Daily Climate Summary for 12 November 2020 UTC South Pole Station, Antarctica Temperature: Average temp... -35.2°C / -31.4°F Maximum temp... -34.1°C / -29.4°F Minimum temp... -38.1°C / -36.6°F Wind: Average wind speed.......... 23.9 mph or 20.8 knots Prevailing wind direction... Grid North Maximum wind speed.......... 40 mph or 35 knots Maximum wind direction...... Grid North Station Pressure: Average pressure... 681.8 mb Highest pressure... 685.1 mb Lowest pressure.... 679.4 mb Physio-altitude: Average physio-alt = 10560 ft/ 3219 m Highest physio-alt = 10651 ft/ 3246 m Lowest physio-alt = 10436 ft/ 3181 m Sky Cover: Average cloud cover (8ths)... 8 Sunshine: Sunset on 23 March 2021 Hours of sunshine..... 7.0 Percent of possible... 29 Visibility: Visibility of 1/4 mile or less: Yes Weather: Blowing Snow **RECORDS** Peak wind gust of 35 kts / 40 mph breaks the previous daily peak wind record of 31 kts / 36 mph set in 2011