#Notice on the use of Antarctic Meteorological Research Center data sets #
# The Antarctic Meteorological Research Center (AMRC) collects, archives #
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# Updated: 29 September 2012 #
# #
Data complied by Joe Nettesheim Sept 2014.
One directory for each case
Pressure Directories
Files named AMPSpressure_YYYYMMDDTT_fhour.GIF
Note:Preceeding 0's for months, Days and Times less than 10 omitted
because I didn't account for those on the scripts I wrote.
Note: December 2001 case the naming scheme is different
Note:Pressure plotted on the mean sea level surface to get MSLP
Wind Directories
Files named AMPSwindspeed_YYYYMMDDTT_fhour.GIF
Note: Some of the forecast gribs must not have had the u and/or v
componenets since the GRDDISP wasn't able to calculate SPD
Note: Wind speeds were calculated at 10m