The 17th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate 4-6 August, 2022 — Madison, WI

The 17th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate
The Pyle Center
Madison, WI, USA
4 August 2022 — 6 August 2022

Thursday August 4, 2022

0900-0905 Conference Logistics
Matthew Lazzara (in-person)
0905-0912 Welcome:
Brad Pierce, Director, Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC), University of Wisconsin-Madison (in-person)
0913-0920 Welcome:
Kevin Mirus, Dean, School of Engineering, Science, and Mathematics, Madison Area Technical College (in-person)
Session 1:
Automatic Weather Station Networks
Jerry Zou
0920-0940 UW-Madison AWS 2021-22 Field Season: A Return to the Ice (Abstract)
David Mikolajczyk (in-person)
0940-1000 Antarctic Peninsula Automatic Weather Station Network 2021-22 - Field Season Review (Abstract)
Mairi Simms (remote)
British Antarctic Survey
1000-1020 2022-2023 Future AWS Plans (Abstract)
Lee Welhouse (in-person)
1020 Virtual Group Photo
1020-1105 Break/Poster Session
1105-1120 In-person Group Photo
1120-1300 Lunch on your own
Discussion 1: Observations
1300-1400 Moderator - Matthew Lazzara
1400-1500 Break/Poster Session
Session 2:
Bella Onsi
1500-1520 An Overview of United States Antarctic Program Meteorological Services(Abstract)
Art Cayette (in-person)
Naval Information Warfare Center, Atlantic
1520-1540 Enhancing NPP Case Study Capabilities(Abstract)
Joey Snarski (remote)
NIWC Polar Programs
1540-1600 Forecasts of Mesoscale Cyclogenetic Events Over the Antarctic Peninsula and its Impact in Maritime Operations (Abstract)
Alvaro Scardilli (in-person)
Naval Hydrographic Service (Argentina)
1600-1620 Estimating Ceiling Height Near the South Pole Using Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Channel 4 Brightness Temperature: A Statistical Approach (Abstract)
Jeff Fournier (remote)
iBiz LTC/NIWC Polar Program
1620-1640 Detection of Atmospheric River by Satellite Cloud Images in the Antarctic (Abstract)
Kazue Suzuki (remote)
Hosei University, Japan
1640 Virtual Group Photo
1640 Dinner on your own
Recommendations and directions will be provided by organizers

Friday August 5, 2022

Session 3:
Karissa Shannon
0900-0920 AMPS Update -- August 2022(Abstract)
Kevin Manning (remote)
National Center for Atmospheric Research
0920-0940 Antarctic Data Impact Experiments with Polar WRF During the YOPP-SH Summer Special Observing Period (Abstract)
David Bromwich (remote)
The Ohio State University
0940-1000 Foehn Warming over the Antarctic Peninsula Amplified by Strong Atmospheric River (Abstract)
Penny Rowe (remote)
NorthWest Research Associates
1000-1020 Antarctic boundary layer and low-level jets during climate change (Abstract)
Guenther Heinemann (remote)
University of Trier
1020-1130 Break/Poster Session
Discussion 2: YOPP-SH TOP Lessons Learned
1300-1400 Moderator - David Bromwich
1400-1500 Break/Poster Session
Session 4:
Mackenzie Dice
1500-1520 The Antarctic Meteorological Research and Data Center – A Data Repository for the Antarctic Meteorological Community (Abstract)
Matthew Lazzara (in-person)
UW-Madison and Madison Area Technical College
1520-1540 An Overview of the YOPP-SH 2022 Winter Special Observing Period (Abstract)
David Bromwich (remote)
The Ohio State University
1540-1600 Polar Technology Community (PTC): A Community for the Advancement of Technology in the Polar Regions (Abstract)
Mark Seefeldt (in-person)
University of Colorado - Boulder
1600-1620 Triangular Perspectives on Sea Ice Change (Abstract)
Hayat Nasirova (remote)
1620-1640 Shock waves associated with the Tonga eruption captured by Japanese AWSs on the Antarctic ice sheet (Abstract)
Naohiko Hirasawa (remote)
National Institute of Polar Research
1620-1640 Close of Workshop - Matthew Lazzara
1640 Dinner on your own

Saturday August 6, 2022

0830-0900 An Overview of the YOPP-SH 2022 Winter Special Observing Period (Abstract)
David Bromwich (remote)
The Ohio State University
0900-0930 Italian contribution to YOPP-SH (Abstract)
Vito Vitale (remote)
0930-1000 Seasonal sea ice prediction in the Southern Ocean: where are we? (Abstract)
Francois Massonnet (recorded)
Université catholique de Louvain
1000-1030 Break
1030-1045 Observations at Syowa Station corresponding to TOPs in winter SOP of YOPP-SH (Abstract)
Naohiko Hirasawa (remote)
National Institute of Polar Research
1045-1105 Extraordinary polar low developments in the southern Pacific Ocean during the 2022 YOPP-SH winer spatial observing period (Abstract)
Jorge Carrasco (remote)
Universidad de Magallanes
1105-1125 The NCAR-Ohio State University Winter YOPP-SH data impact and model evaluation studyKevin Manning (remote)
National Center for Atmospheric Research
1125-1145 Simulating supercooled clouds for Antarctic atmospheric rivers with Polar WRF (Abstract)
Keith M. Hines (remote)
The Ohio State University
1145-1300 Lunch on your own
1300-1400 Discussion: AMRDC as the YOPP-SH Data Repository?
1400-1500 Discussion: Collaborative research projects arising from YOPP-SH Special Observing Period
1500-1530 Break
1530-1630 Discussion: Future of YOPP-SH beyond 2024 based on WMO-WWRP Plans for 2024-2027
1630 Close of Workshop