On the Ice

West Antarctic Icesheet Station

Lee and I are scheduled to go to WAIS tomorrow morning, we have a few stations to visit in West Antarctica and we will (hopefully) get a chance to fly on twin otters from WAIS camp. I can’t believe I … Continue reading

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Canceled again

Lee and I are scheduled to be canceled for Alexander Tall Tower! tomorrow (again!) and on Wednesday we are scheduled to be canceled to go to WAIS 😉 I think I am almost getting used to it. I listened to … Continue reading

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Not much to report

Unfortunately I do not have a lot of new things to report on. The road to Pegasus (the runway) is really bad right now, so it takes at least two hours to get there. This already eats up four hours … Continue reading

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Lorne is up!

Hello, everyone! My name is Masha Tsukernik and I am a new member of the team. Dave has left the ice before Christmas and I was supposed to get in on the 27th December. It has been unseasonably warm, so … Continue reading

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Staying put/Going to Windless Bight/Leaving the Ice

Since it has been a whole week since my last post, I wish I could say it has been an incredibly eventful one full of station visits. Unfortunately, that hasn’t been the case, as the only station we visited was … Continue reading

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Visit to Ferrell AWS

Yesterday (on Wednesday, 12/12/12) Lee and I made the helo trip to Ferrell to remove instrumentation from Ferrell. The trip was successful, but there were a couple delays along the way. In this post I’ll talk 1) briefly of the … Continue reading

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Installation of AWS on White Island

Yesterday Lee and I, along with 3 riggers, went to White Island to install a weather station. It was everyone’s first time visiting White Island, so that in itself was very cool. It also offered some great views, there was … Continue reading

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Condition 2!

I experienced my first Condition 2 weather down here yesterday, 5 December. Technically, I wasn’t in Condition 2 weather, but I saw it. For those of you who don’t know what “Condition 2” is: we have different conditions to indicate … Continue reading

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More info about skua, and some pix of fog

In my last blog entry, at the end, I threw in a picture of a skua attack. I realize now that some people may not have known what I was talking about, so please allow me to explain. Skua are … Continue reading

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Snow school and other trainings/meetings

Hey all. It’s time for another update. I’ve survived Snow School (aka Happy Camper) and figured I’d tell the tale of it. So I will do that for point 1. As for 2, regarding the other work Lee and I … Continue reading

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