On the Ice

The Improbable Twin Otter flight to Tall Tower! AWS

On Tuesday 28 January Lee, myself, and two riggers (Andrew and Emily) did something that I thought only happened in fairy tales. We took a Twin Otter out to Alexander Tall Tower! AWS. Now, an Otter had already been out … Continue reading

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Helo to Ferrell and Lorne AWS

The busy-ness (ha!) continues. Our days have been filled with work this week, which is always welcome down here. Things can get boring pretty quickly if there isn’t any work to do. I’m squeezing in this blog post so I … Continue reading

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Twin Otter flights to Lettau AWS and Tom AWS

It’s been another busy week as we visited more AWS. On Wednesday 22 January and Thursday 23 January Lee and I flew by Twin Otter fixed wing aicraft to Lettau AWS, on Wednesday, and Tom AWS, on Thursday. Wednesday was … Continue reading

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Helo to Linda AWS

Lee and I knocked off another station on our to-do list when we flew by helo to Linda AWS yesterday, 20 January (I suppose you could consider this part of the helo bonanza). We needed to dig out and remove … Continue reading

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Helo trip to Pegasus! (And Ferrell AWS)

And so continues the helo bonanza. On Thursday 16 January we were planning to helo out to Ferrell AWS to switch the data transmission from Argos to freewave. Of course, all of these flights depend on good weather, and Tuesday … Continue reading

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Cape Bird

On Wednesday 15 January, Lee and I continued our helo bonanza by flying to Cape Bird AWS. Just like Tuesday, the purpose of this trip was to check on the AWS and make sure things looked ok. Before flying to … Continue reading

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Day of Travels

Tuesday 14 January was a traveling day for our group. John and Melissa (along with Ben Jolly, a grad student from the University of Canterbury Christchurch, New Zealand, and Suz, a mountaineer) departed McMurdo for Tall Tower! AWS by snowmobile … Continue reading

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My first penguin!

It’s a good thing I posted my previous blog post when I did, because had I waited until after the snowmobile training that day, the only thing I would have talked about was the penguin we saw….. When John came … Continue reading

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Planes, Train(ing)s, and Snowmobiles.. And Pegasus AWS

Turns out I can’t keep up the blog-a-day pace! The past few days have brought progress, and our first weather delays! Since a common theme with my first two blog posts was the warmth in McMurdo, I will lead this … Continue reading

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McMurdo warmth, Hut Point, and training

Two blog posts in two days! This has to be a record. Not sure if I can keep up this pace… I realized that I wanted, but forgot, to include a picture in my first post, one that shows all … Continue reading

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