On the Ice

Visit to Elaine AWS on Friday, 27 Nov

In my haste to update you all on our WAIS status, I neglected to include that we were able to fly Twin Otter to Elaine AWS, on the southern end of the Ross Ice Shelf, on Friday 27 November. We … Continue reading

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Still in McMurdo, for now…

Mark and I remain in McMurdo for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. On Thursday, our flight to WAIS boomeranged! We left McMurdo around 10 am, but when we reached WAIS, the weather was too poor to land. Our plane circled the … Continue reading

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Back to Linda AWS, and WAIS departure update

Earlier this week, on Monday 23 November, Mark and I took a helo “night flight” to Linda AWS to finish up the work we couldn’t get done during our first visit there 9 days prior. The helo schedule has been … Continue reading

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Downtime in McMurdo

This past week has been a quiet one for Mark and I. But when it’s quiet for us, that usually means it’s hectic elsewhere. There has been a storm parked over West Antarctica for the past several days now. A … Continue reading

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Ground blizzard!

Mark and I escaped a close one a couple days ago. On Saturday, 14 November, we flew helo to Linda AWS, a site about 40 miles southeast of McMurdo. We planned to install a new power system, raise the station, … Continue reading

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5 AWS visits

Mark and I have hit a pretty good string of flying since I last updated you all. Since White Island AWS, we have flown to 5 other AWS: Cape Hallet (for the second time), Emilia, Vito, Ferrell and Margaret. Some … Continue reading

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White Island AWS, and a Science Talk

Fourth times a charm. Mark and I visited White Island AWS yesterday, 4 November, to do a station inspection. It was our fourth day of being on the helicopter (helo) schedule to visit the site. (For the record, helo flights … Continue reading

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Cape Hallett AWS

Antarctica is a harsh continent. It’s harshness comes in many forms. Some are obvious: the cold, the wind, the seclusion. Others manifest themselves through seemingly benign circumstances. Mark and I went to Cape Hallett this past Monday, 26 October, to … Continue reading

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