# Notice on the use of Antarctic Meteorological Research Center data sets #
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# Updated: 29 September 2012 #
# #
Created by C. Costanza October 2014
Dataset for Data Visulatization of Polar Cyberinfrastructure in Novemeber
2014. All data is May, 2014. This set includes .r .dat .q10 .q1h .q3h AWS
data and both area and netCDF formatted hourly Antarctic infrared composites
Data Formats:
*For all AWS formats 444.0 is missing data*
These files contain 3 hourly AWS data that had been quality controlled using
our interactive IDL programs.The file names for the 3-hourly data are
constructed using the station's ARGOS identifier, the month, and the year.
Column 1 - temperature (C)
Column 2 - pressure (mb)
Column 3 - wind speed (m/s)
Column 4 - wind direction
Column 5 - relative humidity (%)
Column 6 - delta-T (C)
.q10, .q1h, .q3h
These files contain 10 minute, 1 hourly, and 3 hourly AWS data that has been
quality controlled using our interactive IDL programs. The files are labelled
with a three letter code to indicate the station, the year, the month, and
the frequency of the data.
(IIIYYYYMMq10.txt for 10 minute data)
(IIIYYYYMMq1h.txt for 1 hourly data)
(IIIYYYYMMq3h.txt for 3 hourly data)
Column 1 - year
Column 2 - julian day
Column 3 - month
Column 4 - day
Column 5 - ten minute observation time
Column 6 - temperature (C)
Column 7 - pressure (mb)
Column 8 - wind speed (m/s)
Column 9 - wind direction
Column 10- relative humidity (%)
Column 11- delta-T (C)
These files contain 10 minute raw AWS data.The filenames of the data are set up
as follows: the first five digits are the ARGOS ID # of the unit, the next
two are the month, followed by two more digits indicating the year.
Column 1 - julian day
Column 2 - ten minute interval marker
Column 3 - temperature (C)
Column 4 - pressure (mb)
Column 5 - wind speed (m/s)
Column 6 - wind direction
Column 7 - relative humidity (%)
Column 8 - potential temperature (K)
This is unique McIDAS format used to display our satellite images. For more
information visit this webpage:
There are hourly Antarctic infrared composities available in AREA and netCDF