Daily Climate Summary for 16 August 2023 UTC South Pole Station, Antarctica Temperature: Average temp... -55.1°C / -67.2°F Maximum temp... -48.5°C / -55.3°F Minimum temp... -62.3°C / -80.1°F Wind: Average wind speed.......... 19.3 mph or 16.8 knots Prevailing wind direction... Grid North Maximum wind speed.......... 45 mph or 39 knots Maximum wind direction...... Grid North Station Pressure: Average pressure... 660.3 mb Highest pressure... 665.7 mb Lowest pressure.... 656.5 mb Physio-altitude: Average physio-alt = 11380 ft/ 3469 m Highest physio-alt = 11527 ft/ 3513 m Lowest physio-alt = 11172 ft/ 3405 m Sky Cover: Average cloud cover (8ths)... 4 Sunshine: Sunrise on 21 September 2023 Hours of sunshine..... 0.0 Percent of possible... 0 Visibility: Visibility of 1/4 mile or less: Yes Weather: Blowing Snow, Mist, Freezing Fog **RECORDS** 16 Aug: Peak wind of 39 knots broke the record of 36 knots previously set in 1966.