

# Notice on the use of Antarctic Meteorological Research Center data sets #
# The Antarctic Meteorological Research Center (AMRC) collects, archives  #
# and provides Antarctic meteorological observational data to the         #
# community and public for research, logistic, and educational activities.#
# The AMRC requests acknowledgement for use of the data in any published  #
# work. See http://amrc.ssec.wisc.edu/acknowledgement.html for details on #
# how to acknowledge AMRC data, displays or information.                  # 
# If the AMRC data are critical to the work, co-authorship may be         #
# appropriate.  Please contact the AMRC in such a case.                   #
#                                                                         #
# AMRC Contact Information:                                               #
# Address: 947 Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences Building           #
#          1225 West Dayton Street                                        #
#          Madison, Wisconsin, USA 53706                                  #
# Telephone: +1 (608) 265-4816                                            #
# Fax: +1 (608) 262-0436                                                  #
# E-mail: amrc@ssec.wisc.edu                                              #
# Web: http://amrc.ssec.wisc.edu/                                         #
# FTP: ftp://amrc.ssec.wisc.edu/                                          #
# McIDAS ADDE:  Group AMRC and ARCHIVE on aws.ssec.wisc.edu               #
# RAMADDA: https://amrc.ssec.wisc.edu/repository/                         #
# Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AMRCAWS                               #
# Twitter: http://twitter.com/antmet                                      #
# YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/AMRCantmet                         #
# Wikipedia:                                                              #
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antarctic_Meteorological_Research_Center   #
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antarctic_Automatic_Weather_Stations_Project
#                                                                         #
# Updated: 29 September 2012                                              #
#                                                                         #

Description of holdings on the general AMRC CD-ROM archive. 

All data is filed with both intuitive naming conventions and convenient directory names. The naming convention of the data is as follows:

Composites (McIDAS AREA format files)

-where BAND is the type of imagery (i.e. InraredWindow, LongwaveInfrared, ShortwaveInfrared, WaterVapor), YYYY is the year (i.e. 2011), Month is the month (i.e. February), DD is the day of the month (i.e. 01, 12, 31), and TT00 is the UTC time where TT is 01-23 (i.e. 0100, 1200, 2300).