McMurdo Ground Station Science Workshop
McMurdo Ground Station Background and History - Ken Jezek
NASA's Ground Network (GN) Space Communications and Data Transport, Bill Watson
USAP Terascan Satellite Data Systems Overview, Kathie Hill
Dan Lubin
Satellite Observed Variability in the Antarctic Sea Ice Cover and an Assessment of Errors, Joey Comiso
Long duration Infrared Observations of Atmospheric Composition over Antarctica, Tom Hawat
Real-time Generation of Winds and Sea Ice Motion from MODIS, Jeff Key
Formation of pancake ice in a wave field, Hayley Shen
Impact Experiments on GMAO Data Assimilation and Forecast Systems with MODIS winds during MOWSAP, Yanqui Zhu
Alexander Braun
MGS Reception/Transmission Test, Matthew Lazzara and Mike Comberiate
Overview of AMPS-Polar MM5 real-time forecasting for Antarctica and plans for the assimilation of EOS data, David Bromwich
Alaska Satellite Facility Support for the McMurdo Ground Station, Don Atwood
Operational Applications of EOS to NPOESS Sensor Data, Art Cayette
The National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System [NPOESS] Program Overview and System Performance, Scott Turek and James Valenti
NPOESS Direct Readout, John Overton
A Geophysical Processing System for Mapping the Ross Sea Ice Conditions using Envisat ASAR Data the U.S. National Ice Center, Towanda Street
The meteorological and remote sensing operations of the British Antarctic Survey, Steve Colwell
Science applications of ARIES data at BAS, Andrew Fleming
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. OPP-0412586, OPP-0088058 and OPP-0126262. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the National Science Foundation.