Hotel Information
We have reserved rooms at several local hotels which are listed below. We encourage you to reserve rooms at these locations. Rooms will be released by May 8, 2008 for the Doubletree and May 9, 2008 for the InnTowner and Lowell Center. Due to several other events in Madison during this week, hotel space is quite limited.
- The Lowell Center (866) 301-1753
610 Langdon St., one block from conference site
Rates: $81/person for single room, $91/person for double room
Group Name: ANARTIC - Hilton Doubletree Hotel (former Howard Johnson´s) (608) 251-5511
525 W. Johnson St., approximately 6-7 blocks from conference site
Rates: $129/person for single or double Standard
$139 for single or double Deluxe room
Group Name: ACC - Best Western InnTowner (800) 258-8321
2424 University Ave., approximately one and a half miles from conference site
Shuttles are available to conference site daily, as are many buses (including the free university shuttle that runs until 12:30 am) that will take you to/from the conference site or nearby State Street.
Rates: $95/person
Group Code: AMOMFW
To get this rate, you must call the hotel - it is not available online.