculated hourly average air temperature Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: Hourly Calculated Temperature Section quality code The code that indicates ISD?s evaluation of the quality status of the calculated hourly average air temperature Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks PRESSURE: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION (ALT/STP) header Length:3 ALT: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION (ALT/STP) altimeter setting rate The pressure value to which an aircraft altimeter is set so that it will indicate the altitude relative to mean sea level of an aircraft on the ground at the location for which the value was determined. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Hectopascals Default Value:99999 Q: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION (ALT/STP) altimeter quality code The code that denotes a quality status of an altimeter setting rate. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA STP: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION (ALT/STP) station pressure rate The atmospheric pressure at the observation point. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Hectopascals Default Value:99999 Q: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION (ALT/STP) station pressure quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the station pressure of an ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA PRES CHG: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-CHANGE header Length:3 T: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-CHANGE tendency code The code that denotes the characteristics of an ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-CHANGE that occurs over a period of three hours. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Increasing, then decreasing; atmospheric pressure the same or higher than 3 hours ago 1: Increasing then steady; or increasing, then increasing more slowly; atmospheric pressure now higher than 3 hours ago 2: Increasing (steadily or unsteadily); atmospheric pressure now higher than 3 hours ago 3: Decreasing or steady, then increasing; or increasing, then increasing more rapidly; atmospheric pressure now higher than 3 hours ago 4: Steady; atmospheric pressure the same as 3 hours ago 5: Decreasing, then increasing; atmospheric pressure the same or lower than 3 hours ago 6: Decreasing, then steady; or decreasing, then decreasing more slowly; atmospheric pressure now lower than 3 hours ago 7: Decreasing (steadily or unsteadily); atmospheric pressure now lower than 3 hours ago 8: Steady or increasing, then decreasing; or decreasing, then decreasing more rapidly; atmospheric pressure now lower than 3 hours ago Q: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-CHANGE quality tendency code The code that denotes a quality status of the tendency of an ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-CHANGE. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present 3HR: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-CHANGE three hour quantity The absolute value of the quantity of change in atmospheric pressure measured at the beginning and end of a three hour period. Length:3 Scale:10 Unit:Hectopascals Default Value:999 Q: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-CHANGE quality three hour code The code that denotes the quality status of the three hour quantity for an ATMOPSHERIC- Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present 24HR: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-CHANGE twenty four hour quantity The quantity of change in atmospheric pressure measured at the beginning and end of a twenty four hour period. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Hectopascals Default Value:+999 Q: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-CHANGE quality twenty four hour code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported twenty four hour ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE- Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present GEOPOT: GEOPOTENTIAL-HEIGHT-ISOBARIC-LEVEL header Length:3 C: GEOPOTENTIAL-HEIGHT-ISOBARIC-LEVEL code The code that denotes the isobaric surface used to represent geopotential height. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: 1000 hectopascals 2: 925 hectopascals 3: 850 hectopascals 4: 700 hectopascals 5: 500 hectopascals HGT: GEOPOTENTIAL-HEIGHT-ISOBARIC-LEVEL height dimension The height of a GEOPOTENTIAL-HEIGHT-ISOBARIC-LEVEL Length:4 Scale:1 Unit:Geopotential Meters Default Value:9999 Q: GEOPOTENTIAL-HEIGHT-ISOBARIC-LEVEL height dimension quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported GEOPOTENTIAL-HEIGHT-ISOBARIC-LEVEL height dimension. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present AVG STP: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION (STP/SLP) header Length:3 PRESSURE: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION FOR THE MONTH header Length:3 AVMNS: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION FOR THE MONTH average station pressure for the month The average pressure at the observation point for the month. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Hectopascals Default Value:99999 Q: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION FOR THE MONTH average station pressure quality code The code that denotes the quality status of an average station pressure. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA AVMNS: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION FOR THE MONTH average sea level pressure for the month The average sea level pressure for the month at the observation point. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Hectopascals Default Value:99999 Q: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION FOR THE MONTH average sea level pressure for the month quality code The code that denotes the quality status of the average sea level pressure for the month. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA PRESSURE: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION FOR THE MONTH (continued) header Length:3 MXMNS: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION FOR THE MONTH (continued) maximum sea level pressure for the month The maximum sea level pressure at the observation point for the month. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Hectopascals Default Value:99999 TIME: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION FOR THE MONTH (continued) maximum sea level pressure, date-time The date-time of occurrence of the pressure value, given as the date-time; e.g., 051500 indicates day 05, time 1500. Length:6 Default Value:999999 Q: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION FOR THE MONTH (continued) maximum sea level pressure quality code The code that denotes the quality status of an maximum sea level pressure. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present MNMNS: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION FOR THE MONTH (continued) minimum sea level pressure for the month The minimum sea level pressure at the observation point for the month. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Hectopascals Default Value:99999 TIME: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION FOR THE MONTH (continued) minimum sea level pressure, date-time The date-time of occurrence of the pressure value, given as the date-time; e.g., 051500 indicates day 05, time 1500. Length:6 Default Value:999999 Q: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION FOR THE MONTH (continued) minimum sea level pressure quality code The code that denotes the quality status of a minimum sea level pressure. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present WXV: PRESENT-WEATHER-IN-VICINITY-OBSERVATION header Length:3 WX: PRESENT-WEATHER-IN-VICINITY-OBSERVATION atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of weather observed between 5 and 10 statute miles of the station at the time of observation. Observed at selected stations from July 1, 1996 to present. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: No observation 01: Thunderstorm in vicinity 02: Showers in vicinity 03: Sandstorm in vicinity 04: Sand / dust whirls in vicinity 05: Duststorm in vicinity 06: Blowing snow in vicinity 07: Blowing sand in vicinity 08: Blowing dust in vicinity 09: Fog in vicinity Q: PRESENT-WEATHER-IN-VICINITY-OBSERVATION quality atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported present weather in vicinity observation from a station. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present WXV: PRESENT-WEATHER-IN-VICINITY-OBSERVATION header #2 Length:3 WX: PRESENT-WEATHER-IN-VICINITY-OBSERVATION #2 atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of weather observed between 5 and 10 statute miles of the station at the time of observation. Observed at selected stations from July 1, 1996 to present. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: No observation 01: Thunderstorm in vicinity 02: Showers in vicinity 03: Sandstorm in vicinity 04: Sand / dust whirls in vicinity 05: Duststorm in vicinity 06: Blowing snow in vicinity 07: Blowing sand in vicinity 08: Blowing dust in vicinity 09: Fog in vicinity Q: PRESENT-WEATHER-IN-VICINITY-OBSERVATION #2 quality atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported present weather in vicinity observation from a station. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present WXV: PRESENT-WEATHER-IN-VICINITY-OBSERVATION header #3 Length:3 WX: PRESENT-WEATHER-IN-VICINITY-OBSERVATION #3 atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of weather observed between 5 and 10 statute miles of the station at the time of observation. Observed at selected stations from July 1, 1996 to present. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: No observation 01: Thunderstorm in vicinity 02: Showers in vicinity 03: Sandstorm in vicinity 04: Sand / dust whirls in vicinity 05: Duststorm in vicinity 06: Blowing snow in vicinity 07: Blowing sand in vicinity 08: Blowing dust in vicinity 09: Fog in vicinity Q: PRESENT-WEATHER-IN-VICINITY-OBSERVATION #3 quality atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported present weather in vicinity observation from a station. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present WXV: PRESENT-WEATHER-IN-VICINITY-OBSERVATION header #4 Length:3 WX: PRESENT-WEATHER-IN-VICINITY-OBSERVATION #4 atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of weather observed between 5 and 10 statute miles of the station at the time of observation. Observed at selected stations from July 1, 1996 to present. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: No observation 01: Thunderstorm in vicinity 02: Showers in vicinity 03: Sandstorm in vicinity 04: Sand / dust whirls in vicinity 05: Duststorm in vicinity 06: Blowing snow in vicinity 07: Blowing sand in vicinity 08: Blowing dust in vicinity 09: Fog in vicinity Q: PRESENT-WEATHER-IN-VICINITY-OBSERVATION #4 quality atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported present weather in vicinity observation from a station. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present WXV: PRESENT-WEATHER-IN-VICINITY-OBSERVATION header #5 Length:3 WX: PRESENT-WEATHER-IN-VICINITY-OBSERVATION #5 atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of weather observed between 5 and 10 statute miles of the station at the time of observation. Observed at selected stations from July 1, 1996 to present. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: No observation 01: Thunderstorm in vicinity 02: Showers in vicinity 03: Sandstorm in vicinity 04: Sand / dust whirls in vicinity 05: Duststorm in vicinity 06: Blowing snow in vicinity 07: Blowing sand in vicinity 08: Blowing dust in vicinity 09: Fog in vicinity Q: PRESENT-WEATHER-IN-VICINITY-OBSERVATION #5 quality atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported present weather in vicinity observation from a station. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present WXV: PRESENT-WEATHER-IN-VICINITY-OBSERVATION header #6 Length:3 WX: PRESENT-WEATHER-IN-VICINITY-OBSERVATION #6 atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of weather observed between 5 and 10 statute miles of the station at the time of observation. Observed at selected stations from July 1, 1996 to present. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: No observation 01: Thunderstorm in vicinity 02: Showers in vicinity 03: Sandstorm in vicinity 04: Sand / dust whirls in vicinity 05: Duststorm in vicinity 06: Blowing snow in vicinity 07: Blowing sand in vicinity 08: Blowing dust in vicinity 09: Fog in vicinity Q: PRESENT-WEATHER-IN-VICINITY-OBSERVATION #6 quality atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported present weather in vicinity observation from a station. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present WXV: PRESENT-WEATHER-IN-VICINITY-OBSERVATION header #7 Length:3 WX: PRESENT-WEATHER-IN-VICINITY-OBSERVATION #7 atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of weather observed between 5 and 10 statute miles of the station at the time of observation. Observed at selected stations from July 1, 1996 to present. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: No observation 01: Thunderstorm in vicinity 02: Showers in vicinity 03: Sandstorm in vicinity 04: Sand / dust whirls in vicinity 05: Duststorm in vicinity 06: Blowing snow in vicinity 07: Blowing sand in vicinity 08: Blowing dust in vicinity 09: Fog in vicinity Q: PRESENT-WEATHER-IN-VICINITY-OBSERVATION #7 quality atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported present weather in vicinity observation from a station. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present WX-M: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual header Length:3 WX: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of weather observed manually. Length:2 Table of Values: 00: Cloud development not observed or not observable 01: Clouds generally dissolving or becoming less developed 02: State of sky on the whole unchanged 03: Clouds generally forming or developing 04: Visibility reduced by smoke, e.g. veldt or forest fires, industrial smoke or volcanic ashes 05: Haze 06: Widespread dust in suspension in the air, not raised by wind at or near the station at the time of observation 07: Dust or sand raised by wind at or near the station at the time of observation, but no well-developed dust whirl(s) or sand whirl(s), and no duststorm or sandstorm seen or, in the case of ships, blowing spray at the station 08: Well developed dust whirl(s) or sand whirl(s) seen at or near the station during the preceding or at the time of observation, but no duststorm or sandstorm 09: Duststorm or sandstorm within sight at the time of observation, or at the station during the preceding hour 10: Mist 11: Patches of shallow fog or ice fog at the station, whether on land or sea, not deeper than about 2 meters on land or 10 meters at sea 12: More or less continuous shallow fog or ice fog at the station, whether on land or sea, not deeper than about 2 meters on land or 10 meters at sea 13: Lightning visible, no thunder heard 14: Precipitation within sight, not reaching the ground or the surface of the sea 15: Precipitation within sight, reaching the ground or the surface of the sea, but distant, i.e., estimated to be more than 5 km from the station 16: Precipitation within sight, reaching the ground or the surface of the sea, near to, but not at the station 17: Thunderstorm, but no precipitation at the time of observation 18: Squalls at or within sight of the station during the preceding hour or at the time of observation 19: Funnel cloud(s) (Tornado cloud or waterspout) at or within sight of the station during the preceding 20: Drizzle (not freezing) or snow grains not falling as shower(s) 21: Rain (not freezing) not falling as shower(s) 22: Snow not falling as shower(s) 23: Rain and snow or ice pellets not falling as shower(s) 24: Freezing drizzle or freezing rain not falling as shower(s) 25: Shower(s) of rain 26: Shower(s) of snow or of rain and snow 27: Shower(s) of hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), or rain and hail 28: Fog or ice fog 29: Thunderstorm (with or without precipitation) 30: Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm has decreased during the preceding hour 31: Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm no appreciable change during the preceding hour 32: Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm has begun or has increased during the preceding hour 33: Severe duststorm or sandstorm has decreased during the preceding hour 34: Severe duststorm or sandstorm no appreciable change during the preceding hour 35: Severe duststorm or sandstorm has begun or has increased during the preceding hour 36: Slight or moderate drifting snow generally low (below eye level) 37: Heavy drifting snow generally low (below eye level) 38: Slight or moderate blowing snow generally high (above eye level) 39: Heavy blowing snow generally high (above eye level) 40: Fog or ice fog at a distance at the time of observation, but not at the station during the preceding hour, the fog or ice fog extending to a level above that of the observer 41: Fog or ice fog in patches 42: Fog or ice fog, sky visible, has become thinner during the preceding hour 43: Fog or ice fog, sky invisible, has become thinner during the preceding hour 44: Fog or ice fog, sky visible, no appreciable change during the preceding hour 45: Fog or ice fog, sky invisible, no appreciable change during the preceding hour 46: Fog or ice fog, sky visible, has begun or has become thicker during the preceding hour 47: Fog or ice fog, sky invisible, has begun or has become thicker during the preceding hour 48: Fog, depositing rime, sky visible 49: Fog, depositing rime, sky invisible 50: Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, slight at time of observation 51: Drizzle, not freezing, continuous, slight at time of observation 52: Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, moderate at time of observation 53: Drizzle, not freezing, continuous, moderate at time of observation 54: Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, heavy (dense) at time of observation 55: Drizzle, not freezing, continuous, heavy (dense) at time of observation 56: Drizzle, freezing, slight 57: Drizzle, freezing, moderate or heavy (dense) 58: Drizzle and rain, slight 59: Drizzle and rain, moderate or heavy 60: Rain, not freezing, intermittent, slight at time of observation 61: Rain, not freezing, continuous, slight at time of observation 62: Rain, not freezing, intermittent, moderate at time of observation 63: Rain, not freezing, continuous, moderate at time of observation 64: Rain, not freezing, intermittent, heavy at time of observation 65: Rain, not freezing, continuous, heavy at time of observation 66: Rain, freezing, slight 67: Rain, freezing, moderate or heavy 68: Rain or drizzle and snow, slight 69: Rain or drizzle and snow, moderate or heavy 70: Intermittent fall of snowflakes, slight at time of observation 71: Continuous fall of snowflakes, slight at time of observation 72: Intermittent fall of snowflakes, moderate at time of observation 73: Continuous fall of snowflakes, moderate at time of observation 74: Intermittent fall of snowflakes, heavy at time of observation 75: Continuous fall of snowflakes, heavy at time of observation 76: Diamond dust (with or without fog) 77: Snow grains (with or without fog) 78: Isolated star-like snow crystals (with or without fog) 79: Ice pellets 80: Rain shower(s), slight 81: Rain shower(s), moderate or heavy 82: Rain shower(s), violent 83: Shower(s) of rain and snow mixed, slight 84: Shower(s) of rain and snow mixed, moderate or heavy 85: Show shower(s), slight 86: Snow shower(s), moderate or heavy 87: Shower(s) of snow pellets or small hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, slight 88: Shower(s) of snow pellets or small hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, moderate or heavy 89: Shower(s) of hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets) , with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, not associated with thunder, slight 90: Shower(s) of hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets), with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, not associated with thunder, moderate or heavy 91: Slight rain at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 92: Moderate or heavy rain at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 93: Slight snow, or rain and snow mixed or hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 94: Moderate or heavy snow, or rain and snow mixed or hail(Hail, small hail, snow pellets) at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 95: Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, without hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), but with rain and/or snow at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 96: Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets) at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 97: Thunderstorm, heavy, without hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), but with rain and/or snow at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 98: Thunderstorm combined with duststorm or sandstorm at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 99: Thunderstorm, heavy, with hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets) at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation Q: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual Quality manual atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported present weather observation from a manual station. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA WX-M: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual header #2 Length:3 WX: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual #2 atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of weather observed manually. Length:2 Table of Values: 00: Cloud development not observed or not observable 01: Clouds generally dissolving or becoming less developed 02: State of sky on the whole unchanged 03: Clouds generally forming or developing 04: Visibility reduced by smoke, e.g. veldt or forest fires, industrial smoke or volcanic ashes 05: Haze 06: Widespread dust in suspension in the air, not raised by wind at or near the station at the time of observation 07: Dust or sand raised by wind at or near the station at the time of observation, but no well-developed dust whirl(s) or sand whirl(s), and no duststorm or sandstorm seen or, in the case of ships, blowing spray at the station 08: Well developed dust whirl(s) or sand whirl(s) seen at or near the station during the preceding or at the time of observation, but no duststorm or sandstorm 09: Duststorm or sandstorm within sight at the time of observation, or at the station during the preceding hour 10: Mist 11: Patches of shallow fog or ice fog at the station, whether on land or sea, not deeper than about 2 meters on land or 10 meters at sea 12: More or less continuous shallow fog or ice fog at the station, whether on land or sea, not deeper than about 2 meters on land or 10 meters at sea 13: Lightning visible, no thunder heard 14: Precipitation within sight, not reaching the ground or the surface of the sea 15: Precipitation within sight, reaching the ground or the surface of the sea, but distant, i.e., estimated to be more than 5 km from the station 16: Precipitation within sight, reaching the ground or the surface of the sea, near to, but not at the station 17: Thunderstorm, but no precipitation at the time of observation 18: Squalls at or within sight of the station during the preceding hour or at the time of observation 19: Funnel cloud(s) (Tornado cloud or waterspout) at or within sight of the station during the preceding 20: Drizzle (not freezing) or snow grains not falling as shower(s) 21: Rain (not freezing) not falling as shower(s) 22: Snow not falling as shower(s) 23: Rain and snow or ice pellets not falling as shower(s) 24: Freezing drizzle or freezing rain not falling as shower(s) 25: Shower(s) of rain 26: Shower(s) of snow or of rain and snow 27: Shower(s) of hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), or rain and hail 28: Fog or ice fog 29: Thunderstorm (with or without precipitation) 30: Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm has decreased during the preceding hour 31: Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm no appreciable change during the preceding hour 32: Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm has begun or has increased during the preceding hour 33: Severe duststorm or sandstorm has decreased during the preceding hour 34: Severe duststorm or sandstorm no appreciable change during the preceding hour 35: Severe duststorm or sandstorm has begun or has increased during the preceding hour 36: Slight or moderate drifting snow generally low (below eye level) 37: Heavy drifting snow generally low (below eye level) 38: Slight or moderate blowing snow generally high (above eye level) 39: Heavy blowing snow generally high (above eye level) 40: Fog or ice fog at a distance at the time of observation, but not at the station during the preceding hour, the fog or ice fog extending to a level above that of the observer 41: Fog or ice fog in patches 42: Fog or ice fog, sky visible, has become thinner during the preceding hour 43: Fog or ice fog, sky invisible, has become thinner during the preceding hour 44: Fog or ice fog, sky visible, no appreciable change during the preceding hour 45: Fog or ice fog, sky invisible, no appreciable change during the preceding hour 46: Fog or ice fog, sky visible, has begun or has become thicker during the preceding hour 47: Fog or ice fog, sky invisible, has begun or has become thicker during the preceding hour 48: Fog, depositing rime, sky visible 49: Fog, depositing rime, sky invisible 50: Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, slight at time of observation 51: Drizzle, not freezing, continuous, slight at time of observation 52: Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, moderate at time of observation 53: Drizzle, not freezing, continuous, moderate at time of observation 54: Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, heavy (dense) at time of observation 55: Drizzle, not freezing, continuous, heavy (dense) at time of observation 56: Drizzle, freezing, slight 57: Drizzle, freezing, moderate or heavy (dense) 58: Drizzle and rain, slight 59: Drizzle and rain, moderate or heavy 60: Rain, not freezing, intermittent, slight at time of observation 61: Rain, not freezing, continuous, slight at time of observation 62: Rain, not freezing, intermittent, moderate at time of observation 63: Rain, not freezing, continuous, moderate at time of observation 64: Rain, not freezing, intermittent, heavy at time of observation 65: Rain, not freezing, continuous, heavy at time of observation 66: Rain, freezing, slight 67: Rain, freezing, moderate or heavy 68: Rain or drizzle and snow, slight 69: Rain or drizzle and snow, moderate or heavy 70: Intermittent fall of snowflakes, slight at time of observation 71: Continuous fall of snowflakes, slight at time of observation 72: Intermittent fall of snowflakes, moderate at time of observation 73: Continuous fall of snowflakes, moderate at time of observation 74: Intermittent fall of snowflakes, heavy at time of observation 75: Continuous fall of snowflakes, heavy at time of observation 76: Diamond dust (with or without fog) 77: Snow grains (with or without fog) 78: Isolated star-like snow crystals (with or without fog) 79: Ice pellets 80: Rain shower(s), slight 81: Rain shower(s), moderate or heavy 82: Rain shower(s), violent 83: Shower(s) of rain and snow mixed, slight 84: Shower(s) of rain and snow mixed, moderate or heavy 85: Show shower(s), slight 86: Snow shower(s), moderate or heavy 87: Shower(s) of snow pellets or small hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, slight 88: Shower(s) of snow pellets or small hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, moderate or heavy 89: Shower(s) of hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets) , with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, not associated with thunder, slight 90: Shower(s) of hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets), with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, not associated with thunder, moderate or heavy 91: Slight rain at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 92: Moderate or heavy rain at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 93: Slight snow, or rain and snow mixed or hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 94: Moderate or heavy snow, or rain and snow mixed or hail(Hail, small hail, snow pellets) at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 95: Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, without hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), but with rain and/or snow at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 96: Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets) at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 97: Thunderstorm, heavy, without hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), but with rain and/or snow at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 98: Thunderstorm combined with duststorm or sandstorm at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 99: Thunderstorm, heavy, with hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets) at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation Q: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual #2 Quality manual atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported present weather observation from a manual station. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA WX-M: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual header #3 Length:3 WX: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual #3 atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of weather observed manually. Length:2 Table of Values: 00: Cloud development not observed or not observable 01: Clouds generally dissolving or becoming less developed 02: State of sky on the whole unchanged 03: Clouds generally forming or developing 04: Visibility reduced by smoke, e.g. veldt or forest fires, industrial smoke or volcanic ashes 05: Haze 06: Widespread dust in suspension in the air, not raised by wind at or near the station at the time of observation 07: Dust or sand raised by wind at or near the station at the time of observation, but no well-developed dust whirl(s) or sand whirl(s), and no duststorm or sandstorm seen or, in the case of ships, blowing spray at the station 08: Well developed dust whirl(s) or sand whirl(s) seen at or near the station during the preceding or at the time of observation, but no duststorm or sandstorm 09: Duststorm or sandstorm within sight at the time of observation, or at the station during the preceding hour 10: Mist 11: Patches of shallow fog or ice fog at the station, whether on land or sea, not deeper than about 2 meters on land or 10 meters at sea 12: More or less continuous shallow fog or ice fog at the station, whether on land or sea, not deeper than about 2 meters on land or 10 meters at sea 13: Lightning visible, no thunder heard 14: Precipitation within sight, not reaching the ground or the surface of the sea 15: Precipitation within sight, reaching the ground or the surface of the sea, but distant, i.e., estimated to be more than 5 km from the station 16: Precipitation within sight, reaching the ground or the surface of the sea, near to, but not at the station 17: Thunderstorm, but no precipitation at the time of observation 18: Squalls at or within sight of the station during the preceding hour or at the time of observation 19: Funnel cloud(s) (Tornado cloud or waterspout) at or within sight of the station during the preceding 20: Drizzle (not freezing) or snow grains not falling as shower(s) 21: Rain (not freezing) not falling as shower(s) 22: Snow not falling as shower(s) 23: Rain and snow or ice pellets not falling as shower(s) 24: Freezing drizzle or freezing rain not falling as shower(s) 25: Shower(s) of rain 26: Shower(s) of snow or of rain and snow 27: Shower(s) of hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), or rain and hail 28: Fog or ice fog 29: Thunderstorm (with or without precipitation) 30: Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm has decreased during the preceding hour 31: Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm no appreciable change during the preceding hour 32: Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm has begun or has increased during the preceding hour 33: Severe duststorm or sandstorm has decreased during the preceding hour 34: Severe duststorm or sandstorm no appreciable change during the preceding hour 35: Severe duststorm or sandstorm has begun or has increased during the preceding hour 36: Slight or moderate drifting snow generally low (below eye level) 37: Heavy drifting snow generally low (below eye level) 38: Slight or moderate blowing snow generally high (above eye level) 39: Heavy blowing snow generally high (above eye level) 40: Fog or ice fog at a distance at the time of observation, but not at the station during the preceding hour, the fog or ice fog extending to a level above that of the observer 41: Fog or ice fog in patches 42: Fog or ice fog, sky visible, has become thinner during the preceding hour 43: Fog or ice fog, sky invisible, has become thinner during the preceding hour 44: Fog or ice fog, sky visible, no appreciable change during the preceding hour 45: Fog or ice fog, sky invisible, no appreciable change during the preceding hour 46: Fog or ice fog, sky visible, has begun or has become thicker during the preceding hour 47: Fog or ice fog, sky invisible, has begun or has become thicker during the preceding hour 48: Fog, depositing rime, sky visible 49: Fog, depositing rime, sky invisible 50: Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, slight at time of observation 51: Drizzle, not freezing, continuous, slight at time of observation 52: Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, moderate at time of observation 53: Drizzle, not freezing, continuous, moderate at time of observation 54: Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, heavy (dense) at time of observation 55: Drizzle, not freezing, continuous, heavy (dense) at time of observation 56: Drizzle, freezing, slight 57: Drizzle, freezing, moderate or heavy (dense) 58: Drizzle and rain, slight 59: Drizzle and rain, moderate or heavy 60: Rain, not freezing, intermittent, slight at time of observation 61: Rain, not freezing, continuous, slight at time of observation 62: Rain, not freezing, intermittent, moderate at time of observation 63: Rain, not freezing, continuous, moderate at time of observation 64: Rain, not freezing, intermittent, heavy at time of observation 65: Rain, not freezing, continuous, heavy at time of observation 66: Rain, freezing, slight 67: Rain, freezing, moderate or heavy 68: Rain or drizzle and snow, slight 69: Rain or drizzle and snow, moderate or heavy 70: Intermittent fall of snowflakes, slight at time of observation 71: Continuous fall of snowflakes, slight at time of observation 72: Intermittent fall of snowflakes, moderate at time of observation 73: Continuous fall of snowflakes, moderate at time of observation 74: Intermittent fall of snowflakes, heavy at time of observation 75: Continuous fall of snowflakes, heavy at time of observation 76: Diamond dust (with or without fog) 77: Snow grains (with or without fog) 78: Isolated star-like snow crystals (with or without fog) 79: Ice pellets 80: Rain shower(s), slight 81: Rain shower(s), moderate or heavy 82: Rain shower(s), violent 83: Shower(s) of rain and snow mixed, slight 84: Shower(s) of rain and snow mixed, moderate or heavy 85: Show shower(s), slight 86: Snow shower(s), moderate or heavy 87: Shower(s) of snow pellets or small hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, slight 88: Shower(s) of snow pellets or small hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, moderate or heavy 89: Shower(s) of hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets) , with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, not associated with thunder, slight 90: Shower(s) of hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets), with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, not associated with thunder, moderate or heavy 91: Slight rain at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 92: Moderate or heavy rain at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 93: Slight snow, or rain and snow mixed or hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 94: Moderate or heavy snow, or rain and snow mixed or hail(Hail, small hail, snow pellets) at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 95: Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, without hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), but with rain and/or snow at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 96: Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets) at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 97: Thunderstorm, heavy, without hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), but with rain and/or snow at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 98: Thunderstorm combined with duststorm or sandstorm at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 99: Thunderstorm, heavy, with hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets) at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation Q: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual #3 Quality manual atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported present weather observation from a manual station. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA WX-M: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual header #4 Length:3 WX: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual #4 atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of weather observed manually. Length:2 Table of Values: 00: Cloud development not observed or not observable 01: Clouds generally dissolving or becoming less developed 02: State of sky on the whole unchanged 03: Clouds generally forming or developing 04: Visibility reduced by smoke, e.g. veldt or forest fires, industrial smoke or volcanic ashes 05: Haze 06: Widespread dust in suspension in the air, not raised by wind at or near the station at the time of observation 07: Dust or sand raised by wind at or near the station at the time of observation, but no well-developed dust whirl(s) or sand whirl(s), and no duststorm or sandstorm seen or, in the case of ships, blowing spray at the station 08: Well developed dust whirl(s) or sand whirl(s) seen at or near the station during the preceding or at the time of observation, but no duststorm or sandstorm 09: Duststorm or sandstorm within sight at the time of observation, or at the station during the preceding hour 10: Mist 11: Patches of shallow fog or ice fog at the station, whether on land or sea, not deeper than about 2 meters on land or 10 meters at sea 12: More or less continuous shallow fog or ice fog at the station, whether on land or sea, not deeper than about 2 meters on land or 10 meters at sea 13: Lightning visible, no thunder heard 14: Precipitation within sight, not reaching the ground or the surface of the sea 15: Precipitation within sight, reaching the ground or the surface of the sea, but distant, i.e., estimated to be more than 5 km from the station 16: Precipitation within sight, reaching the ground or the surface of the sea, near to, but not at the station 17: Thunderstorm, but no precipitation at the time of observation 18: Squalls at or within sight of the station during the preceding hour or at the time of observation 19: Funnel cloud(s) (Tornado cloud or waterspout) at or within sight of the station during the preceding 20: Drizzle (not freezing) or snow grains not falling as shower(s) 21: Rain (not freezing) not falling as shower(s) 22: Snow not falling as shower(s) 23: Rain and snow or ice pellets not falling as shower(s) 24: Freezing drizzle or freezing rain not falling as shower(s) 25: Shower(s) of rain 26: Shower(s) of snow or of rain and snow 27: Shower(s) of hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), or rain and hail 28: Fog or ice fog 29: Thunderstorm (with or without precipitation) 30: Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm has decreased during the preceding hour 31: Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm no appreciable change during the preceding hour 32: Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm has begun or has increased during the preceding hour 33: Severe duststorm or sandstorm has decreased during the preceding hour 34: Severe duststorm or sandstorm no appreciable change during the preceding hour 35: Severe duststorm or sandstorm has begun or has increased during the preceding hour 36: Slight or moderate drifting snow generally low (below eye level) 37: Heavy drifting snow generally low (below eye level) 38: Slight or moderate blowing snow generally high (above eye level) 39: Heavy blowing snow generally high (above eye level) 40: Fog or ice fog at a distance at the time of observation, but not at the station during the preceding hour, the fog or ice fog extending to a level above that of the observer 41: Fog or ice fog in patches 42: Fog or ice fog, sky visible, has become thinner during the preceding hour 43: Fog or ice fog, sky invisible, has become thinner during the preceding hour 44: Fog or ice fog, sky visible, no appreciable change during the preceding hour 45: Fog or ice fog, sky invisible, no appreciable change during the preceding hour 46: Fog or ice fog, sky visible, has begun or has become thicker during the preceding hour 47: Fog or ice fog, sky invisible, has begun or has become thicker during the preceding hour 48: Fog, depositing rime, sky visible 49: Fog, depositing rime, sky invisible 50: Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, slight at time of observation 51: Drizzle, not freezing, continuous, slight at time of observation 52: Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, moderate at time of observation 53: Drizzle, not freezing, continuous, moderate at time of observation 54: Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, heavy (dense) at time of observation 55: Drizzle, not freezing, continuous, heavy (dense) at time of observation 56: Drizzle, freezing, slight 57: Drizzle, freezing, moderate or heavy (dense) 58: Drizzle and rain, slight 59: Drizzle and rain, moderate or heavy 60: Rain, not freezing, intermittent, slight at time of observation 61: Rain, not freezing, continuous, slight at time of observation 62: Rain, not freezing, intermittent, moderate at time of observation 63: Rain, not freezing, continuous, moderate at time of observation 64: Rain, not freezing, intermittent, heavy at time of observation 65: Rain, not freezing, continuous, heavy at time of observation 66: Rain, freezing, slight 67: Rain, freezing, moderate or heavy 68: Rain or drizzle and snow, slight 69: Rain or drizzle and snow, moderate or heavy 70: Intermittent fall of snowflakes, slight at time of observation 71: Continuous fall of snowflakes, slight at time of observation 72: Intermittent fall of snowflakes, moderate at time of observation 73: Continuous fall of snowflakes, moderate at time of observation 74: Intermittent fall of snowflakes, heavy at time of observation 75: Continuous fall of snowflakes, heavy at time of observation 76: Diamond dust (with or without fog) 77: Snow grains (with or without fog) 78: Isolated star-like snow crystals (with or without fog) 79: Ice pellets 80: Rain shower(s), slight 81: Rain shower(s), moderate or heavy 82: Rain shower(s), violent 83: Shower(s) of rain and snow mixed, slight 84: Shower(s) of rain and snow mixed, moderate or heavy 85: Show shower(s), slight 86: Snow shower(s), moderate or heavy 87: Shower(s) of snow pellets or small hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, slight 88: Shower(s) of snow pellets or small hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, moderate or heavy 89: Shower(s) of hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets) , with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, not associated with thunder, slight 90: Shower(s) of hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets), with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, not associated with thunder, moderate or heavy 91: Slight rain at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 92: Moderate or heavy rain at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 93: Slight snow, or rain and snow mixed or hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 94: Moderate or heavy snow, or rain and snow mixed or hail(Hail, small hail, snow pellets) at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 95: Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, without hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), but with rain and/or snow at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 96: Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets) at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 97: Thunderstorm, heavy, without hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), but with rain and/or snow at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 98: Thunderstorm combined with duststorm or sandstorm at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 99: Thunderstorm, heavy, with hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets) at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation Q: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual #4 Quality manual atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported present weather observation from a manual station. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA WX-M: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual header #5 Length:3 WX: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual #5 atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of weather observed manually. Length:2 Table of Values: 00: Cloud development not observed or not observable 01: Clouds generally dissolving or becoming less developed 02: State of sky on the whole unchanged 03: Clouds generally forming or developing 04: Visibility reduced by smoke, e.g. veldt or forest fires, industrial smoke or volcanic ashes 05: Haze 06: Widespread dust in suspension in the air, not raised by wind at or near the station at the time of observation 07: Dust or sand raised by wind at or near the station at the time of observation, but no well-developed dust whirl(s) or sand whirl(s), and no duststorm or sandstorm seen or, in the case of ships, blowing spray at the station 08: Well developed dust whirl(s) or sand whirl(s) seen at or near the station during the preceding or at the time of observation, but no duststorm or sandstorm 09: Duststorm or sandstorm within sight at the time of observation, or at the station during the preceding hour 10: Mist 11: Patches of shallow fog or ice fog at the station, whether on land or sea, not deeper than about 2 meters on land or 10 meters at sea 12: More or less continuous shallow fog or ice fog at the station, whether on land or sea, not deeper than about 2 meters on land or 10 meters at sea 13: Lightning visible, no thunder heard 14: Precipitation within sight, not reaching the ground or the surface of the sea 15: Precipitation within sight, reaching the ground or the surface of the sea, but distant, i.e., estimated to be more than 5 km from the station 16: Precipitation within sight, reaching the ground or the surface of the sea, near to, but not at the station 17: Thunderstorm, but no precipitation at the time of observation 18: Squalls at or within sight of the station during the preceding hour or at the time of observation 19: Funnel cloud(s) (Tornado cloud or waterspout) at or within sight of the station during the preceding 20: Drizzle (not freezing) or snow grains not falling as shower(s) 21: Rain (not freezing) not falling as shower(s) 22: Snow not falling as shower(s) 23: Rain and snow or ice pellets not falling as shower(s) 24: Freezing drizzle or freezing rain not falling as shower(s) 25: Shower(s) of rain 26: Shower(s) of snow or of rain and snow 27: Shower(s) of hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), or rain and hail 28: Fog or ice fog 29: Thunderstorm (with or without precipitation) 30: Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm has decreased during the preceding hour 31: Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm no appreciable change during the preceding hour 32: Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm has begun or has increased during the preceding hour 33: Severe duststorm or sandstorm has decreased during the preceding hour 34: Severe duststorm or sandstorm no appreciable change during the preceding hour 35: Severe duststorm or sandstorm has begun or has increased during the preceding hour 36: Slight or moderate drifting snow generally low (below eye level) 37: Heavy drifting snow generally low (below eye level) 38: Slight or moderate blowing snow generally high (above eye level) 39: Heavy blowing snow generally high (above eye level) 40: Fog or ice fog at a distance at the time of observation, but not at the station during the preceding hour, the fog or ice fog extending to a level above that of the observer 41: Fog or ice fog in patches 42: Fog or ice fog, sky visible, has become thinner during the preceding hour 43: Fog or ice fog, sky invisible, has become thinner during the preceding hour 44: Fog or ice fog, sky visible, no appreciable change during the preceding hour 45: Fog or ice fog, sky invisible, no appreciable change during the preceding hour 46: Fog or ice fog, sky visible, has begun or has become thicker during the preceding hour 47: Fog or ice fog, sky invisible, has begun or has become thicker during the preceding hour 48: Fog, depositing rime, sky visible 49: Fog, depositing rime, sky invisible 50: Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, slight at time of observation 51: Drizzle, not freezing, continuous, slight at time of observation 52: Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, moderate at time of observation 53: Drizzle, not freezing, continuous, moderate at time of observation 54: Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, heavy (dense) at time of observation 55: Drizzle, not freezing, continuous, heavy (dense) at time of observation 56: Drizzle, freezing, slight 57: Drizzle, freezing, moderate or heavy (dense) 58: Drizzle and rain, slight 59: Drizzle and rain, moderate or heavy 60: Rain, not freezing, intermittent, slight at time of observation 61: Rain, not freezing, continuous, slight at time of observation 62: Rain, not freezing, intermittent, moderate at time of observation 63: Rain, not freezing, continuous, moderate at time of observation 64: Rain, not freezing, intermittent, heavy at time of observation 65: Rain, not freezing, continuous, heavy at time of observation 66: Rain, freezing, slight 67: Rain, freezing, moderate or heavy 68: Rain or drizzle and snow, slight 69: Rain or drizzle and snow, moderate or heavy 70: Intermittent fall of snowflakes, slight at time of observation 71: Continuous fall of snowflakes, slight at time of observation 72: Intermittent fall of snowflakes, moderate at time of observation 73: Continuous fall of snowflakes, moderate at time of observation 74: Intermittent fall of snowflakes, heavy at time of observation 75: Continuous fall of snowflakes, heavy at time of observation 76: Diamond dust (with or without fog) 77: Snow grains (with or without fog) 78: Isolated star-like snow crystals (with or without fog) 79: Ice pellets 80: Rain shower(s), slight 81: Rain shower(s), moderate or heavy 82: Rain shower(s), violent 83: Shower(s) of rain and snow mixed, slight 84: Shower(s) of rain and snow mixed, moderate or heavy 85: Show shower(s), slight 86: Snow shower(s), moderate or heavy 87: Shower(s) of snow pellets or small hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, slight 88: Shower(s) of snow pellets or small hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, moderate or heavy 89: Shower(s) of hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets) , with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, not associated with thunder, slight 90: Shower(s) of hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets), with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, not associated with thunder, moderate or heavy 91: Slight rain at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 92: Moderate or heavy rain at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 93: Slight snow, or rain and snow mixed or hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 94: Moderate or heavy snow, or rain and snow mixed or hail(Hail, small hail, snow pellets) at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 95: Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, without hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), but with rain and/or snow at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 96: Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets) at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 97: Thunderstorm, heavy, without hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), but with rain and/or snow at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 98: Thunderstorm combined with duststorm or sandstorm at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 99: Thunderstorm, heavy, with hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets) at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation Q: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual #5 Quality manual atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported present weather observation from a manual station. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA WX-M: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual header #6 Length:3 WX: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual #6 atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of weather observed manually. Length:2 Table of Values: 00: Cloud development not observed or not observable 01: Clouds generally dissolving or becoming less developed 02: State of sky on the whole unchanged 03: Clouds generally forming or developing 04: Visibility reduced by smoke, e.g. veldt or forest fires, industrial smoke or volcanic ashes 05: Haze 06: Widespread dust in suspension in the air, not raised by wind at or near the station at the time of observation 07: Dust or sand raised by wind at or near the station at the time of observation, but no well-developed dust whirl(s) or sand whirl(s), and no duststorm or sandstorm seen or, in the case of ships, blowing spray at the station 08: Well developed dust whirl(s) or sand whirl(s) seen at or near the station during the preceding or at the time of observation, but no duststorm or sandstorm 09: Duststorm or sandstorm within sight at the time of observation, or at the station during the preceding hour 10: Mist 11: Patches of shallow fog or ice fog at the station, whether on land or sea, not deeper than about 2 meters on land or 10 meters at sea 12: More or less continuous shallow fog or ice fog at the station, whether on land or sea, not deeper than about 2 meters on land or 10 meters at sea 13: Lightning visible, no thunder heard 14: Precipitation within sight, not reaching the ground or the surface of the sea 15: Precipitation within sight, reaching the ground or the surface of the sea, but distant, i.e., estimated to be more than 5 km from the station 16: Precipitation within sight, reaching the ground or the surface of the sea, near to, but not at the station 17: Thunderstorm, but no precipitation at the time of observation 18: Squalls at or within sight of the station during the preceding hour or at the time of observation 19: Funnel cloud(s) (Tornado cloud or waterspout) at or within sight of the station during the preceding 20: Drizzle (not freezing) or snow grains not falling as shower(s) 21: Rain (not freezing) not falling as shower(s) 22: Snow not falling as shower(s) 23: Rain and snow or ice pellets not falling as shower(s) 24: Freezing drizzle or freezing rain not falling as shower(s) 25: Shower(s) of rain 26: Shower(s) of snow or of rain and snow 27: Shower(s) of hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), or rain and hail 28: Fog or ice fog 29: Thunderstorm (with or without precipitation) 30: Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm has decreased during the preceding hour 31: Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm no appreciable change during the preceding hour 32: Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm has begun or has increased during the preceding hour 33: Severe duststorm or sandstorm has decreased during the preceding hour 34: Severe duststorm or sandstorm no appreciable change during the preceding hour 35: Severe duststorm or sandstorm has begun or has increased during the preceding hour 36: Slight or moderate drifting snow generally low (below eye level) 37: Heavy drifting snow generally low (below eye level) 38: Slight or moderate blowing snow generally high (above eye level) 39: Heavy blowing snow generally high (above eye level) 40: Fog or ice fog at a distance at the time of observation, but not at the station during the preceding hour, the fog or ice fog extending to a level above that of the observer 41: Fog or ice fog in patches 42: Fog or ice fog, sky visible, has become thinner during the preceding hour 43: Fog or ice fog, sky invisible, has become thinner during the preceding hour 44: Fog or ice fog, sky visible, no appreciable change during the preceding hour 45: Fog or ice fog, sky invisible, no appreciable change during the preceding hour 46: Fog or ice fog, sky visible, has begun or has become thicker during the preceding hour 47: Fog or ice fog, sky invisible, has begun or has become thicker during the preceding hour 48: Fog, depositing rime, sky visible 49: Fog, depositing rime, sky invisible 50: Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, slight at time of observation 51: Drizzle, not freezing, continuous, slight at time of observation 52: Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, moderate at time of observation 53: Drizzle, not freezing, continuous, moderate at time of observation 54: Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, heavy (dense) at time of observation 55: Drizzle, not freezing, continuous, heavy (dense) at time of observation 56: Drizzle, freezing, slight 57: Drizzle, freezing, moderate or heavy (dense) 58: Drizzle and rain, slight 59: Drizzle and rain, moderate or heavy 60: Rain, not freezing, intermittent, slight at time of observation 61: Rain, not freezing, continuous, slight at time of observation 62: Rain, not freezing, intermittent, moderate at time of observation 63: Rain, not freezing, continuous, moderate at time of observation 64: Rain, not freezing, intermittent, heavy at time of observation 65: Rain, not freezing, continuous, heavy at time of observation 66: Rain, freezing, slight 67: Rain, freezing, moderate or heavy 68: Rain or drizzle and snow, slight 69: Rain or drizzle and snow, moderate or heavy 70: Intermittent fall of snowflakes, slight at time of observation 71: Continuous fall of snowflakes, slight at time of observation 72: Intermittent fall of snowflakes, moderate at time of observation 73: Continuous fall of snowflakes, moderate at time of observation 74: Intermittent fall of snowflakes, heavy at time of observation 75: Continuous fall of snowflakes, heavy at time of observation 76: Diamond dust (with or without fog) 77: Snow grains (with or without fog) 78: Isolated star-like snow crystals (with or without fog) 79: Ice pellets 80: Rain shower(s), slight 81: Rain shower(s), moderate or heavy 82: Rain shower(s), violent 83: Shower(s) of rain and snow mixed, slight 84: Shower(s) of rain and snow mixed, moderate or heavy 85: Show shower(s), slight 86: Snow shower(s), moderate or heavy 87: Shower(s) of snow pellets or small hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, slight 88: Shower(s) of snow pellets or small hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, moderate or heavy 89: Shower(s) of hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets) , with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, not associated with thunder, slight 90: Shower(s) of hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets), with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, not associated with thunder, moderate or heavy 91: Slight rain at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 92: Moderate or heavy rain at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 93: Slight snow, or rain and snow mixed or hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 94: Moderate or heavy snow, or rain and snow mixed or hail(Hail, small hail, snow pellets) at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 95: Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, without hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), but with rain and/or snow at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 96: Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets) at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 97: Thunderstorm, heavy, without hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), but with rain and/or snow at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 98: Thunderstorm combined with duststorm or sandstorm at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 99: Thunderstorm, heavy, with hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets) at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation Q: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual #6 Quality manual atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported present weather observation from a manual station. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA WX-M: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual header #7 Length:3 WX: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual #7 atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of weather observed manually. Length:2 Table of Values: 00: Cloud development not observed or not observable 01: Clouds generally dissolving or becoming less developed 02: State of sky on the whole unchanged 03: Clouds generally forming or developing 04: Visibility reduced by smoke, e.g. veldt or forest fires, industrial smoke or volcanic ashes 05: Haze 06: Widespread dust in suspension in the air, not raised by wind at or near the station at the time of observation 07: Dust or sand raised by wind at or near the station at the time of observation, but no well-developed dust whirl(s) or sand whirl(s), and no duststorm or sandstorm seen or, in the case of ships, blowing spray at the station 08: Well developed dust whirl(s) or sand whirl(s) seen at or near the station during the preceding or at the time of observation, but no duststorm or sandstorm 09: Duststorm or sandstorm within sight at the time of observation, or at the station during the preceding hour 10: Mist 11: Patches of shallow fog or ice fog at the station, whether on land or sea, not deeper than about 2 meters on land or 10 meters at sea 12: More or less continuous shallow fog or ice fog at the station, whether on land or sea, not deeper than about 2 meters on land or 10 meters at sea 13: Lightning visible, no thunder heard 14: Precipitation within sight, not reaching the ground or the surface of the sea 15: Precipitation within sight, reaching the ground or the surface of the sea, but distant, i.e., estimated to be more than 5 km from the station 16: Precipitation within sight, reaching the ground or the surface of the sea, near to, but not at the station 17: Thunderstorm, but no precipitation at the time of observation 18: Squalls at or within sight of the station during the preceding hour or at the time of observation 19: Funnel cloud(s) (Tornado cloud or waterspout) at or within sight of the station during the preceding 20: Drizzle (not freezing) or snow grains not falling as shower(s) 21: Rain (not freezing) not falling as shower(s) 22: Snow not falling as shower(s) 23: Rain and snow or ice pellets not falling as shower(s) 24: Freezing drizzle or freezing rain not falling as shower(s) 25: Shower(s) of rain 26: Shower(s) of snow or of rain and snow 27: Shower(s) of hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), or rain and hail 28: Fog or ice fog 29: Thunderstorm (with or without precipitation) 30: Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm has decreased during the preceding hour 31: Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm no appreciable change during the preceding hour 32: Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm has begun or has increased during the preceding hour 33: Severe duststorm or sandstorm has decreased during the preceding hour 34: Severe duststorm or sandstorm no appreciable change during the preceding hour 35: Severe duststorm or sandstorm has begun or has increased during the preceding hour 36: Slight or moderate drifting snow generally low (below eye level) 37: Heavy drifting snow generally low (below eye level) 38: Slight or moderate blowing snow generally high (above eye level) 39: Heavy blowing snow generally high (above eye level) 40: Fog or ice fog at a distance at the time of observation, but not at the station during the preceding hour, the fog or ice fog extending to a level above that of the observer 41: Fog or ice fog in patches 42: Fog or ice fog, sky visible, has become thinner during the preceding hour 43: Fog or ice fog, sky invisible, has become thinner during the preceding hour 44: Fog or ice fog, sky visible, no appreciable change during the preceding hour 45: Fog or ice fog, sky invisible, no appreciable change during the preceding hour 46: Fog or ice fog, sky visible, has begun or has become thicker during the preceding hour 47: Fog or ice fog, sky invisible, has begun or has become thicker during the preceding hour 48: Fog, depositing rime, sky visible 49: Fog, depositing rime, sky invisible 50: Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, slight at time of observation 51: Drizzle, not freezing, continuous, slight at time of observation 52: Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, moderate at time of observation 53: Drizzle, not freezing, continuous, moderate at time of observation 54: Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent, heavy (dense) at time of observation 55: Drizzle, not freezing, continuous, heavy (dense) at time of observation 56: Drizzle, freezing, slight 57: Drizzle, freezing, moderate or heavy (dense) 58: Drizzle and rain, slight 59: Drizzle and rain, moderate or heavy 60: Rain, not freezing, intermittent, slight at time of observation 61: Rain, not freezing, continuous, slight at time of observation 62: Rain, not freezing, intermittent, moderate at time of observation 63: Rain, not freezing, continuous, moderate at time of observation 64: Rain, not freezing, intermittent, heavy at time of observation 65: Rain, not freezing, continuous, heavy at time of observation 66: Rain, freezing, slight 67: Rain, freezing, moderate or heavy 68: Rain or drizzle and snow, slight 69: Rain or drizzle and snow, moderate or heavy 70: Intermittent fall of snowflakes, slight at time of observation 71: Continuous fall of snowflakes, slight at time of observation 72: Intermittent fall of snowflakes, moderate at time of observation 73: Continuous fall of snowflakes, moderate at time of observation 74: Intermittent fall of snowflakes, heavy at time of observation 75: Continuous fall of snowflakes, heavy at time of observation 76: Diamond dust (with or without fog) 77: Snow grains (with or without fog) 78: Isolated star-like snow crystals (with or without fog) 79: Ice pellets 80: Rain shower(s), slight 81: Rain shower(s), moderate or heavy 82: Rain shower(s), violent 83: Shower(s) of rain and snow mixed, slight 84: Shower(s) of rain and snow mixed, moderate or heavy 85: Show shower(s), slight 86: Snow shower(s), moderate or heavy 87: Shower(s) of snow pellets or small hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, slight 88: Shower(s) of snow pellets or small hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, moderate or heavy 89: Shower(s) of hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets) , with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, not associated with thunder, slight 90: Shower(s) of hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets), with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, not associated with thunder, moderate or heavy 91: Slight rain at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 92: Moderate or heavy rain at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 93: Slight snow, or rain and snow mixed or hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 94: Moderate or heavy snow, or rain and snow mixed or hail(Hail, small hail, snow pellets) at time of observation, thunderstorm during the preceding hour but not at time of observation 95: Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, without hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), but with rain and/or snow at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 96: Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets) at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 97: Thunderstorm, heavy, without hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets), but with rain and/or snow at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 98: Thunderstorm combined with duststorm or sandstorm at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation 99: Thunderstorm, heavy, with hail (Hail, small hail, snow pellets) at time of observation, thunderstorm at time of observation Q: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION manual #7 Quality manual atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported present weather observation from a manual station. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA WND-SUPP: SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION header Length:3 T: SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION type code The code that denotes a type of SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Average speed of prevailing wind 2: Mean wind speed 3: Maximum instantaneous wind speed 4: Maximum gust speed 5: Maximum mean wind speed 6: Maximum 1-minute mean wind speed PR: SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION period quantity The quantity of time over which a SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION occurred. Length:2 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 SPD: SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION speed rate The rate of horizontal speed of air reported in the SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Meters per Second Default Value:9999 Q: SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION speed rate quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION speed rate. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present WND-SUPP: SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION header #2 Length:3 T: SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION #2 type code The code that denotes a type of SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Average speed of prevailing wind 2: Mean wind speed 3: Maximum instantaneous wind speed 4: Maximum gust speed 5: Maximum mean wind speed 6: Maximum 1-minute mean wind speed PR: SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION #2 period quantity The quantity of time over which a SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION occurred. Length:2 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 SPD: SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION #2 speed rate The rate of horizontal speed of air reported in the SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Meters per Second Default Value:9999 Q: SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION #2 speed rate quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION speed rate. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present WND-SUPP: SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION header #3 Length:3 T: SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION #3 type code The code that denotes a type of SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Average speed of prevailing wind 2: Mean wind speed 3: Maximum instantaneous wind speed 4: Maximum gust speed 5: Maximum mean wind speed 6: Maximum 1-minute mean wind speed PR: SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION #3 period quantity The quantity of time over which a SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION occurred. Length:2 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 SPD: SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION #3 speed rate The rate of horizontal speed of air reported in the SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Meters per Second Default Value:9999 Q: SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION #3 speed rate quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION speed rate. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present WIND: Hourly Wind Section header Length:3 MXGS: Hourly Wind Section WIND_MAX maximum gust The maximum 10 second wind speed. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Meters per Second Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Wind Section WIND_MAX_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the maximum gust. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Wind Section WIND_MAX_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the maximum gust. Most users will find the preceding quality code WIND_MAX_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks MDR: Hourly Wind Section WIND_MAX direction of the maximum gust The direction measured in clockwise angular degrees from which the maximum 10 second wind speed occurred. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Angular Degrees Default Value:999 Q: Hourly Wind Section WIND_MAX_QC direction quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the maximum gust direction. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Wind Section WIND_MAX_FLAG direction quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the maximum gust direction. Most users will find the preceding quality code WIND_MAX_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks WDSPS: Hourly Wind Section WIND_STD wind speed standard deviation The wind speed standard deviation. Length:5 Scale:100 Default Value:99999 Q: Hourly Wind Section WIND_STD_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the wind speed standard deviation. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Wind Section WIND_STD_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the wind speed standard deviation. Most users will find the preceding quality code WIND_STD_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks WDIRS: Hourly Wind Section WIND_DIR_STD wind direction standard deviation The wind direction standard deviation. Length:5 Scale:100 Default Value:99999 Q: Hourly Wind Section WIND_DIR_STD_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the wind direction standard deviation. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Wind Section WIND_DIR_STD_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the wind direction standard deviation. Most users will find the preceding quality code WIND_STD_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks WIND: Hourly Wind Section header #2 Length:3 MXGS: Hourly Wind Section #2 WIND_MAX maximum gust The maximum 10 second wind speed. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Meters per Second Default Value:9999 Q: Hourly Wind Section #2 WIND_MAX_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the maximum gust. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Wind Section #2 WIND_MAX_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the maximum gust. Most users will find the preceding quality code WIND_MAX_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks MDR: Hourly Wind Section #2 WIND_MAX direction of the maximum gust The direction measured in clockwise angular degrees from which the maximum 10 second wind speed occurred. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Angular Degrees Default Value:999 Q: Hourly Wind Section #2 WIND_MAX_QC direction quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the maximum gust direction. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Wind Section #2 WIND_MAX_FLAG direction quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the maximum gust direction. Most users will find the preceding quality code WIND_MAX_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks WDSPS: Hourly Wind Section #2 WIND_STD wind speed standard deviation The wind speed standard deviation. Length:5 Scale:100 Default Value:99999 Q: Hourly Wind Section #2 WIND_STD_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the wind speed standard deviation. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Wind Section #2 WIND_STD_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the wind speed standard deviation. Most users will find the preceding quality code WIND_STD_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks WDIRS: Hourly Wind Section #2 WIND_DIR_STD wind direction standard deviation The wind direction standard deviation. Length:5 Scale:100 Default Value:99999 Q: Hourly Wind Section #2 WIND_DIR_STD_QC quality code The code that indicates ISD's evaluation of the quality status of the wind direction standard deviation. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Passed all quality control checks 3: Failed all quality control checks Q: Hourly Wind Section #2 WIND_DIR_STD_FLAG quality code A flag that indicates the network's internal evaluation of the quality status of the wind direction standard deviation. Most users will find the preceding quality code WIND_STD_QC to be the simplest and most useful quality indicator. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed all quality control checks other: Did not pass all quality checks GUST: WIND-GUST-OBSERVATION header Length:3 SPD: WIND-GUST-OBSERVATION speed rate The rate of speed of a wind gust. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Meters per Second Default Value:9999 Q: WIND-GUST-OBSERVATION quality code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported WIND-GUST-OBSERVATION speed rate. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA SOD-WIND: SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION header Length:3 T: SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION type code The code that denotes a type of SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Peak wind speed for the day 2: Fastest 2-minute wind speed for the day 3: Average wind speed for the day 4: Fastest 5-minute wind speed for the day 5: Fastest mile wind speed for the day PR: SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION period quantity The quantity of time over which a SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION occurred. Length:2 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 SPD: SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION speed The rate of horizontal wind speed of air reported in the SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION. Length:5 Scale:100 Unit:Meters per Second Default Value:99999 WDR: SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION direction of wind The angle, measured in a clockwise direction, between true north and the direction from which the wind is blowing, for the summary of day wind report. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Angular Degrees Default Value:999 Table of Values: Note: A direction of 999 with a speed of 00000 indicates calm conditions (0 wind speed). TIME: SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION time of occurrence in Z-time (UTC) The time of occurrence of the wind reported in the SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION. Length:4 Scale:10 Default Value:9999 Q: SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA SOD-WIND: SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION header #2 Length:3 T: SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION #2 type code The code that denotes a type of SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Peak wind speed for the day 2: Fastest 2-minute wind speed for the day 3: Average wind speed for the day 4: Fastest 5-minute wind speed for the day 5: Fastest mile wind speed for the day PR: SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION #2 period quantity The quantity of time over which a SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION occurred. Length:2 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 SPD: SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION #2 speed The rate of horizontal wind speed of air reported in the SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION. Length:5 Scale:100 Unit:Meters per Second Default Value:99999 WDR: SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION #2 direction of wind The angle, measured in a clockwise direction, between true north and the direction from which the wind is blowing, for the summary of day wind report. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Angular Degrees Default Value:999 Table of Values: Note: A direction of 999 with a speed of 00000 indicates calm conditions (0 wind speed). TIME: SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION #2 time of occurrence in Z-time (UTC) The time of occurrence of the wind reported in the SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION. Length:4 Scale:10 Default Value:9999 Q: SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION #2 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA SOD-WIND: SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION header #3 Length:3 T: SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION #3 type code The code that denotes a type of SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Peak wind speed for the day 2: Fastest 2-minute wind speed for the day 3: Average wind speed for the day 4: Fastest 5-minute wind speed for the day 5: Fastest mile wind speed for the day PR: SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION #3 period quantity The quantity of time over which a SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION occurred. Length:2 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 SPD: SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION #3 speed The rate of horizontal wind speed of air reported in the SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION. Length:5 Scale:100 Unit:Meters per Second Default Value:99999 WDR: SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION #3 direction of wind The angle, measured in a clockwise direction, between true north and the direction from which the wind is blowing, for the summary of day wind report. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Angular Degrees Default Value:999 Table of Values: Note: A direction of 999 with a speed of 00000 indicates calm conditions (0 wind speed). TIME: SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION #3 time of occurrence in Z-time (UTC) The time of occurrence of the wind reported in the SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION. Length:4 Scale:10 Default Value:9999 Q: SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION #3 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SUMMARY-OF-DAY-WIND-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA RHX: RELATIVE-HUMIDITY-CALCULATION header Length:3 RHX: RELATIVE-HUMIDITY-CALCULATION computed relative humidity new field description Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Percent Default Value:999 SST: SEA-SURFACE-TEMPERATURE-OBSERVATION header Length:3 TEMP: SEA-SURFACE-TEMPERATURE-OBSERVATION temperature The temperature of the water at the surface. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+999 Q: SEA-SURFACE-TEMPERATURE-OBSERVATION temperature quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SEA-SURFACE-TEMPERATURE-OBSERVATION temperature. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present SOILTEMP: SOIL-TEMPERATURE header Length:3 T: SOIL-TEMPERATURE temperature type The type of temperature reported. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Maximum Temperature 2: Minimum Temperature 3: AM or Noon Temperature 4: PM or Midnight Temperature TEMP: SOIL-TEMPERATURE soil temperature The temperature of the soil for the previous 24 hours. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: SOIL-TEMPERATURE quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported temperature data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check, from NCDC Data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC Data source 6: Suspect, from NCDC Data source 7: Erroneous, from NCDC Data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present DPTH: SOIL-TEMPERATURE temperature depth The depth below ground level of the temperature reported. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Centimeters Default Value:9999 Q: SOIL-TEMPERATURE depth quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported temperature depth data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check, from NCDC Data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC Data source 6: Suspect, from NCDC Data source 7: Erroneous, from NCDC Data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present T: SOIL-TEMPERATURE soil cover The type of soil cover. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 01: Grass 02: Fallow 03: Bare Ground 04: Brome Grass 05: Sod 06: Straw Mulch 07: Grass Muck 08: Bare Muck Q: SOIL-TEMPERATURE soil cover quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported soil cover data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check, from NCDC Data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC Data source 6: Suspect, from NCDC Data source 7: Erroneous, from NCDC Data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present S: SOIL-TEMPERATURE sub plot The sub plot number for the reported temperature. Length:1 Default Value:9 Q: SOIL-TEMPERATURE sub plot quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported sub plot data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check, from NCDC Data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, from NCDC Data source 6: Suspect, from NCDC Data source 7: Erroneous, from NCDC Data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present WAVE: WAVE-MEASUREMENT header Length:3 I: WAVE-MEASUREMENT method code A code that represents the method used to obtain a WAVE-MEASUREMENT. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: I: Instrumental M: Manual PR: WAVE-MEASUREMENT wave period quantity The quantity of time required for two successive wave crests to pass a fixed point. Length:2 Scale:1 Unit:Seconds Default Value:99 HGT: WAVE-MEASUREMENT wave height dimension The height of a wave measured from trough to crest. Length:3 Scale:10 Unit:Meters Default Value:999 Q: WAVE-MEASUREMENT quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported WAVE-MEASUREMENT. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present C: WAVE-MEASUREMENT sea state code The code that denotes the roughness of the surface of the sea in terms of average wave height. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Calm, glassy - wave height = 0 meters 01: Calm, rippled - wave height = 0-0.1 meters 02: Smooth, wavelets - wave height = 0.1-0.5 meters 03: Slight, wave height = 0.5-1.25 meters 04: Moderate - wave height 1.25-2.5 meters 05: Rough - wave height = 2.5-4.0 meters 06: Very rough - wave height = 4.0-6.0 meters 07: High - wave height = 6.0-9.0 meters 08: Very high - wave height 9.0-14.0 meters 09: Phenomenal - wave height = over 14.0 meters Q: WAVE-MEASUREMENT sea state code quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported WAVE-MEASUREMENT sea state code. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present SWELL-1: WAVE-MEASUREMENT primary swell header Length:3 PR: WAVE-MEASUREMENT primary swell period quantity The quantity of time required for two successive primary swell wave crests to pass a fixed point. Length:2 Scale:1 Unit:Seconds Default Value:99 HGT: WAVE-MEASUREMENT primary swell height dimension The height of a primary swell wave measured from the trough to the crest. Length:3 Scale:10 Unit:Meters Default Value:999 DIR: WAVE-MEASUREMENT primary swell direction angle The angle measured clockwise from true north to the direction from which primary swell waves are coming. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Angular Degrees Default Value:999 Q: WAVE-MEASUREMENT primary swell quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported WAVE-MEASUREMENT primary swell. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present SWELL-2: WAVE-MEASUREMENT secondary swell header Length:3 PR: WAVE-MEASUREMENT secondary swell period quantity The quantity of time required for two successive secondary swell wave crests to pass a fixed point. Length:2 Scale:1 Unit:Seconds Default Value:99 HGT: WAVE-MEASUREMENT secondary swell height dimension The height of a secondary swell wave measured from the trough to the crest. Length:3 Scale:10 Unit:Meters Default Value:999 DIR: WAVE-MEASUREMENT secondary swell direction angle The angle measured clockwise from true north to the direction from which secondary swell waves are coming. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Angular Degrees Default Value:999 Q: WAVE-MEASUREMENT secondary swell quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported WAVE-MEASUREMENT secondary swell. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present ICE-1: PLATFORM-ICE-ACCRETION header Length:3 S: PLATFORM-ICE-ACCRETION source code The code that denotes the source of the ice that builds up on a marine platform's structure. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Icing from ocean spray 2: Icing from fog 3: Icing from spray and fog 4: Icing from rain 5: Icing from spray and rain THK: PLATFORM-ICE-ACCRETION thickness dimension The thickness of the ice that has accumulated on a marine platform. Length:3 Scale:10 Unit:Centimeters Default Value:999 T: PLATFORM-ICE-ACCRETION tendency code The code that denotes the rate of change of ice thickness on a marine platform. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Ice not building up 1: Ice building up slowly 2: Ice building up rapidly 3: Ice melting or breaking up slowly 4: Ice melting or breaking up rapidly Q: PLATFORM-ICE-ACCRETION quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported PLATFORM-ICE-ACCRETION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present ICE-2: WATER-SURFACE-ICE-OBSERVATION header Length:3 EB: WATER-SURFACE-ICE-OBSERVATION edge bearing code The code that denotes the true bearing, measured from the reporting platform to the closest point of the principal ice edge. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Ship in shore or flaw lead 01: Principal ice edge towards NE 02: Principal ice edge towards E 03: Principal ice edge towards SE 04: Principal ice edge towards S 05: Principal ice edge towards SW 06: Principal ice edge towards W 07: Principal ice edge towards NW 08: Principal ice edge towards N 09: Not determined (ship in ice) 10: Unable to report, because of darkness, lack of visibility or because only ice of land origin is visible CON: WATER-SURFACE-ICE-OBSERVATION uniform concentration rate The percent concentration (surface coverage) of ice on the water surface. Length:3 Unit:Percent Default Value:999 CC: WATER-SURFACE-ICE-OBSERVATION non-uniform concentration code The code that denotes the coverage arrangement of non-uniformly distributed ice. Length:2 Table of Values: 06: Strips and patches of pack ice with open water between 07: Strips and patches of close or very close pack ice with areas of lesser concentration between 08: Fast ice with open water, very open or open pack ice to seaward of the ice boundary 09: Fast ice with close or very close pack ice to seaward of the ice boundary 99: Unable to report, because of darkness, lack of visibility, or because ship is more than 0.5 P: WATER-SURFACE-ICE-OBSERVATION ship relative position code The code that denotes the relative position of the reporting ship to the ice formation. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Ship in open water with floating ice in sight 1: In open lead or fast ice 2: In ice or within 0.5 nautical miles of ice edge S: WATER-SURFACE-ICE-OBSERVATION ship penetrability code The code that denotes the degree of ease with which the reporting ship can proceed through the ice. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Easy 2: Difficult 3: Beset (Surrounded so closely by sea ice that steering control is lost.) T: WATER-SURFACE-ICE-OBSERVATION ice trend code The code that denotes the trend of ice conditions. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Conditions improving 2: Conditions static 3: Conditions worsening 4: Conditions worsening; ice forming and floes freezing together 5: Conditions worsening; ice under slight pressure 6: Conditions worsening; ice under moderate or severe pressure D: WATER-SURFACE-ICE-OBSERVATION development code The code that denotes the development stage of the ice. Length:2 Table of Values: 00: New ice only (frazil ice, grease ice, slush, slugs) 01: Nilas or ice rind, less than 10 cm thick 02: Young ice (grey ice, grey-white ice), 10 - 30 cm thick 03: Predominantly new and/or young ice with some first year ice 04: Predominantly thin first year ice with some new and/or young ice 05: All thin first year ice (30 - 70 cm thick) 06: Predominantly medium first year ice (70 - 120 cm thick) and thick first year ice (> 120 cm thick) with some thinner (younger) first year ice 07: All medium and thick first year ice 08: Predominantly medium and thick first year ice with some old ice (usually more than 2 m thick) 09: Predominantly old ice 99: Unable to report, because of darkness, lack of visibility or because only ice of land origin is visible or because ship is more than .5 NM away from ice G: WATER-SURFACE-ICE-OBSERVATION growler-bergy-bit presence code The code that denotes the existence of growler and/or bergy bits. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Not present 1: Present 2: Unknown GBB: WATER-SURFACE-ICE-OBSERVATION growler-bergy-bit quantity The quantity of growler and bergy bits observed in the area. Length:3 Default Value:999 IBQ: WATER-SURFACE-ICE-OBSERVATION iceberg quantity The quantity of icebergs observed in the area. Length:3 Default Value:999 Q: WATER-SURFACE-ICE-OBSERVATION quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported WATER-SURFACE-ICE-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present ICE-3: WATER-SURFACE-ICE-HISTORICAL-OBSERVATION header Length:3 EB: WATER-SURFACE-ICE-HISTORICAL-OBSERVATION edge bearing code The code that denotes the true bearing, measured from the reporting platform to the closest point of the principle ice edge. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Ship in shore or flaw lead 01: Principal ice edge towards NE 02: Principal ice edge towards E 03: Principal ice edge towards SE 04: Principal ice edge towards S 05: Principal ice edge towards SW 06: Principal ice edge towards W 07: Principal ice edge towards NW 08: Principal ice edge towards N 09: Not determined (ship in ice) 10: Unable to report, because of darkness, lack of visibility or because only ice of land origin is visible ED: WATER-SURFACE-ICE-HISTORICAL-OBSERVATION edge distance dimension The distance from the reporting ship=s location to the nearest point on the ice edge. Length:2 Unit:Kilometers Default Value:99 EO: WATER-SURFACE-ICE-HISTORICAL-OBSERVATION edge orientation code The code that denotes the orientation of the principal ice edge and the direction relative to which the ice lies. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Orientation of ice edge impossible to estimate--ship outside the ice 01: Ice edge lying in a direction NE to SW with ice situated to the NW 02: Ice edge lying in a direction E to W with ice situated to the N 03: Ice edge lying in a direction SE to NW with ice situated to the NE 04: Ice edge lying in a direction S to N with ice situated to the E 05: Ice edge lying in a direction SW to NE with ice situated to the SE 06: Ice edge lying in a direction W to E with ice situated to the S 07: Ice edge lying in a direction NW to SE with ice situated to the SW 08: Ice edge lying in a direction N to S with ice situated to the W 09: Orientation of ice edge impossible to estimate--ship inside the ice FT: WATER-SURFACE-ICE-HISTORICAL-OBSERVATION formation type code The code that denotes the type of ice formation reported in the Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: No ice (0 may be used to report ice blink and then a direction must be reported) 01: New ice 02: Fast ice 03: Pack-ice/drift-ice 04: Packed (compact) slush or sludge 05: Shore lead 06: Heavy fast ice 07: Heavy pack-ice/drift-ice 08: Hummocked ice 09: Icebergs-icebergs can be reported in plain language NE: WATER-SURFACE-ICE-HISTORICAL-OBSERVATION navigation effect code The code that denotes the effect of ice on navigation. Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Navigation unobstructed 01: Navigation unobstructed for steamers, difficult for sailing ships 02: Navigation difficult for low-powered steamers, closed to sailing ships 03: Navigation possible only for powerful steamers 04: Navigation possible only for steamers constructed to withstand ice pressure 05: Navigation possible with the assistance of ice-breakers 06: Channel open in the solid ice 07: Navigation temporarily closed 08: Navigation closed 09: Navigation conditions unknown, e.g., owing to bad weather Q: WATER-SURFACE-ICE-HISTORICAL-OBSERVATION quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported WATER-SURFACE-ICE-HISTORICAL-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present REMARKS: Remarks header REMARKS: Remarks Length:-250 QCP: Identification METEOROLOGICAL-POINT-OBSERVATION quality control process name The name of the quality control process applied to a weather observation. Length:4 DY: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION, NUMBER OF DAYS WITH SPECIFIC AMOUNTS, FOR THE MONTH Number of days with .01 inch (.25 mm) or more for the previous month (usually reported on first day of the following month) The number of days with .01 inch (.25 mm) or more precipitation. Length:2 Default Value:99 DY: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION, NUMBER OF DAYS WITH SPECIFIC AMOUNTS, FOR THE MONTH Number of days with .10 inch (2.5 mm) or more for the previous month (usually reported on first day of the following month). The number of days with .10 inch (2.5 mm) or more precipitation. Length:2 Default Value:99 DY: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION, NUMBER OF DAYS WITH SPECIFIC AMOUNTS, FOR THE MONTH Number of days with .50 inch (12.7 mm) or more for the previous month (usually reported on first day of the following month). The number of days with .50 inch (12.7 mm) or more precipitation. Length:2 Default Value:99 DY: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION, NUMBER OF DAYS WITH SPECIFIC AMOUNTS, FOR THE MONTH Number of days with 1.00 inch (25 mm) or more for the previous month (usually reported on first day of the following month). The number of days with 1.00 inch (25 mm) or more precipitation. Length:2 Default Value:99 WX-A: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) header Length:3 P: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) intensity and proximity code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Not Reported 1: Light (-) 2: Moderate or Not Reported (no entry in original observation) 3: Heavy (+) 4: Vicinity (VC) D: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) descriptor code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: No Descriptor 1: Shallow (MI) 2: Partial (PR) 3: Patches (BC) 4: Low Drifting (DR) 5: Blowing (BL) 6: Shower(s) (SH) 7: Thunderstorm (TS) 8: Freezing (FZ) PC: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) precipitation code (missing) Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: No Precipitation 01: Drizzle (DZ) 02: Rain (RA) 03: Snow (SN) 04: Snow Grains (SG) 05: Ice Crystals (IC) 06: Ice Pellets (PL) 07: Hail (GR) 08: Small Hail and/or Snow Pellets (GS) 09: Unknown Precipitation (UP) O: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) obscuration code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: No Obscuration 1: Mist (BR) 2: Fog (FG) 3: Smoke (FU) 4: Volcanic Ash (VA) 5: Widespread Dust (DU) 6: Sand (SA) 7: Haze (HZ) 8: Spray (PY) W: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) Other weather phenomena code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: None Reported 1: Well-Developed Dust/Sand Whirls (PO) 2: Squalls (SQ) 3: Funnel Cloud, Tornado, Waterspout(FC) 4: Sandstorm (SS) 5: Duststorm (DS) C: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) Combination indicator code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Not part of combined weather elements 2: Beginning element of combined weather elements 3: Combined with previous weather element to form a single weather report Q: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA WX-A: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) header #2 Length:3 P: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #2 intensity and proximity code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Not Reported 1: Light (-) 2: Moderate or Not Reported (no entry in original observation) 3: Heavy (+) 4: Vicinity (VC) D: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #2 descriptor code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: No Descriptor 1: Shallow (MI) 2: Partial (PR) 3: Patches (BC) 4: Low Drifting (DR) 5: Blowing (BL) 6: Shower(s) (SH) 7: Thunderstorm (TS) 8: Freezing (FZ) PC: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #2 precipitation code (missing) Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: No Precipitation 01: Drizzle (DZ) 02: Rain (RA) 03: Snow (SN) 04: Snow Grains (SG) 05: Ice Crystals (IC) 06: Ice Pellets (PL) 07: Hail (GR) 08: Small Hail and/or Snow Pellets (GS) 09: Unknown Precipitation (UP) O: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #2 obscuration code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: No Obscuration 1: Mist (BR) 2: Fog (FG) 3: Smoke (FU) 4: Volcanic Ash (VA) 5: Widespread Dust (DU) 6: Sand (SA) 7: Haze (HZ) 8: Spray (PY) W: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #2 Other weather phenomena code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: None Reported 1: Well-Developed Dust/Sand Whirls (PO) 2: Squalls (SQ) 3: Funnel Cloud, Tornado, Waterspout(FC) 4: Sandstorm (SS) 5: Duststorm (DS) C: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #2 Combination indicator code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Not part of combined weather elements 2: Beginning element of combined weather elements 3: Combined with previous weather element to form a single weather report Q: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #2 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA WX-A: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) header #3 Length:3 P: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #3 intensity and proximity code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Not Reported 1: Light (-) 2: Moderate or Not Reported (no entry in original observation) 3: Heavy (+) 4: Vicinity (VC) D: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #3 descriptor code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: No Descriptor 1: Shallow (MI) 2: Partial (PR) 3: Patches (BC) 4: Low Drifting (DR) 5: Blowing (BL) 6: Shower(s) (SH) 7: Thunderstorm (TS) 8: Freezing (FZ) PC: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #3 precipitation code (missing) Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: No Precipitation 01: Drizzle (DZ) 02: Rain (RA) 03: Snow (SN) 04: Snow Grains (SG) 05: Ice Crystals (IC) 06: Ice Pellets (PL) 07: Hail (GR) 08: Small Hail and/or Snow Pellets (GS) 09: Unknown Precipitation (UP) O: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #3 obscuration code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: No Obscuration 1: Mist (BR) 2: Fog (FG) 3: Smoke (FU) 4: Volcanic Ash (VA) 5: Widespread Dust (DU) 6: Sand (SA) 7: Haze (HZ) 8: Spray (PY) W: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #3 Other weather phenomena code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: None Reported 1: Well-Developed Dust/Sand Whirls (PO) 2: Squalls (SQ) 3: Funnel Cloud, Tornado, Waterspout(FC) 4: Sandstorm (SS) 5: Duststorm (DS) C: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #3 Combination indicator code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Not part of combined weather elements 2: Beginning element of combined weather elements 3: Combined with previous weather element to form a single weather report Q: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #3 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA WX-A: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) header #4 Length:3 P: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #4 intensity and proximity code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Not Reported 1: Light (-) 2: Moderate or Not Reported (no entry in original observation) 3: Heavy (+) 4: Vicinity (VC) D: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #4 descriptor code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: No Descriptor 1: Shallow (MI) 2: Partial (PR) 3: Patches (BC) 4: Low Drifting (DR) 5: Blowing (BL) 6: Shower(s) (SH) 7: Thunderstorm (TS) 8: Freezing (FZ) PC: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #4 precipitation code (missing) Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: No Precipitation 01: Drizzle (DZ) 02: Rain (RA) 03: Snow (SN) 04: Snow Grains (SG) 05: Ice Crystals (IC) 06: Ice Pellets (PL) 07: Hail (GR) 08: Small Hail and/or Snow Pellets (GS) 09: Unknown Precipitation (UP) O: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #4 obscuration code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: No Obscuration 1: Mist (BR) 2: Fog (FG) 3: Smoke (FU) 4: Volcanic Ash (VA) 5: Widespread Dust (DU) 6: Sand (SA) 7: Haze (HZ) 8: Spray (PY) W: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #4 Other weather phenomena code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: None Reported 1: Well-Developed Dust/Sand Whirls (PO) 2: Squalls (SQ) 3: Funnel Cloud, Tornado, Waterspout(FC) 4: Sandstorm (SS) 5: Duststorm (DS) C: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #4 Combination indicator code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Not part of combined weather elements 2: Beginning element of combined weather elements 3: Combined with previous weather element to form a single weather report Q: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #4 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA WX-A: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) header #5 Length:3 P: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #5 intensity and proximity code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Not Reported 1: Light (-) 2: Moderate or Not Reported (no entry in original observation) 3: Heavy (+) 4: Vicinity (VC) D: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #5 descriptor code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: No Descriptor 1: Shallow (MI) 2: Partial (PR) 3: Patches (BC) 4: Low Drifting (DR) 5: Blowing (BL) 6: Shower(s) (SH) 7: Thunderstorm (TS) 8: Freezing (FZ) PC: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #5 precipitation code (missing) Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: No Precipitation 01: Drizzle (DZ) 02: Rain (RA) 03: Snow (SN) 04: Snow Grains (SG) 05: Ice Crystals (IC) 06: Ice Pellets (PL) 07: Hail (GR) 08: Small Hail and/or Snow Pellets (GS) 09: Unknown Precipitation (UP) O: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #5 obscuration code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: No Obscuration 1: Mist (BR) 2: Fog (FG) 3: Smoke (FU) 4: Volcanic Ash (VA) 5: Widespread Dust (DU) 6: Sand (SA) 7: Haze (HZ) 8: Spray (PY) W: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #5 Other weather phenomena code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: None Reported 1: Well-Developed Dust/Sand Whirls (PO) 2: Squalls (SQ) 3: Funnel Cloud, Tornado, Waterspout(FC) 4: Sandstorm (SS) 5: Duststorm (DS) C: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #5 Combination indicator code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Not part of combined weather elements 2: Beginning element of combined weather elements 3: Combined with previous weather element to form a single weather report Q: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #5 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA WX-A: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) header #6 Length:3 P: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #6 intensity and proximity code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Not Reported 1: Light (-) 2: Moderate or Not Reported (no entry in original observation) 3: Heavy (+) 4: Vicinity (VC) D: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #6 descriptor code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: No Descriptor 1: Shallow (MI) 2: Partial (PR) 3: Patches (BC) 4: Low Drifting (DR) 5: Blowing (BL) 6: Shower(s) (SH) 7: Thunderstorm (TS) 8: Freezing (FZ) PC: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #6 precipitation code (missing) Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: No Precipitation 01: Drizzle (DZ) 02: Rain (RA) 03: Snow (SN) 04: Snow Grains (SG) 05: Ice Crystals (IC) 06: Ice Pellets (PL) 07: Hail (GR) 08: Small Hail and/or Snow Pellets (GS) 09: Unknown Precipitation (UP) O: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #6 obscuration code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: No Obscuration 1: Mist (BR) 2: Fog (FG) 3: Smoke (FU) 4: Volcanic Ash (VA) 5: Widespread Dust (DU) 6: Sand (SA) 7: Haze (HZ) 8: Spray (PY) W: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #6 Other weather phenomena code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: None Reported 1: Well-Developed Dust/Sand Whirls (PO) 2: Squalls (SQ) 3: Funnel Cloud, Tornado, Waterspout(FC) 4: Sandstorm (SS) 5: Duststorm (DS) C: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #6 Combination indicator code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Not part of combined weather elements 2: Beginning element of combined weather elements 3: Combined with previous weather element to form a single weather report Q: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #6 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA WX-A: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) header #7 Length:3 P: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #7 intensity and proximity code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Not Reported 1: Light (-) 2: Moderate or Not Reported (no entry in original observation) 3: Heavy (+) 4: Vicinity (VC) D: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #7 descriptor code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: No Descriptor 1: Shallow (MI) 2: Partial (PR) 3: Patches (BC) 4: Low Drifting (DR) 5: Blowing (BL) 6: Shower(s) (SH) 7: Thunderstorm (TS) 8: Freezing (FZ) PC: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #7 precipitation code (missing) Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: No Precipitation 01: Drizzle (DZ) 02: Rain (RA) 03: Snow (SN) 04: Snow Grains (SG) 05: Ice Crystals (IC) 06: Ice Pellets (PL) 07: Hail (GR) 08: Small Hail and/or Snow Pellets (GS) 09: Unknown Precipitation (UP) O: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #7 obscuration code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: No Obscuration 1: Mist (BR) 2: Fog (FG) 3: Smoke (FU) 4: Volcanic Ash (VA) 5: Widespread Dust (DU) 6: Sand (SA) 7: Haze (HZ) 8: Spray (PY) W: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #7 Other weather phenomena code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: None Reported 1: Well-Developed Dust/Sand Whirls (PO) 2: Squalls (SQ) 3: Funnel Cloud, Tornado, Waterspout(FC) 4: Sandstorm (SS) 5: Duststorm (DS) C: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #7 Combination indicator code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Not part of combined weather elements 2: Beginning element of combined weather elements 3: Combined with previous weather element to form a single weather report Q: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #7 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA WX-A: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) header #8 Length:3 P: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #8 intensity and proximity code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Not Reported 1: Light (-) 2: Moderate or Not Reported (no entry in original observation) 3: Heavy (+) 4: Vicinity (VC) D: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #8 descriptor code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: No Descriptor 1: Shallow (MI) 2: Partial (PR) 3: Patches (BC) 4: Low Drifting (DR) 5: Blowing (BL) 6: Shower(s) (SH) 7: Thunderstorm (TS) 8: Freezing (FZ) PC: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #8 precipitation code (missing) Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: No Precipitation 01: Drizzle (DZ) 02: Rain (RA) 03: Snow (SN) 04: Snow Grains (SG) 05: Ice Crystals (IC) 06: Ice Pellets (PL) 07: Hail (GR) 08: Small Hail and/or Snow Pellets (GS) 09: Unknown Precipitation (UP) O: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #8 obscuration code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: No Obscuration 1: Mist (BR) 2: Fog (FG) 3: Smoke (FU) 4: Volcanic Ash (VA) 5: Widespread Dust (DU) 6: Sand (SA) 7: Haze (HZ) 8: Spray (PY) W: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #8 Other weather phenomena code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: None Reported 1: Well-Developed Dust/Sand Whirls (PO) 2: Squalls (SQ) 3: Funnel Cloud, Tornado, Waterspout(FC) 4: Sandstorm (SS) 5: Duststorm (DS) C: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #8 Combination indicator code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Not part of combined weather elements 2: Beginning element of combined weather elements 3: Combined with previous weather element to form a single weather report Q: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #8 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA WX-A: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) header #9 Length:3 P: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #9 intensity and proximity code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Not Reported 1: Light (-) 2: Moderate or Not Reported (no entry in original observation) 3: Heavy (+) 4: Vicinity (VC) D: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #9 descriptor code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: No Descriptor 1: Shallow (MI) 2: Partial (PR) 3: Patches (BC) 4: Low Drifting (DR) 5: Blowing (BL) 6: Shower(s) (SH) 7: Thunderstorm (TS) 8: Freezing (FZ) PC: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #9 precipitation code (missing) Length:2 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: No Precipitation 01: Drizzle (DZ) 02: Rain (RA) 03: Snow (SN) 04: Snow Grains (SG) 05: Ice Crystals (IC) 06: Ice Pellets (PL) 07: Hail (GR) 08: Small Hail and/or Snow Pellets (GS) 09: Unknown Precipitation (UP) O: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #9 obscuration code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: No Obscuration 1: Mist (BR) 2: Fog (FG) 3: Smoke (FU) 4: Volcanic Ash (VA) 5: Widespread Dust (DU) 6: Sand (SA) 7: Haze (HZ) 8: Spray (PY) W: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #9 Other weather phenomena code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: None Reported 1: Well-Developed Dust/Sand Whirls (PO) 2: Squalls (SQ) 3: Funnel Cloud, Tornado, Waterspout(FC) 4: Sandstorm (SS) 5: Duststorm (DS) C: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #9 Combination indicator code (missing) Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Not part of combined weather elements 2: Beginning element of combined weather elements 3: Combined with previous weather element to form a single weather report Q: Present Weather Observation Automated occurrence (ASOS/AWOS only) #9 quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA WX-A: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION automated header #2 Length:3 WX: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION automated #2 atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of weather reported by an automated device. Length:2 Table of Values: 00: No significant weather observed 01: Clouds generally dissolving or becoming less developed 02: State of sky on the whole unchanged during the past hour 03: Clouds generally forming or developing during the past hour 04: Haze, smoke, or dust in suspension in the air, visibility equal to or greater than 1km 05: Smoke 07: Dust or sand raised by wind at or near the station at the time of observation, but no well-developed dust whirl(s) or sand whirl(s), and no duststorm or sandstorm seen or, in the case of ships, blowing spray at the station 10: Mist 11: Diamond dust 12: Distant lightning 18: Squalls 20: Fog 21: Precipitation 22: Drizzle (not freezing) or snow grains 23: Rain (not freezing) 24: Snow 25: Freezing drizzle or freezing rain 26: Thunderstorm (with or without precipitation) 27: Blowing or drifting snow or sand 28: Blowing or drifting snow or sand, visibility equal to or greater than 1 km 29: Blowing or drifting snow or sand, visibility less than 1 km 30: Fog 31: Fog or ice fog in patches 32: Fog or ice fog, has become thinner during the past hour 33: Fog or ice fog, no appreciable change during the past hour 34: Fog or ice fog, has begun or become thicker during the past hour 35: Fog, depositing rime 40: Precipitation 41: Precipitation, slight or moderate 42: Precipitation, heavy 43: Liquid precipitation, slight or moderate 44: Liquid precipitation, heavy 45: Solid precipitation, slight or moderate 46: Solid precipitation, heavy 47: Freezing precipitation, slight or moderate 48: Freezing precipitation, heavy 50: Drizzle 51: Drizzle, not freezing, slight 52: Drizzle, not freezing, moderate 53: Drizzle, not freezing, heavy 54: Drizzle, freezing, slight 55: Drizzle, freezing, moderate 56: Drizzle, freezing, heavy 57: Drizzle and rain, slight 58: Drizzle and rain, moderate or heavy 60: Rain 61: Rain, not freezing, slight 62: Rain, not freezing, moderate 63: Rain, not freezing, heavy 64: Rain, freezing, slight 65: Rain, freezing, moderate 66: Rain, freezing, heavy 67: Rain or drizzle and snow, slight 68: Rain or drizzle and snow, moderate or heavy 70: Snow 71: Snow, slight 72: Snow, moderate 73: Snow, heavy 74: Ice pellets, slight 75: Ice pellets, moderate 76: Ice pellets, heavy 77: Snow Grains 78: Ice Crystals 80: Showers or intermittent precipitation 81: Rain showers or intermittent rain, slight 82: Rain showers or intermittent rain, moderate 83: Rain showers or intermittent rain, heavy 84: Rain showers or intermittent rain, violent 85: Snow showers or intermittent rain, slight 86: Snow showers or intermittent rain, moderate 87: Snow showers or intermittent rain, heavy 89: Hail 90: Thunderstorm 91: Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with no precipitation 92: Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with rain showers and/or snow showers 93: Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with hail 94: Thunderstorm, heavy, with no precipitation 95: Thunderstorm, heavy, with rain showers and/or snow 96: Thunderstorm, heavy, with hail 99: Tornado Q: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION automated #2 quality automated atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported present weather observation from an automated station. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA WX-A: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION automated header #3 Length:3 WX: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION automated #3 atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of weather reported by an automated device. Length:2 Table of Values: 00: No significant weather observed 01: Clouds generally dissolving or becoming less developed 02: State of sky on the whole unchanged during the past hour 03: Clouds generally forming or developing during the past hour 04: Haze, smoke, or dust in suspension in the air, visibility equal to or greater than 1km 05: Smoke 07: Dust or sand raised by wind at or near the station at the time of observation, but no well-developed dust whirl(s) or sand whirl(s), and no duststorm or sandstorm seen or, in the case of ships, blowing spray at the station 10: Mist 11: Diamond dust 12: Distant lightning 18: Squalls 20: Fog 21: Precipitation 22: Drizzle (not freezing) or snow grains 23: Rain (not freezing) 24: Snow 25: Freezing drizzle or freezing rain 26: Thunderstorm (with or without precipitation) 27: Blowing or drifting snow or sand 28: Blowing or drifting snow or sand, visibility equal to or greater than 1 km 29: Blowing or drifting snow or sand, visibility less than 1 km 30: Fog 31: Fog or ice fog in patches 32: Fog or ice fog, has become thinner during the past hour 33: Fog or ice fog, no appreciable change during the past hour 34: Fog or ice fog, has begun or become thicker during the past hour 35: Fog, depositing rime 40: Precipitation 41: Precipitation, slight or moderate 42: Precipitation, heavy 43: Liquid precipitation, slight or moderate 44: Liquid precipitation, heavy 45: Solid precipitation, slight or moderate 46: Solid precipitation, heavy 47: Freezing precipitation, slight or moderate 48: Freezing precipitation, heavy 50: Drizzle 51: Drizzle, not freezing, slight 52: Drizzle, not freezing, moderate 53: Drizzle, not freezing, heavy 54: Drizzle, freezing, slight 55: Drizzle, freezing, moderate 56: Drizzle, freezing, heavy 57: Drizzle and rain, slight 58: Drizzle and rain, moderate or heavy 60: Rain 61: Rain, not freezing, slight 62: Rain, not freezing, moderate 63: Rain, not freezing, heavy 64: Rain, freezing, slight 65: Rain, freezing, moderate 66: Rain, freezing, heavy 67: Rain or drizzle and snow, slight 68: Rain or drizzle and snow, moderate or heavy 70: Snow 71: Snow, slight 72: Snow, moderate 73: Snow, heavy 74: Ice pellets, slight 75: Ice pellets, moderate 76: Ice pellets, heavy 77: Snow Grains 78: Ice Crystals 80: Showers or intermittent precipitation 81: Rain showers or intermittent rain, slight 82: Rain showers or intermittent rain, moderate 83: Rain showers or intermittent rain, heavy 84: Rain showers or intermittent rain, violent 85: Snow showers or intermittent rain, slight 86: Snow showers or intermittent rain, moderate 87: Snow showers or intermittent rain, heavy 89: Hail 90: Thunderstorm 91: Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with no precipitation 92: Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with rain showers and/or snow showers 93: Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with hail 94: Thunderstorm, heavy, with no precipitation 95: Thunderstorm, heavy, with rain showers and/or snow 96: Thunderstorm, heavy, with hail 99: Tornado Q: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION automated #3 quality automated atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported present weather observation from an automated station. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA WX-A: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION automated header #4 Length:3 WX: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION automated #4 atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a specific type of weather reported by an automated device. Length:2 Table of Values: 00: No significant weather observed 01: Clouds generally dissolving or becoming less developed 02: State of sky on the whole unchanged during the past hour 03: Clouds generally forming or developing during the past hour 04: Haze, smoke, or dust in suspension in the air, visibility equal to or greater than 1km 05: Smoke 07: Dust or sand raised by wind at or near the station at the time of observation, but no well-developed dust whirl(s) or sand whirl(s), and no duststorm or sandstorm seen or, in the case of ships, blowing spray at the station 10: Mist 11: Diamond dust 12: Distant lightning 18: Squalls 20: Fog 21: Precipitation 22: Drizzle (not freezing) or snow grains 23: Rain (not freezing) 24: Snow 25: Freezing drizzle or freezing rain 26: Thunderstorm (with or without precipitation) 27: Blowing or drifting snow or sand 28: Blowing or drifting snow or sand, visibility equal to or greater than 1 km 29: Blowing or drifting snow or sand, visibility less than 1 km 30: Fog 31: Fog or ice fog in patches 32: Fog or ice fog, has become thinner during the past hour 33: Fog or ice fog, no appreciable change during the past hour 34: Fog or ice fog, has begun or become thicker during the past hour 35: Fog, depositing rime 40: Precipitation 41: Precipitation, slight or moderate 42: Precipitation, heavy 43: Liquid precipitation, slight or moderate 44: Liquid precipitation, heavy 45: Solid precipitation, slight or moderate 46: Solid precipitation, heavy 47: Freezing precipitation, slight or moderate 48: Freezing precipitation, heavy 50: Drizzle 51: Drizzle, not freezing, slight 52: Drizzle, not freezing, moderate 53: Drizzle, not freezing, heavy 54: Drizzle, freezing, slight 55: Drizzle, freezing, moderate 56: Drizzle, freezing, heavy 57: Drizzle and rain, slight 58: Drizzle and rain, moderate or heavy 60: Rain 61: Rain, not freezing, slight 62: Rain, not freezing, moderate 63: Rain, not freezing, heavy 64: Rain, freezing, slight 65: Rain, freezing, moderate 66: Rain, freezing, heavy 67: Rain or drizzle and snow, slight 68: Rain or drizzle and snow, moderate or heavy 70: Snow 71: Snow, slight 72: Snow, moderate 73: Snow, heavy 74: Ice pellets, slight 75: Ice pellets, moderate 76: Ice pellets, heavy 77: Snow Grains 78: Ice Crystals 80: Showers or intermittent precipitation 81: Rain showers or intermittent rain, slight 82: Rain showers or intermittent rain, moderate 83: Rain showers or intermittent rain, heavy 84: Rain showers or intermittent rain, violent 85: Snow showers or intermittent rain, slight 86: Snow showers or intermittent rain, moderate 87: Snow showers or intermittent rain, heavy 89: Hail 90: Thunderstorm 91: Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with no precipitation 92: Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with rain showers and/or snow showers 93: Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with hail 94: Thunderstorm, heavy, with no precipitation 95: Thunderstorm, heavy, with rain showers and/or snow 96: Thunderstorm, heavy, with hail 99: Tornado Q: PRESENT-WEATHER-OBSERVATION automated #4 quality automated atmospheric condition code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported present weather observation from an automated station. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA TIMEDIFF: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-TIME-OFFSET header #8 Length:3 ELE: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-TIME-OFFSET #8 COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-ID The element identifier to be offset, based on the identifier as shown in this document. Length:3 Default Value:999 PR: US-COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-ELEMENT-TIME-OFFSET #8 COOPERATIVE-NETWORK-TIME-OFFSET The offset in hours. To obtain the actual observation time of the element parameter indicated, add the value in this field to the date-time value in the "Control Section." Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Hours Default Value:+9999 WB/DEW: AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE header Length:3 PR: AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE period quantity The quantity of time over which temperatures were averaged to determine the AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Hours Default Value:999 C: AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE code The code that denotes an AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-AVERAGE-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE as an average Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: D: Average dew point temperature W: Average wet bulb temperature WB/DP: AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE temperature The average dew point or average wet bulb temperature for a given period, typically for the day or month, derived from other data fields Length:5 Scale:100 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 C: AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE derived code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE temperature Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: D: derived from hourly values Q: AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE temperature quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE temperature Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: passed gross limits check 1: passed all quality control checks 2: suspect 3: erroneous 4: passed gross limits check, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5: passed all quality control checks, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6: suspect, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7: erroneous, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9: missing WB/DEW: AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE header #2 Length:3 PR: AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE #2 AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE period quantity The quantity of time over which temperatures were averaged to determine the AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Hours Default Value:999 C: AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE #2 AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE code The code that denotes an AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-AVERAGE-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE as an average Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: D: Average dew point temperature W: Average wet bulb temperature WB/DP: AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE #2 AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE temperature The average dew point or average wet bulb temperature for a given period, typically for the day or month, derived from other data fields Length:5 Scale:100 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 C: AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE #2 AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE derived code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE temperature Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: D: derived from hourly values Q: AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE #2 AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE temperature quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported AVERAGE-DEW-POINT-AND-WET-BULB-TEMPERATURE temperature Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: passed gross limits check 1: passed all quality control checks 2: suspect 3: erroneous 4: passed gross limits check, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5: passed all quality control checks, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6: suspect, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7: erroneous, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9: missing ASTP: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION (STP/SLP) average station pressure for the day The average pressure at the observation point for the day. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Hectopascals Default Value:99999 Q: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION (STP/SLP) average station pressure quality code The code that denotes the quality status of an average station pressure. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: suspect 3: erroneous 4: passed gross limits check, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5: passed all quality control checks, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6: suspect, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7: erroneous, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS ASLP: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION (STP/SLP) average sea level pressure for the day The average sea level pressure for the day at the observation point. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Hectopascals Default Value:99999 Q: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION (STP/SLP) average sea level pressure for the day quality code The code that denotes the quality status of the minimum sea level pressure for the day. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: passed gross limits check 1: passed all quality control checks 2: suspect 3: erroneous 4: passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: missing PRESSURE: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION (STP/SLP) header #2 Length:3 AVSTP: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION (STP/SLP) #2 average station pressure for the day The average pressure at the observation point for the day. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Hectopascals Default Value:99999 Q: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION (STP/SLP) #2 average station pressure quality code The code that denotes the quality status of an average station pressure. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA MNSLP: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION (STP/SLP) #2 minimum sea level pressure for the day The minimum sea level pressure for the day at the observation point. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Hectopascals Default Value:99999 Q: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION (STP/SLP) #2 minimum sea level pressure for the day quality code The code that denotes the quality status of the minimum sea level pressure for the day. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 4: Passed gross limits check, data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present M: Manual change made to value based on information provided by NWS or FAA AVW: Hourly Wind Section WIND_AVG time period Time period in minutes, for which the data in this section (OB1) pertainseg, 060 = 60 minutes (1 hour). Length:3 Unit:Minutes Default Value:999 AVW: Hourly Wind Section #2 WIND_AVG time period Time period in minutes, for which the data in this section (OB1) pertainseg, 060 = 60 minutes (1 hour). Length:3 Unit:Minutes Default Value:999 RH: RELATIVE-HUMIDITY header Length:3 PR: RELATIVE-HUMIDITY RELATIVE-HUMIDITY period quantity The quantity of time over which relative humidity percentages were averaged to determine the RELATIVE-HUMIDITY Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Hours Default Value:999 C: RELATIVE-HUMIDITY RELATIVE-HUMIDITY code The code that denotes a RELATIVE-HUMIDITY as an average, maximum or minimun. DOM: A specific domain comprised of the characters in the ASCII character set Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: M: Mean relative humidity N: Minimum relative humidity X: Maximum relative humidity RH: RELATIVE-HUMIDITY RELATIVE-HUMIDITY-PERCENTAGE The average maximum or minimum relative humidity for a given period, typically for the day or month, derived from other data fields. Note: Values only take into account hourly observations (not specials or other unscheduled observations). Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Percent Default Value:999 C: RELATIVE-HUMIDITY RELATIVE-HUMIDITY derived code The code that denotes a derived code of the reported RELATIVE-HUMIDITY percentage Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 9: missing D: derived from hourly values Q: RELATIVE-HUMIDITY RELATIVE-HUMIDITY quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported RELATIVE-HUMIDITY percentage Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: passed gross limits check 1: passed all quality control checks 2: suspect 3: erroneous 4: passed gross limits check, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5: passed all quality control checks, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6: suspect, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7: erroneous, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9: missing RH: RELATIVE-HUMIDITY header #2 Length:3 PR: RELATIVE-HUMIDITY #2 RELATIVE-HUMIDITY period quantity The quantity of time over which relative humidity percentages were averaged to determine the RELATIVE-HUMIDITY Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Hours Default Value:999 C: RELATIVE-HUMIDITY #2 RELATIVE-HUMIDITY code The code that denotes a RELATIVE-HUMIDITY as an average, maximum or minimun. DOM: A specific domain comprised of the characters in the ASCII character set Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: M: Mean relative humidity N: Minimum relative humidity X: Maximum relative humidity RH: RELATIVE-HUMIDITY #2 RELATIVE-HUMIDITY-PERCENTAGE The average maximum or minimum relative humidity for a given period, typically for the day or month, derived from other data fields. Note: Values only take into account hourly observations (not specials or other unscheduled observations). Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Percent Default Value:999 C: RELATIVE-HUMIDITY #2 RELATIVE-HUMIDITY derived code The code that denotes a derived code of the reported RELATIVE-HUMIDITY percentage Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 9: missing D: derived from hourly values Q: RELATIVE-HUMIDITY #2 RELATIVE-HUMIDITY quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported RELATIVE-HUMIDITY percentage Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: passed gross limits check 1: passed all quality control checks 2: suspect 3: erroneous 4: passed gross limits check, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5: passed all quality control checks, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6: suspect, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7: erroneous, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9: missing RH: RELATIVE-HUMIDITY header #3 Length:3 PR: RELATIVE-HUMIDITY #3 RELATIVE-HUMIDITY period quantity The quantity of time over which relative humidity percentages were averaged to determine the RELATIVE-HUMIDITY Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Hours Default Value:999 C: RELATIVE-HUMIDITY #3 RELATIVE-HUMIDITY code The code that denotes a RELATIVE-HUMIDITY as an average, maximum or minimun. DOM: A specific domain comprised of the characters in the ASCII character set Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: M: Mean relative humidity N: Minimum relative humidity X: Maximum relative humidity RH: RELATIVE-HUMIDITY #3 RELATIVE-HUMIDITY-PERCENTAGE The average maximum or minimum relative humidity for a given period, typically for the day or month, derived from other data fields. Note: Values only take into account hourly observations (not specials or other unscheduled observations). Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Percent Default Value:999 C: RELATIVE-HUMIDITY #3 RELATIVE-HUMIDITY derived code The code that denotes a derived code of the reported RELATIVE-HUMIDITY percentage Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 9: missing D: derived from hourly values Q: RELATIVE-HUMIDITY #3 RELATIVE-HUMIDITY quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported RELATIVE-HUMIDITY percentage Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: passed gross limits check 1: passed all quality control checks 2: suspect 3: erroneous 4: passed gross limits check, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5: passed all quality control checks, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6: suspect, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7: erroneous, from NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9: missing SKYCON: SKY-CONDITION-OBSERVATION identifier header Length:3 CONVCLD: SKY-CONDITION-OBSERVATION identifier SKY CONDITION OBSERVATION convective cloud attribute The code that denotes the convective cloud type in an observation. Length:7 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: The code that denotes the convective cloud type in an observation. 1: ACSL (Altocumulus Standing Lenticular) 2: ACCAS (Altocumulus Castelanus) 3: TCU (Towering Cumulus) 4: MDT CU (Moderate Cumulus) 5: CB/CB MAM DISTANT (Cumulonimbus or Cumulonimbus Mammatus in the distance) 6: CB/CBMAM (Cumulonimbus or Cumulonimbus Mammatus within 20 nautical miles) 7: Unknown VERTDAT: SKY-CONDITION-OBSERVATION identifier SKY CONDITION OBSERVATION vertical datum attribute new field description Length:7 Default Value:999999 Table of Values: AGL: Above Ground Level ALAT: Approximate lowest astronomical tide AP: Apparent CFB: Crest of first berm CRD: Columbia River datum ESLW: Equatorial Spring low water GCLWD: Gulf Coast low water datum HAT: Highest astronomical tide HHW: Higher high water HTWW: High tide wave wash HW: High water HWFC: High water full and change IND: Indefinite ISLW: Indian Spring low water LAT: Lowest astronomical tide LLW: Lowest low water LNLW: Lowest normal low water LRLW: Lower low water LSD: Land survey datum LW: Low water LWD: Low water datum LWFC: Low water full and charge MHHW: Mean higher high water MHLW: Mean higher low water MHW: Mean high water MHWN: Mean high water neap MHWS: Mean high water spring MLHW: Mean lower high water MLLW: Mean lower low water MLLWS: Mean lower low water springs MLW: Mean low water MLWN: Mean low water neap MLWS: Mean low water spring MSL: Mean sea level MTL: Mean tide level NC: No correction NT: Neap tide ST: Spring tide SWA: Storm wave action TLLW: Tropic lower low water UD: Undetermined UK: Unknown WGS84: WGS84 Ellispoid WGS84G: WGS84 GEOID HGT: SKY-CONDITION-OBSERVATION identifier SKY CONDITION OBSERVATION base height upper range attribute The height relative to a VERTICAL-REFERENCE-DATUM for cloud bases reported in a range or the highest height for a variable cloud height report. The concept of a range is to accommodate the WMO practice of reporting a cloud layer by a range of heights. Length:6 Scale:1 Unit:Meters Default Value:+99999 HGT: SKY-CONDITION-OBSERVATION identifier SKY CONDITION OBSERVATION base height lower range attribute The height relative to a VERTICAL-REFERENCE-DATUM for cloud bases reported in a range or lowest height for a variable cloud height report. The concept of a range is to accommodate the WMO practice of reporting a cloud layer by a range of heights. Length:6 Scale:1 Unit:Meters Default Value:+99999 ID: SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION identifier header Length:3 TYPE: SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION identifier SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION type code The code that denotes a type of SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION Length:4 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Average speed of prevailing wind 2: Mean wind speed 3: Maximum instantaneous wind speed 4: Maximum gust speed 5: Maximum mean wind speed 6: Maximum 1-minute mean wind speed PRD: SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION identifier SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION period quantity The quantity of time over which a SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION occurred Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 DIR: SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION identifier SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION direction quantity The angle, measured in a clockwise direction, between true north and the direction from which the wind is blowing. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Angular Degrees Default Value:999 SPD: SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION identifier SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION speed rate The rate of horizontal speed of air reported in the SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Meters per Second Default Value:9999 Q: SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION identifier SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION speed rate quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported SUPPLEMENTARY-WIND-OBSERVATION speed rate. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous WTRLVL: WATER-LEVEL-OBSERVATION identifier header Length:3 ICE: WATER-LEVEL-OBSERVATION identifier WATER-LEVEL-OBSERVATION ice thickness Thickness of ice on water Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Centimeters Default Value:999 DISC: WATER-LEVEL-OBSERVATION identifier WATER-LEVEL-OBSERVATION discharge rate The rate of water discharge in cubic meters per second. Length:5 Scale:1 Default Value:99999 PIP: WATER-LEVEL-OBSERVATION identifier WATER-LEVEL-OBSERVATION primary ice phenomena The code that denotes the primary type of ice phenomena on a river, lake or reservoir. Length:3 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Water surface free of ice 01: Ice along banks 02: Ice crystals 03: Ice slush 04: Ice flows from tributaries entering near the river, lake or reservoir station 10: Floating slush ice covering approximately 1/3 (up to 30%) of the water surface 11: Floating slush ice covering about half (40% - 60%) of the water surface 12: Floating slush ice covering more than half (70% - 100%) of the water surface 20: Floating ice covering 10% of the water surface 21: Floating ice covering 20% of the water surface 22: Floating ice covering 30% of the water surface 23: Floating ice covering 40% of the water surface 24: Floating ice covering 50% of the water surface 25: Floating ice covering 60% of the water surface 26: Floating ice covering 70% of the water surface 27: Floating ice covering 80% of the water surface 28: Floating ice covering 90% of the water surface 29: Floating ice covering 100% of the water surface 30: Water surface frozen at station, free upstream 31: Water surface frozen at station, free downstream 32: Water surface free at station, free upstream 33: Water surface free at station, free downstream 34: Ice floes near the station, water surface frozen downstream 35: Water surface frozen with breaks 36: Water surface completely frozen over 37: Water surface frozen over with pile-ups 40: Ice melting along the banks 41: Some water on the ice 42: Ice waterlogged 43: Water holes in the ice cover 44: Ice moving 45: Open water in breaks 46: Break up (first day of movement of ice on the entire water surface) 47: Ice broken artificiallyIcePhen 50: Ice jam below the station 51: Ice jam at the station 52: Ice jam above the station 53: Scale and position of jam unchanged 54: Jam has frozen solid in the same place 55: Jam has solidified and expanded upstream 56: Jam has solidified and moved downstream 57: Jam is weakening 58: Jam broken up by explosives or other methods 59: Jam broken 60: Fractured ice 61: Ice piling up againgst the bank 62: Ice carried towards the bank 63: Band of ice less than 100 meters wide fixed to banks 64: Band of ice less than 100 to 500 meters wide fixed to banks 65: Band of ice wider than 500 meters fixed to banks 70: Cracks in the ice, mainly across the line of flow 71: Cracks along the flow line 72: Smooth sheet of ice 73: Ice sheet with pile-ups SIP: WATER-LEVEL-OBSERVATION identifier WATER-LEVEL-OBSERVATION secondary ice phenomena The code that denotes the secondary type of ice phenomena on a river, lake or reservoir. Length:3 Default Value:99 Table of Values: 00: Water surface free of ice 01: Ice along banks 02: Ice crystals 03: Ice slush 04: Ice flows from tributaries entering near the river, lake or reservoir station 10: Floating slush ice covering approximately 1/3 (up to 30%) of the water surface 11: Floating slush ice covering about half (40% - 60%) of the water surface 12: Floating slush ice covering more than half (70% - 100%) of the water surface 20: Floating ice covering 10% of the water surface 21: Floating ice covering 20% of the water surface 22: Floating ice covering 30% of the water surface 23: Floating ice covering 40% of the water surface 24: Floating ice covering 50% of the water surface 25: Floating ice covering 60% of the water surface 26: Floating ice covering 70% of the water surface 27: Floating ice covering 80% of the water surface 28: Floating ice covering 90% of the water surface 29: Floating ice covering 100% of the water surface 30: Water surface frozen at station, free upstream 31: Water surface frozen at station, free downstream 32: Water surface free at station, free upstream 33: Water surface free at station, free downstream 34: Ice floes near the station, water surface frozen downstream 35: Water surface frozen with breaks 36: Water surface completely frozen over 37: Water surface frozen over with pile-ups 40: Ice melting along the banks 41: Some water on the ice 42: Ice waterlogged 43: Water holes in the ice cover 44: Ice moving 45: Open water in breaks 46: Break up (first day of movement of ice on the entire water surface) 47: Ice broken artificially 50: Ice jam below the station 51: Ice jam at the station 52: Ice jam above the station 53: Scale and position of jam unchanged 54: Jam has frozen solid in the same place 55: Jam has solidified and expanded upstream 56: Jam has solidified and moved downstream 57: Jam is weakening 58: Jam broken up by explosives or other methods 59: Jam broken 60: Fractured ice 61: Ice piling up againgst the bank 62: Ice carried towards the bank 63: Band of ice less than 100 meters wide fixed to banks 64: Band of ice less than 100 to 500 meters wide fixed to banks 65: Band of ice wider than 500 meters fixed to banks 70: Cracks in the ice, mainly across the line of flow 71: Cracks along the flow line 72: Smooth sheet of ice 73: Ice sheet with pile-ups STG-HGT: WATER-LEVEL-OBSERVATION identifier WATER-LEVEL-OBSERVATION stage height The height of the stage above zero Length:7 Scale:1 Unit:Centimeters Default Value:+9999 ICE-SLUSH: WATER-LEVEL-OBSERVATION identifier WATER-LEVEL-OBSERVATION under ice slush condition The code that denotes the slush condition under an ice layer Length:9 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: No slush ice 1: Slush ice to approximately 1/3 of depth of the river, lake or reservoir 2: Slush ice from 1/3 to 2/3 of depth of the river, lake or reservoir 3: Slush ice to depth of the river, lake or reservoir greater than 2/3 WTR-LVL: WATER-LEVEL-OBSERVATION identifier WATER-LEVEL-OBSERVATION water level code The code that denotes the state of the water level Length:7 Default Value:9 Table of Values: B: much below normal H: high but not overflowing N: normal O: banks overflowing